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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15173399 No.15173399 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this trigger /biz/ so much?

>> No.15173425

Because it’s an American Silicon Valley company with real intentions, government and banking connections that is actually being used and is the first crypto to actually partner with a Fortune 500 company (MoneyGram).

This board only likes gutter trash pajeet coins and chink scams.

>> No.15173445

based and rippilled

>> No.15173450

so it's like pa/g/eets with apple kek

>> No.15173503

Reddit's love for a crypto is inversely correlated with biz's hatred for it. Simple really. Also because it's fucking shite and the founders so nothing but dump.

>> No.15173513

How does /biz/ know what's popular on reddit? Do you guys actually browse reddit? LMAO

>> No.15173538

Ripple is the ultimate good goy coin. Imagine buying a bank coin.

>> No.15173573

Actually, that's USD. You know, the thing everyone in crypto really cares about.
You know damn well you get excited every time BTC goes up in USD value, fucking hypocrite brainlet.

>> No.15173616

It’s for cucks, momma’s boys, and Redditors

>> No.15173621

nah you just sound mad lmao

>> No.15173682

It’s a company with over 400 employees and it currently maintains the best functioning cryptocurrency ever created. The most stable and robust system ever devised.

Imagine buying into obscure shitcoins because you think they’ll overthrow the government. Imagine thinking working with the government is a way to lose money.

That’s literally LINK. All you fags talk about is what girl you want to ‘buy’ once you ‘make it’ (cuck, watching chad slap her ass in the meantime wanting to be him), how your parents are forcing you to get a job (momma’s boys) and how you saw things on reddit and got angry (like ex-rebbitors do).

>> No.15173822
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not me, im all in this motherfucker



>> No.15173900


>> No.15174234

Based and Rippled

>> No.15175134

If FI's are going to use it, how the fuck do you think you're going to make money off it? It needs to be -STABLE- for FI's to fucking use it. Why are XRP holders fucking retarded?
Banks aren't going to use a fucking token for transfers if it's prone to pump and dumps from 30 cents to $4 and back again you dumb cunts.

>> No.15175184

>the best functioning cryptocurrency ever created
????????? Gonna need some sources for this claim buddy

>> No.15175211

The shills from reddit come here and spam. I don't use reddit but some people that browse biz and post various idiocies. Vechain, nano and xrp are the three retard-bait crypto.