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File: 3.82 MB, 1000x1000, Chainlink3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15169003 No.15169003 [Reply] [Original]

OkI’m going to explain this to you in a hypothetical. Let’s just say you bought a stack of 50k at 20 cents, which frankly many biz bros have or at least half that.

You paid $10k. That is peanuts, really. Plenty of middle class people have $10k in a single investment such as a stock.

Now your $10k is worth almost $115k.

You know who has $115k in a single investment? Millionaires and degenerate gamblers who are about to lose everything.

Now let’s consider this. This isn’t Apple or Microsoft or fucking McDonalds. NOBODY KNOWS what ChainLink is. Most people still don’t understand there is more than one cryptocurrency at all (Bitcoin). This is so far under the fucking radar, you are so fucking early, and you have a millionaire sized investment in an asset that is going to explode.

You have 50K LINK? I guaran-fucking-tee you will be a multi millionaire within the next 3 years.

Everyone here is early. Everyone here has way more LINK than any middle class jabroni can already even afford. Everyone here has the opportunity to escape wage cuckery forever simply by holding this ridiculous meme token. Just fucking WAIT until shit actually takes off. You haven’t seen anything yet.

>> No.15169011


>> No.15169044

I have 536 links. Late linker should have almost 1k by the end of August. And almost 2k by the end of September

>> No.15169051

Yeah but you got any breadcrumbs?

>> No.15169059


>> No.15169060
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<Pic Related

>> No.15169062
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>> No.15169063

Don't care not buying

>> No.15169066

I'm salty as fuck I bought during the peak of 2017 and only got 22k links. I'm poor and can't put in any more. I know I should be greatful, but god damnit I could had so much more. I knew about link before a lot of people who went all in at $ .20

>> No.15169080

you had one month (1).... go shill your scam somewhere else

>> No.15169086

>Just wait until this shit takes off

Yeah and lands in the garbage bin, where it rightfully belongs. Fuck your shitcoin.

>> No.15169095

In term of adaption and once normies start buying it could easily go to 100-150. So what if I didn't get in at 20c

>> No.15169130

I think those types of posters are mentally ill or have no link at all very weird posting from them

>> No.15169136
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Nulinkers are hilariously delusional. Holy shit you guys bought it all up, I cant fucking believe how gullible the lot of you are. Wow.

>> No.15169145

Why did you stop buying after the peak of 2017? I also bought my first stack (which size wasn't too shabby desu) during it but in the end I still managed to dca to below $0.30

>> No.15169162


pajeetpost is pajeet post obvious shit

>> No.15169167

You haveade me see the light. I'm selling my links now. Or you could just dialate. Why the fuck would I sell before the pump?

>> No.15169174


>> No.15169185

I wish I’d bought so so so much more. What the actual fuck was I thinking? I’d missed bitcoin and ethereum and knew Chainlink would be big but I stopped buying once I hit 50k because I was scared.

>> No.15169216

Are you retarded? 50k easily puts you in the top 900. Only. 900. Wallets. Holding. More. LINK. Than. You.

Learn to be thankful, you are desperately going to need the skill with your newfound wealth

>> No.15169259

if dubs I buy more Link

>> No.15169261
File: 77 KB, 720x960, lyl2i65wopd31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't let this anon fool you retards into buying a token he says will be a millionaire minter based on the fact that it's 'under the radar'

if you really ever wanna buy a coin/token, do all the research on how far the project has gone, where it's going, the supply, and everything about the team that you can before you put money you can't afford to lose into them.

in chainlink's case, the team owns 65% of the total supply (of which they've been dumping a bunch of with no transparency as to why) which is what ripple has been doing for a while now as well. his other reason is that it's under the radar, it's not. it's on coinbase lite.

just remember to dyor and don't actually buy off of posts like this. well that's my good deed for the day, time to fuck off.

>> No.15169284

How do I view all the link wallets?

