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File: 223 KB, 640x520, 6gUbcKN7Uxenq7kEqg61BYNxB1V4vCMxgkGwnLw8TZaGBv1S8QK2bCHtMiPED2EMDV7BnW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15171153 No.15171153 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of seeing nothing but seas of red. Please recommend me some HODL coins.

>> No.15171171
File: 57 KB, 1200x628, FEB5123D-1CD8-4A0E-BDFE-4E412C3C22B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy COTI now, sit back and relax.

>> No.15171189
File: 174 KB, 591x633, 65E10FA5-14E5-4D5D-9DF9-96FE36EA2A07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy unreleased tokens on xFutures.
They want to promote the platform so MM is pumping the shit out of it. Last event was Akro and did 7x. Next event is next week I think.

>> No.15171190


>> No.15171195

...btc you fucking retard. just buy bitcoin and do a 10-20x over the next 18 months.

>> No.15171212

Theres only 1 coin to hodl

>> No.15171216

buy btc and forget about it for a year or two.

>> No.15171307

BNB did well after jan 2018 compared to everything else and now IEO pajeets have to hold longer term, decreasing sell offs. lending and staking will help when they're launched too

>> No.15171450

rsr, btc

>> No.15171467

Perfect time to get into NOIA before the staking begins bruv

>> No.15171470

ripple unironically, it only goes updown %1

>> No.15171481


>> No.15171740
File: 452 KB, 1431x899, A34481E0-CE8E-4DA7-BED1-A7221CCFB4B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He unironically did not buy MITx what a fucking pleb. Go back to flipping burgers waggie

>> No.15171766
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Skycoin (SKY)
>financial freedom awaits

>> No.15171867
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>> No.15171875

RSR is the only one I can think of. it's only crash resistant because it's worthless right now

>> No.15171894

I know it's hard to hear
But now is when you should be buying
You already know and have the coins, from your research.
Do not fomo into BTC unless you enjoy buying at ATH and what comes after.

>> No.15171998
File: 56 KB, 430x240, 53EAC019-1BF4-4A55-8F92-4430E0CC6B30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you understand? It's right in front of your eyes OP so fucking easy and you still can't see it. You are retard, homosexual and disabled person Hitler tried to gas. These kikes from Israel build a stable coin platform on top of their payment infrastructure. It's PayPal but it fucking works. If you're not buying this you deserve to be the low level poorfag you're right now.

>> No.15172010
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>> No.15172050
File: 66 KB, 683x592, Screen Shot 2019-08-08 at 3.15.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks bullish to you? Fuck you anon. fuck your mother too scammer

>> No.15172054


>> No.15172071
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>> No.15172188
File: 383 KB, 1125x633, 8D03E721-C922-4BC5-8190-44C192E85AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to HODL anything if you can flip futures like those are IEO’s. Last future was Akropolis which did 7x. Next one is Polkadot which is even more hyped up than that shit project called Akropolis. The next future on xFutures is going to be 20x min

>> No.15172208


>> No.15172287

BNB. Open its monthly chart, look at how it performed over the year, compare with any other coin.

>> No.15172326

Telecoin is one the best IEO that one can HODL. I am holding some expecting huge returns.

>> No.15172354

So after polkadot one will come that will do 20x according to you? How does it work? Like an ieo?

>> No.15172359

Btc would not multiply much where as IEOs like Telecoin would multiply the money morethan 10 times.

>> No.15172890

fuck off pajeet take ur shit back to where you belong

>> No.15173427
File: 65 KB, 1024x426, 376B94EF-B0C9-4969-9478-0104676ECDF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy 10x gain in 2 months.
Pic related