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15178753 No.15178753 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy it drops
>sell it moons
>wait for correction
>buy it drops more
>sell it moons higher than when originally bought
>wait for correction
>buy it hits new lows
every. single. time. I thought the meme was a joke but this is literally what happens with every single thing i bother with. Is it a fucking curse or a conspiracy?

>> No.15178758

Stop trading you fucking moron. Obviously you're thirteen years old and have no fucking idea what you're doing. Don't even bother with the big boy games. Just keep playing your RPG vidya games and let the adults make money.

>> No.15178759

i know. it doesnt seem statistically possible. but it happens to me every time too. ive been in crypto since 2012, bitcoin has gone up like 500x since then, and you know what? ive only lost money. ever.

>> No.15178769

This gotta be a larp.

>> No.15178783

I'm not trading, I'm simply not trying to ride things all the way to the bottom. Apparently I might as well stop because no matter what I do I get justed regardless

>> No.15178785

> t. newfag
>tells losers to quit. losers which feeds the winners
Yeah, keep up your "winning" trades fag

>> No.15178796

The market has a hypnotic dance that convinces you to really wrong decisions.
Just imagine, why are you buying what you're buying? Why are you selling what you're selling? You're most likely going by gut feeling (with some hopium sprinkled in), which the aforementioned dance manipulates like a marionette

>> No.15178803


I don't trade you dolt. Trading in this market is fucking retarded and is something only socially retarded 16 year olds with 50$ stacks partake in.

>> No.15178837

How do I break away from the justed spell?

>> No.15178865

Just buy BTC for an easy 10x within 2 years

>> No.15178925

what are you doing here you salty boomer
i have x3 my money, keep coping

>> No.15178936

It's because you're not a good trader in a shorter frame of time. Zoom out, buy Bitcoin, sit on it. You'll be fine.

>> No.15178947

Based. No one here is trading with a stack worth 4/5 figures. Bunch of poorfaggots gambling with lunch money.

>> No.15178970


You just have to buy and not sell until you make a profit. It's as simple as that. I'm down about 20%, but it doesn't matter because i haven't sold. Eventually it'll go back up and I'll make money.

>> No.15178978

Welcome to the bog market.

>> No.15179291

and all you had to do was buy btc at literally any point below 10k and hold and you couldnt even do that. no more crypto for you, go outside

>> No.15179839

Should I buy BTC now?

>> No.15179870

This is how the rest of us profit. Continue as you were.

>> No.15179934

You need to research support and trend lines anon. You're gambling, not trading.

>> No.15180004

Then please buy btc
It's fucking up all my alt stacks

>> No.15180034

I've just been liquidated with 50% of my link stack. And I just shorted with 50% of what's left. Surely I won't lose, Anons? Right?

>> No.15180100

I know that when I've been convinced to sell, that's when I buy more.
When I want to buy more, I force myself to sell.
75%ish profit.

>> No.15180139

I wouldn't be surprised if at this point bots are set to manipulate the prices (of some projects) downwards, just to fuck up retail investors and non-insiders.

>> No.15180155

You're buying too late. Buy a floor on an un-mooned coin. If you choose right, it shouldn't drop too low, if it all. For instance, Zuckbucks has 11 ETH up for sale and nobody's buying it. I'd say these people are very retarded ATM, but who knows. I'd buy it if I didn't already have 5% of the supply.

Buy Zuckbucks, hold until 5-10x. Then sell.

>> No.15180560

huh interesting approach

>> No.15181494

play the longer timeframes. its cost prohibitive to paint the tape on longer frames. use this to swing, then DCA. mind you, i do none of this and am a total degenerate.

>> No.15181508

fuck are you talking about bitch?

>> No.15181527

Dollar-cost averaging you dingus

>> No.15181534

good for you BUT you know all that shit goes out the window when your reptile brain takes over

>> No.15181699

Cannot be true