>> No.15169285
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And that's where I started reading.

>> No.15169286

copy pasta

>> No.15169290

Still. I never want to have to answer to anyone else in life ever again. Plus, who said I’m ungrateful? I worship Sergey and the team.

>> No.15169305

can't remember if that allows you to view all or just the top 1000

>> No.15169308

I did keep buying, but as you know we dumped pretty much all 2018. At the lowest point in the valley I was pretty black pilled and didn't invest more as I should have. My life savings went in at the peak and I had little income to keep buying more. I'm still gonna make it I guess, but I'm getting anxious for some real movement after almost two years. Once we hit $10 I will relax I think.

>> No.15169322


>> No.15169329

What’s the story behind this

>> No.15169353

In next 3 years the Rothschild will no longer exist

>> No.15169355

I think when I looked last year you could have gotten into the top 1000 with something like 25k link, no?
whales be accumulating

>> No.15169373

Even with LINK taking off with a $500billion market cap why would any neurotypical average joe care about a backend blockchain middleware.
Even when they hear about it how these couple nerds got hilariously rich from it, they are smart enough to know their personal limitations and not messing with it because they assume everything is priced in already. Which actually could be partially true. Some future boomer (now zoomer) will maybe park his savings in one of the hundred B2C LINK staking pool services for 6%

>> No.15169388

Should I leverage 4x long on LINK on fulcrum.trade?

>> No.15169415
File: 232 KB, 1936x1936, D69AEB07-AEAA-49AE-BAFF-11681ACD090A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have over 70k LINK. I’m also around $100k in debt. I also have a child on the way. So it’s quite an interesting situation for me.

The problem is I’m going to keep on sinking deeper into debt because I refuse to sell for less than $30 per LINK.

If ever you feel stressed out, remember my situation and sleep easy.

Pic to prove I’m not larping.

>> No.15169439

Cause they're gonna see BTC blast off to $100k and want a piece of the pie. They will find all the shill posts and memes we've created over the last 2 years and FOMO fucking hard. All the shitty crypto projects are taking their last breaths, and LINK stands head and shoulders above anything else in this space. The choice will be easy.

>> No.15169441

>selling before 1000

>> No.15169449

Sergey dumping 700K link by the way.
Pumping and Dumping by the way.
Price plummeting from $4.50 to $2 by the way.

I'll stick to Bitcoin thank you very much.

>> No.15169456

I’d only sell enough to pay off my debt which at $30 would be a tiny fraction of my stack.

>> No.15169461

>I have 70k LINK.. you people with <10k link should count your blessings

>> No.15169463

long. it will fake breakout out of the downward LINKUSD channel. also too oversold. take profits after 20%-35% because it will go back to $1.40 atleast

>> No.15169532


There's tons of idiots invested in LINK. I have an IQ ~110. LINK has been chewed up and digested more thoroughly by twitter than any other crypto project.

>> No.15169538

i recently sold 25/37k stack for swinging
I already made back 20k LINK and 3 btc
just moved all my eth back into LINK
holding is a meme, but I am 2016 veteran

biggest protip is hold bitcoin, the king always leads the way

>> No.15169550

You’re exactly right. I have 50k and bought at 25cents. I should have so so so much more but whatever. Just need Chainlink to hit $50 and ill be fucking done. Will this ever happen, no clue. I believe it less now than I did last year which is crazy but if I knew we’d have google oracle and all these partnerships I would have expected to be at $20 by now but we ain’t.

>> No.15169577

Pretty much the reason why we wont be seeing higher double or triple digits anytime soon. Its over.

>> No.15169644

5K link. Depressed AF.

>> No.15169668

2500 linklet here. It's better than nothing.

>> No.15169670

>degenerate gambler
How can one man be so close and still miss the truth ?

>> No.15169686
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Pic related

>> No.15169693

you have about $145K in LINK.

