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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15182950 No.15182950 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is this all so lucrative? Where is the revenue coming from? where is the demand which seems infinite coming from?

What the fuck is happening to society? voyeurism is rising like crazy. twitch, Youtubers, instagram, social media in general and even fucking Pornhub. Society is turning into a cucked out world where watching others do shit is the primary way to interact with the world.
This is even worse becase now days literally anyone can become a "content creator". You know, there is no quality control anymore. They can make a living form it fairly easily too. We used to have gatekeepers like publishers and ease of using equipment, which are no longer present.
This shit started with Youtube imo, then Instagram thotts and other attention seeking men, and its now reached the porn world where "amateur" porn is popular, which is basically just anyone with a camera and easy to use video editing software filming themselves all with the same editing style and video style. Now everyone thinks they can be a pornstar. This is going to have some pretty fucked up effects on people really fast imo.

>> No.15183074
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Based and Debord-pilled, the next is the Ted-pill and then the Land-pill.

>> No.15183116

It’s true but what can we do? Turn back the clock and give fire back to Prometheus?

There are a plethora of good and bad effects that technology has brought us and these forms of media are still in their infancy. I have a younger sibling who grew up on social media and YouTube the way I had grown up on video games and goldfish crackers. It definitely is dangerous for unfettered access to be given to younger kids and teens because as you said, the platforms are all becoming mixes of soft-core porn and non-stop memes. It’s up to the millennial and zoomerz to figure out a way to raise the next generation alongside these incredible new technologies without allowing them to be consumed by them and used a data cattle. It’s important to remember that despite the negative effects, these platforms have greatly expanded humanity’s knowledge and have expedited the transfer of information between humans. This is the human cost of progress

>> No.15183142

This is exactly what ive been saying. Kojima was right

>> No.15183193


Combine it with the feminist primary society we live in now and its very fucked catastrophic. Men are reduced to nothing more than Breeding Stock or Food stock to women now.
All the old world restraints on open hypergammy are gone, and women are NOT going to end up happier for it. I predict further rise in women aspiring to social media fame, amateur porn rising and women happily going into it more often, getting fucked up from the experience and then raising the next generation. Men wont barely come into the equation, just breeding stock vs provisioning stock. Open Polyandry.
In some ways its making us revert to prehistoric days, humanity in its rawest unrestrained from, free from social conventions.

>> No.15183199
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Man seeks to own his own space and dominate it. This has become so difficult in the current paradigm that he replaces this experience with a simulation instead.

>> No.15183203


>> No.15183222

we aren't living in the same world then. around me people renounce porn. and giving thots aattention for being pretty

>> No.15183226
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nigga we /hyper reality/ now

>> No.15183255
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Don't work the oil hyper crisis is still on track to put everything back in its place

>> No.15183271

>these platforms have greatly expanded humanity’s knowledge and have expedited the transfer of information between humans.
I would argue against that. that's the ideal, but it's not the reality. we don't get a proper transfer of information, all we are ever exposed to is propaganda. the way most people consume information is by scolling down their twitter and facebook feed. see for yourself how valuable that information is. every article is written with a bias intent on manipulating sentiment in some way. it's trash. social media ruined journalism and the spread of information for educations sake.

>> No.15183291

/pol/ go away. The appropriate /biz/ answer is "how do I cash in" not "hurr durr muh pseudo-Christian puritanism".

>> No.15183300

I agree with this

>> No.15183301

I've noticed on twitter the rise of a traditional subculture of early 20's people into preppy shit and bodybuilding, the thing is they are actually chads not /pol/cel which means they will end up influencing society

>> No.15183316
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Also you act like there is no quality control, but there absolutely is. Recognize that there is a rather visible hand of mega corps guiding exactly the type of content that is allowed to thrive across these platforms. It is doubtful that porn makes much profit and yet it is funded because of the effects it has on consumers. Likewise certain YT content is either ordained or condemned. Our benevolent overlords like to pass this process off as being manipulated by an proprietary algorithm that cannot be seen nor touched by human hands. This is not reality.

>> No.15183348


>> No.15183376

This is another aspect of the current state of affairs that will cause problems but will bring benefits as well.

