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File: 185 KB, 900x560, USD-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1518067 No.1518067 [Reply] [Original]

Financial watchers have been pointing to this Fall as a rough transition period and expect the USD to offcially be removed as the world reserve currency. In its death a new one world currency is to be introduced and be quite difficult for the common people to acquire, according to a post yesterday by Fritz Springmeier on facebook.
I can't include the actual link, b/c I get spam blocked. :p
Other names to look up are Bix Weir, Dollar Vigilante.
What does this mean?
If you hold any USD or anything heavily tied to it, consider getting out of it. Any money you have in the bank/credit union does not explicitly belong to you. You are a creditor to that organization. Hence, they will siphon off your account according to their whims, as has been documented already occuring in other economically troubled regions. Only keep the amount of funds you're ok with losing in a bank.
Consider Bitcoin, Gold, Silver. Water, food, weapons. Several countries including U.S. have indicated to their peoples to prepare survival for periods without government or commercial services.
I'll stop there, for now. Tired of typing. :p

>> No.1518070

WTF I hate USD now.

>> No.1518072

When did Peter Schiff start shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.1518075

Thanks, ZeroHedge

>> No.1518082



>> No.1518086


Which individuals on this list:


Do you think made that decision?

Also, if you want to know how these people got to be where they are start reading at page 12 in this book:


>> No.1518099


The accountability of "Jews" cannot be denied.

Also, I've currently been doing more reading about Jesuits.


>> No.1518103

You have yet to prove that on this arbitrary date this will even happen, much less who is supposedly doing it.

As for your retarded Jewish conspiracy, I couldn't care less what ethnicity someone is lol. Why should I?

I'm not going to make a conclusion based on non sourced info. Especially ones that require you yo speculate rather than confirm.

>> No.1518120

I'm 100% invested into the US market

Ill be waiting 8 days OP. I'll keep this thread bumped so we can lol at you.

I expect 2200 s&p by Sept 30th.

>> No.1518129
File: 136 KB, 568x2061, IT_S_HERE;_THIS_IS_IT.(21_SEPT_16)_This_is_the..._-_Fritz_Artz_Springmeier_-_2016-09-22_15.46.44.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1518131


Wow! A facebook post! Thanks for the thread, OP.

>> No.1518542

>the USD to offcially be removed as the world reserve currency.


>> No.1518546
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Exactly the opposite until euro cracks. Yuan has not been even floated yet. Dollar looking fabulous atm.

>> No.1518548

Honestly, I wouldn't be too suprised dollar being an acceptable currency in europe soon. It's that bad with euro

>> No.1518551

hedge your dollars with BTC. it has been a proven cycle that BTC goes up when USD is weak

>> No.1518555

>something in our lifetime will defeat the dollar


>> No.1518559
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It will now be replaced by the Vietnamese Dong; the one currency to rule them all.

>> No.1518560
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Hedge dollars with yen and euro with dollars kekeke

>> No.1519833


>> No.1519839
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>> No.1520084


this is dumber then people who were saying that BTC would be the new world currency

>> No.1520103

>removed as the world reserve currency

And replaced by what? The Euro? The Yuan? The Ruble?

Best candidate would be the Euro, which is completely going to shit now, same goes for the Yuan.

>> No.1520130


>> No.1520393

If OP was Schiff, he wouldn't have shilled Bitcoin.

>> No.1521405

So, money will be worthless,
So the government will siphon your worthless money out of bank accounts, because they will be running out of worthless money? If they can print cash, why would they want yours?

Yes, in Greece, etc withdrawals were restricted, accounts were raided, land was seized. But the government wasn't paying it's bills, and neither were it's citizens. Tax evasion was a national pastime for decades.

Also, withdrawing all cash becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If everyone removed money, it would damage the economy, creating the very situation that those people are paranoid about.

I'm gonna invest in bullets and tinfoil.

The logic seems to be 'currency is worthless, it's fiat money, it's not real, so withdraw it all and spend it all on goods, assets, etc'

If the economy is based on currency, which isn't 'real', then the economy isn't real either. So it can't collapse. We saw it in 2009. The numbers didn't add up, so more fiat cash was printed and rules were changed. How can you run out of something
That is created out of thin air? Perception is reality. If the economy relies on confidence, why not just remain confident?

I was hearing this doom-mongering in 2011 and 2012 was supposed to be when it collapsed. Then it was 2015. This shit sure sells books, and is great marketing.

>> No.1521406

>He thinks USD is any less monopoly money than BTC
Top kek, grandpa

>> No.1521417

>Dollar Vigilante.

>> No.1521438

do you what inflation is?

>> No.1522129

yeah if this shit happens i will be truly amazed. but iff it doesnt happen fritz will have lots o egg on his face. I'm leaning towards "doesn't happen".

>> No.1522135
File: 582 KB, 639x495, bedtime story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD is backed by nuclear warheads and the world's most powerful army, bitch. BTC is backed by math dweebs and fairy dust.

>> No.1522137

Can you put me in contact with the blacksmith who made you that beautiful tinfoil hat?

>> No.1522138

Yeah, and I know how to construct a sentence.

If things fall apart, social darwinism takes over.

I'm pretty strongly fit, wiley, and multi-skilled.
I could walk into the woods with nothing and be ok.

Also, I got a list of bitches gonna get raped.
After that, it's looting time.

>> No.1522777

Clif High says web bot predicts no debate, and economic unrest Sept 27th.

non debate debate : destruction of illusion!

>> No.1522781

Probably ripple crypto

>> No.1522955
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>coping nocoiners

>> No.1523178

Dollar Collapse Starts Sept 30 Gold Bull Will Rage David Morgan

>> No.1523204
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>> No.1523277
File: 9 KB, 200x200, Pepe takes aim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he's the one on Youtube who posts the "DOLLAR WILL COLLAPSE 100% ON [SPECIFIC DATE]" videos in which no one says anything like that

>> No.1523366

so many angry denials in the thread if you dont get what they are doing or have not paid attention to what led to this event of switch over to a new currency, your hopeless.

>> No.1523438

What happened to the price? they were 700 bucks last time I looked.

>> No.1524744

is he? i was wondering who that was.

some say the new world currency will be the SDR.

according to fulford, "CIA and Mossad sources are saying the US dollar will continue after September 30th but that the dollar will be divided into a domestic US dollar that will be devalued by 50% and an international dollar that will remain unchanged."


>> No.1524753

>unironic references to both biblical prophecies AND the Illuminati
Two "disregard everything I have to say" signals in one post!

>> No.1524863

hyperinflation tends to do that.

USD is becoming worthless, so obviously things will cost more.

>> No.1524866
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>> No.1524959

well fuck the web bot on the debate not happening.

>> No.1525126

>but iff it doesnt happen fritz will have lots o egg on his face
You'd be amazed at what conspiritards can rationalise away.
There are a few guys at my work who are deep into this shit, and routinely pronounce which date some cataclysmic event will land on; the death of capitalism, the outbreak of a civil war, Formal formation of NWO etc, and never even miss a step when the date comes and goes without a blip.
There's one guy who has been telling me every other week for over five years to get out of the stock market because the biggest economic crash ever is only days away.

>> No.1525149

My parents are genx, and buying gold is impossible to convince them.

Is there a smoother currency conversion/transition that they can store in a "bank"? Should I visit Travellx for AUD/Asian?

>> No.1525177

It appears that our family bank branch deals with foreign exchanges, so I'll see about yuan or yen I guess.

Fuck eurocucks