If you take 100,000 and put it into dividend stocks that yield 3.5%, you'll be generating $3,500 every year (and the good dividend stocks grow their dividend by 6-15% annually). You could take that dividend income to help pay off your debt over the years while also increasing your yield on cost. then begin reinvesting the dividends

>> No.15169827

you are talking about unsustainable parabolic growth due to mainstream mania - ie. gold rush fever. this applies to all ALTS and dont specifically to link. i am thinking in 5-15 years of price establishing

>> No.15169856

I was saying the anon you were responding to was mentally I'll not you fren

>> No.15169866

I can't believe this, you guys are absolutely priced out forever.

>> No.15169871


110 IQ big Boy

>> No.15169888
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>> No.15169917
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I only have around 1600 links. Will I be able to live above average comfy life if I hold for long enough or am I'm fucked?

>> No.15169965

Who's that dude?

>> No.15170001

People who say link will get to be any higher than a few dollars literally cannot do maths. There is 1 billion total, and around one third in circulation.
Even even if it had 100% dominance, the total of all crypto currencies market cap does not equal the mcap LINK needs to meet this apparent '1000k eoy'
Furthermore, you gotta sell to make it. As soon as this gets to beyond more than a few dollars, the handful that sell first will be the minority that make it. Ironically it will be the light bagholders that sell theirs off first. Greedy stinkies with heavy bags will be stuck in retard land waiting for a quad figures that will never come.

>> No.15170034

Ignoring shit tons of link being used for staking, lowering the supply. Link can absolutely skyrocket.

>> No.15170036

If you have been in crypto for longer, you know that this scene makes no fucking sense. Link is easily the most credible alt along with Eth. But majority of crypto "investors" don't give a fuck about FA, they just follow the herd.

That said, the pieces are still falling into place. We have the smaller users, we have the big companies showing clear interest. At some point, inevitably, we will have working nodes with staking rewards and companies such as Google actually paying those rewards. Tokens locked in nodes and nodepools is no meme either. Everyone holding over 50k will want those rewards.

When that day comes, do you really think the price will be anywhere near single digits?

>> No.15170052

I'm 19 so I can't buy more LINK since I have no fucking money left. Only thing I have is 20k LINK which is nowhere near enough to make it. Never selling though since I like the memes, but seriously I'm just now beginning to understand I can't rely on LINK to even give me $100k in the next 3 years. I'm just gonna hold it safely and semi forget about it.

>> No.15170059

4k reporting in
not selling until $100-$150

>> No.15170098

we all are going to make it

>> No.15170123
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fuck meant *are all

>> No.15170136

What if I only have 100 Links bought between$2-2.80?

>> No.15170154

>Only thing I have is 20k LINK which is nowhere near enough to make it.

>20k link
>not enough to make it

you're fucking deluded

>> No.15170184

Schütze checking in from Volgastrand. 17 LINKY safe. I only need $17,000 to make it

>> No.15170196

>dopamine running low
>fucking wagies kek
>guise we're all going to make it
>dopamine hits don't last as much as they did before

>> No.15170225


>> No.15170242

Buy more, dummy
Still gradually adding to my 6750 stack

>> No.15170316

more than my 417

>> No.15170325

you forgot the global derivatives market

>> No.15170393

lm fnk

>> No.15170399

No you are fucking deluded with your 1k eoy memes and giving false hope with your discord shill group. LINK will not go over $5 for at least a year. I know you are a fucking whale with your 200k LINK stack swinging it on the pumps and dumps. I don't how to do that. I just keep holding it like a fucking retard.