Ultimately the final word has not been had on changing societal outlooks regarding sex and gender roles. It’s interesting that once again we are witnessing something that has only been occurring for the past century or so and was greatly accelerated by word war I & II. Now we live in a world where women are usually expected to work and make their own way without relying on a man to support them (although obviously there are still many women who don’t desire to work for their own reasons). This is definitely something that will bring more people into the workforce and more potential benefit to human societies in general as we lift the old chains off of the backs of women especially in places like the Middle East and Africa. Whatever your opinion on women or women’s rights, the increase in productivity and potential genius level contributions is important to consider. Outside of that, the sexual revolution has definitely resulted a (as you said) a regression of sorts in sexual relations between men and women with strong men now gaining even more ground in day to day interactions with women. It bears repeating that we do not know what the outcome of this will be in the long term. Will women in the workplace affect productivity negatively? Will lower “ranking” men’s role in society continue to decline? Will lower ranking women’s value continue to decline as ever more insta “models” set the standard for women’s physicality?

We really don’t know yet, but looking at metrics like the kinds of men and women that succeed on Tinder and social media it would seem like this is already happening and is affecting men and women similarly. By raising the standards of performance and image through the roof for both genders.

>> No.15183429

Feminism has been disaster from an economic perspective, they doubled the labour force for like 3 generations while completely decimating demographics effectively ending future economic growth and destroyed the social structure of society

"yeah we're heading for a Japanese style stagnation and depopulation but at least GDP growth was 4% for a couple decades"

>> No.15183470


To quote Inherit the Wind, “Progress is never a bargain, you have to pay for it.”.

The things you say are true. The instrument and social platforms have resulted in a plethora of falsehoods, yellow journalism, and outright sensationalism to be spread like a disease throughout the informational world. It is also true that these platforms have brought us closer together and have moved us in the direction of a more connected human family rather than a less connected one. We cannot have one without the other and my central message is to not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Humans have always been prone to misinformation and lies since our earliest tribal days. After all it is necessary to lie in order communicate at a high level. After all you don’t just tell your mother-in-law she is a raging bitch, you dance around it and at the least don’t say what you think internally.

Tools are only as capable as the hands that wield them, and it will take while for either the ability of the tools or the ability of the hands that wield them to improve. We must grant ourselves that chance.

>> No.15183540

It’s certainly possible that this will result in a major destabilization and potentially cause more harm then good. But it is also just the beginning of a new form of western society that hasn’t been truly realized yet. People as a group usually change gradually and this change in labor practice and gender roles is in its absolute infancy. It really remains to be seen whether birth rates will continue to stagnate or not. It also remains to be seen whether we will find a way to adapt to the new social structures without losing what makes us unique.

I certainly hope we aren’t heading in the wrong direction but I could be wrong. As usual it’s up to us as individuals to love our lives in the way that we would want others to live theirs. So I say if you believe the things you say, have a big traditional family and vote with you life to make the world better as you want to see it, that’s what freedom is all about.

>> No.15183577

>you are now aware zoomers unironically believe amateur porn came to life after instagram trends
is this what it feels like to be old?

>> No.15183900


I think he means that pornhub pay a shit load to them now, and its easy for them to edit it all and make it look nice compared to the amateur porn before which was just low quality mobile and shitty camcorders with no editing etc

>> No.15184071

What is the fascination posting all these flat faced bugs? Start posting white women not 3rd world chopstick eating rice farmers.

>> No.15184101

low test zoomie detected

>> No.15184559

Its a much bigger things now that there are platforms that support it, nice cheap hd cameras, and people know how to video edit
and most importantly its much easier to monetise now with many more people supporting it

>> No.15184560

Who is this babe

>> No.15184878

>This is even worse becase now days literally anyone can become a "content creator"

This is the reason that 99.99% of the content created is pure shit.

>> No.15185431

Vicki Li

>> No.15185655

Good work fren

>> No.15185668

This next fap is for you dawg

>> No.15186375

It's the sign of a good economy. You don't remember all the shitty web models from the 90s on the internet?

>> No.15186505
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>now reached the porn world where "amateur" porn is popular
hold it right there. non-amateur porn is ridiculous. the acting is bad, the story is bad... i don't even want any of that. and if you want some kind of special fetish it usually looks super fake with non-amateur. and the bimbos look plastic.
naw, just give me a guy with his cellphone and a girl. no multiple angles, no production team, no studio lightning, no paper work. then you know the rape is real.

