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File: 19 KB, 286x256, worriedpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15172943 No.15172943 [Reply] [Original]

>sit in my room minding my own business trading crypto
>neighbor constantly yells through the walls and insults me
>like he suddenly yells at the top of his lungs that I'm retarded and shit
>I know its directed at me because he always yells right above my room in the corner
>get mad take a broom and hit the walls telling him to fuck off already
>couple days later encounter him in the elevator
>ask him what the fuck is his problem?
>he doesnt understand what I'm talking about and tells me he wants no trouble
>even apologizes and I realize it wasnt him who was yelling

am I going crazy?
is it possible to treat this?
how much will it cost? anyone knows and can tell me so I know what link needs to be for me to get treatment?

>> No.15172973

you should watch the movie shutter island

>> No.15172981

Your first step is to buy Chainlink on Coinbase. This is the most important. I'll let the other anons explain the rest.

>> No.15173013
File: 46 KB, 550x550, the-man-in-the-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a man living in your walls and he doesn't like you..

>> No.15173017

he was probably calling someone

>> No.15173047

Good to know I'm not the only one with people living in the walls

>> No.15173053

Probably, be me, have AC on all day, hot as fuck in NYC, sometimes I hear music coming out of the AC, can't make out what type of music it is, but if I strain real hard to listen in turns into 90s techno type music I listened to in the past or classic music. Am I losing it /biz/? One crazy night I thought I was hearing voices coming out of the ac, couldn't make out what they were saying, just thought fuck you idiot voices, not going to bother.

>> No.15173088

I already hold chainlink

how to get rid of him?
I didn't hear it since but now I constantly have that feeling that the door opens on its own and I can almost see it moving in the corner of my eye
now I sit facing the door but I constantly have the feel someone is lurking in through the windows
taped black trashbags over it so nobody can look inside
for now its ok but wonder what will happen next

>> No.15173089


>> No.15173110

Pure schozophrenia
Stop smoking weed

>> No.15173116

You already fixed the situation
Don't mind him anymore.

>> No.15173122

looks like you're becoming paranoid.
are you a NEET?
social isolation leads to weird mental effects (paranoia, anxiety, depression, etc).

>> No.15173134

You know you’re fucked when even the walls are calling you a retard. Try getting a privacy screen for your computer so they can’t see your shitty trades happening.

>> No.15173150

I never touched the devils herb

I hope it worked

I am NEET but not isolated

>> No.15173160
File: 122 KB, 407x407, F9F596CC-66DA-42C4-9C9E-C96A9CE75978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a puss. Cocaine will cure you of that.

>> No.15173168

I know it's part of the meme, but buying LINK on CB is actually cheaper than some other exchanges atm and therefore not the worst idea.

>> No.15173180

>how to get rid of him?
You cannot get rid of him. Don't take it personal, his anger is just frustration at being trapped in a wall.
You could leave him a wall-related gift, such as a piece of plaster or a sheet of wallpaper before you go to bed. If it has disappeared the next day, the man has accepted it and he will treat you with more respect.

>> No.15173258

It's your subconscious calling you a fucking moron

>> No.15173302
File: 687 KB, 1770x796, 9389691306014[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a wall-related gift
fuck that noise. Man In Wall only respect one thing, thats FIGHT. Score yourself one of these puppies and hunt that bastard down,room-to-room, till only one of you is left standing. At which point, the ceiling collapsing will cure any final worries you may have had

>> No.15173304

Wow, thanks for caring /biz/ anons, and I call you guys bros too. Thanks a lot.

>> No.15173326

pffft, get there faster with crack, probably after 2 days of hitting the glass devil dick.

>> No.15173330

You would literally need to knock the whole wall down and rebuild it. The man is not only trapped in the wall, he IS the wall.

>> No.15173374

>>even apologizes and I realize it wasnt him who was yelling
Are you sure you're not getting gaslit here? Next time this happens, record it.

>> No.15173388

I'll record the music or voices when they come out of the air conditioner next time.

>> No.15173590

he yelled again and stomped around
I was not fast enough to record him
I yelled back and hit the wall with the broom
said I'm gonna call the cops on his ass

should I run up and knock on his door and ask?

>> No.15173609

>another schizophrenic
What a shock.

>> No.15173877

whats his problem?