>> No.15170413

i feel you im the same way. i only have 18k links
but could have had at least 50k.

i had 25k links but sold 1k at 1.00 then 1k at 2.00 1k at 3.00 1k at 4.00

so i basically took out my initial. swung traded now i only have 18k links. i feel like a fucking loser. i work minimum wage and im 30 years old

i realize we have a very slim slim chance of making it.

i feel so bad for the people with only 500 links or less, they dont even have a chance. but i respect them so much for accumulating at these prices

>> No.15170418

I just sold 500 LINK to splurge on clothing how does it feel to know I spent your entire network in a day

>> No.15170428

>Buying stock
>muah dividends
>passive income boyo next generation will pay
Boomers, I swear you deserve all to get the rope, no exceptions

>> No.15170434

just try to get your 1k suicide stack bud.

thats all i can say.

>> No.15170484


>> No.15170558

I only have 5k. How many quality brappers will I be able to buy with that?

>> No.15170580


The absolute state of boomers

>> No.15170807

Nigga ur 19 and u got six figures net worth ur already in the 99th percentile for your age bracket just hold and chill the fuck out retard

>> No.15170941

>20k LINK
>6 figures
It's not even high 5 figures. It's just $47k. That's like 37k euro bucks. Apartments cost 160k+ at least where I live. Nice cars are 50k+. Only way I'm ever going to make it is with a startup. I suggest all other anons finding ideas and creating startups as well to actually make any money. Trick is to find an idea that can scale easily and fast. I luckily found one, even created the app, but now I need to contact one of 5 companies and get them to integrate it.

>> No.15170948 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 250x206, 43f34363116f4dde2109bfd4592855f2f752abd99f41e826dd010d699042eb04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you went all in at 30c but are a poorfag

I'm even a 186er, but could only afford one share. 20k link just isn't enough. That pasta about "not nearly enough to make it" is the truth.

>> No.15171012

How come mine isn't on there?

>> No.15171053

>IQ ~110
Why ~ anon? Don't tell me that this is your own estimation?

>> No.15171090

If the first thing you do when you make it is buy a super nice car, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.15171130
File: 183 KB, 750x1334, 7C97E1B8-A851-49D3-BE65-70C6721C080D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody knows what ChainLink is
One sec please let me get my book
>shows you the gift I got in 2016 at the WEF talking about the fourth industrial revolution

>> No.15171268
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>> No.15171282

Should I take out another $3k on a loan to buy more LINK?

>> No.15171294

Ofcourse lmao what are you waiting for? This is the holy grail

>> No.15171315

> Be invested in speculative asset that gained 1400%.
> Just go for 'safe boomer stocks' 3.5% really gud.
> Global recession possibly incoming.

You sound like my aunt.

>> No.15171345

>blowing money on expensive flexes that mean nothing


>> No.15171368

I only have 1500 Im not making it

>> No.15171390

i sound like a guy who's got a basically guaranteed easy retirement already in stocks and a decent amount in crypto.

don't want to hedge your bets? fine. don't come crying to my dick when I'm making $100K per year in passive income while you're wage slaving for the next 1000x coin

>> No.15171407

That's what making it is about. Assuming the car is at maximum 5% of your net worth(leasing it might even be better). You "live frugally til I die and ride my shitbox" people are retarded.

>> No.15171424

Holy shit youre a post mainnet buyer too so not like youre sitting on at least x5 gains like 2018 buyers. It will work out and you will definitely make it but thats a tough spot to be in the now

>> No.15171427

are you me?

>> No.15171540

You people trying to make it so you can spend it all on frivolous bullshit just don’t make any sense to me

>> No.15171567

Looks like Boomer mentality has been injected in some poor retards. Please keep eating avocados and don't move too much, your meat will become valuable some day. You might not profit, but somebody stronger than you can make his genes survive through your protein

>> No.15171584


>> No.15171605

Did Sallie Mae just tell you that your credit score was good enough to let you borrow an additional three thousand?

>> No.15171625

maybe.... old friend.

>> No.15171682

t. Bright-eyed zoomer headed for college
7k LINKlet finna gonna use these student loans to bump myself to 8.5k

>> No.15171799

Kys summerfag

>> No.15172002


>> No.15172060
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