>> No.15186618

i've beaten metal gear 1 and 2 when they were new and i can't remember this dialog at all

>> No.15186729

>t. leftist faggot or woman
You seriously think women are going to increase genius-level contributions? Look up Edward Dutton's recent YouTube video on the subject. There is every reason to believe the increased presence of women in academia and industry will lower the amount of such contributions. For one, they are much less apt to research something perceived as un-PC.

This is on top of the obvious fact that I'm sure you don't deny, which is that there are virtually no female geniuses to begin with, duh. Simple bellcurvonomics

>> No.15187079
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This is the natural end result of a “fully-connected” humanity. God warned against this when he struck down man’s stone tower of babel, but man’s hubris drove him to reconstruct it out of silicon.

>> No.15187089

It is not proven beyond doubt that women would impact academic outcomes negatively or positively.

Much of the argument you reference is based entirely upon incredibly broad stats and studies that aren’t at all universal. Also relevant is that the vast majority of women are still only involved in clerical or supporting positions as opposed to teaching. The participation of women in the academic world is still a small minority out of the whole (sub 25%) and really isn’t significant enough yet to definitively have had the kind of effect you are describing.

There have been geniuses of both genders in the fields of academia and beyond (Marie Curie, Lise Meitner, Barbara Mclintock, etc.). It is certainly possible and maybe even probable that men do have a predisposition towards mathematics and systematizing but it doesn’t discount the prescience of those traits in women. What I am saying is that the net gain of contributions to human knowledge will trump any temporary productivity setbacks in the long term, even if only by increasing the number of participants by so much.

P.S. I did check out the vid you referenced, very interesting, thanks.

>> No.15187104

Imagine how much a government intelligence agency spends on psy-ops to subvert a culture. Now compare that to how much twitch thots make while accomplishing the same thing. It's just a good investment.

>> No.15187137

On the other hand, it's pretty fucking obvious, that had women been liberated earlier, we would have way a way smaller population, and thus way a way smaller pool from which genius could be drawn in general. And standards also won't be set by shitty instagram thots with cancerous personality, but near-perfect virtual characters that aren't used up whores.

>> No.15187163

Good luck starting a large traditional family when women believe such an arrangement to be a facet of patriarchy. The ball is entirely in their court, and they are doing a spectacular job of destroying everything in record time. I've come to accept it, personally. They'll suffer endlessly and never understand why, when the answer has been in front of them this entire time.

My advice, to men, is to generalize that same level of violence and aggression directed against other men to include women too. Men should treat women as they treat other men, and that's part of it. Women wanted it such, I suggest giving it to them.

>> No.15187208

>The participation of women in the academic world is still a small minority out of the whole (sub 25%) and really isn’t significant enough yet
>names three individual female "geniuses" as evidence
okay, you're a woman, never mind, i get it now

>> No.15187238

It's always easy to pick them out. They can't help themselves.

>> No.15187263



>names three individual women
All I mean is that I just don't see the point of this, you can freely search how many people of both genders made academic contributions. Why does it matter anyways? If a women cures cancer I will be happy, if a man cures cancer I will be happy.

>> No.15187323

it's not so much amateur porn coming into existence as much as it is amateur porn becoming an acceptable thing for an otherwise well-off girl to do. People make this shit for fun now, look at GDP

>> No.15187330


Dude whores have been around since the birth of mankind. The internet just changed the game a little bit.

Don't judge. The only reason to do it is your own life is so unsatisfactory that pointing the finger is a means of entertainment. Grow up and be constructive.

>> No.15187345

Based /lit/ poster

>> No.15187630

late capitalist hell and tyranny of images

>> No.15187780

The women meme is for the lowest inetlligence retards there is. Those ones that pride themselves in fucking many women or having relationships with non-pure roastbeef vaginas are the ultimate coping NPCs living an ultimately empty and meaningless life. Oversocialized fuckfaces should look up to geniuses akin to Nikola Tesla. But it's too hard to improve as it requires power of will and self discipline. Instead they look up to low trash because it's the easier way.

>> No.15187818

First I've heard of this. Have you followed up on their positions in q1/q2 2019?

>> No.15188124

There might be a link between mass exposure to primal desires, and weakened self control regarding consumerism. The permanent exposure to crtain things hard codes people into certain behaviours. Very subtle, yet at the same time very in-your-face, manipulation. Most of them don't realize it. Maybe subconsciously, at best. I assume, most people don't take this problem all too serious, many rather embrace it.

>> No.15188357

People always watched tv l movies and shit
The format is now different but the essence is the same