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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1516585 No.1516585 [Reply] [Original]

>Manage/own company in animal feed ingredient warehousing/manufacturing/trading industry
>Worked my way up from bottom
>Masters degree in management and dual undergrad degree
>graduated at top of class
>In charge of all operations of company
>Sell to outside investor
>Start looking for jobs thinking it will be easy for somebody with my qualifications and experience
>6 months later, still looking for position

Hating my life right now, tbqhwy. Can't even get entry-level work. How the fuck is this possible? Can't even get interviews office manager/admin positions.

>> No.1516599
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Dude did you ever try and work with a recruiter/headhunter like I told you last time?

>> No.1516609


>> No.1516625

How much did you cash out for?

>> No.1516637

Well first off it would probably help if you were active in your own thread

>> No.1516710


I had 100k worth of equity in the company. Small share, but at least it is something.


Yes, I posted this earlier.


Yep. Tried a couple. Most seem pretty awful.

>> No.1516790

Care to elaborate at all on your situation whatsoever? I know you're depressed man but show a little effort. Every couple days you make the same thread cant find work blah blah blah. Dude. My brother in highschool could find work. You've got a lot of advice already, put it to use instead of looking for sympathy/bragging on a mongolian goat trading message board.

>> No.1516853


I've applied to just about every reputable place in town from customer service to management. Over 250 applications sent out so far. Not a single interview. Tried speaking directly with hiring managers, tried career fairs, tried online applications, tried personal connections, etc.

>> No.1516882

How confident do you feel in your resume and cover letters? I would make sure those are as good as you can make them, I'm not sure what else would stop you from at least getting an interview.

>> No.1516889

>quitting a job without having another one lined up

How'd you make it this far being that much of a fucking idiot, OP?

>> No.1516897

OP, is that photoshopped? I don't remember that episode of Seinfeld?

>> No.1516903

>250 applications

Bull. Shit. Post your abysmal resume if you're having such bad luck, because there are jobs requiring little more than a warm body that you could be doing right now.

>> No.1516915
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>> No.1516928


I didn't quit. The business was sold. The process took only a week or so, so there was no time.

>> No.1516932

yeah, you're grossly overqualified for 99% of jobs.

the sorts of jobs you'd be right for probably don't get advertised in the help-wanted pages.

You'll likely need to travel to find work you're suited for, those kinds of things don't open up that often. Even then unless you're looking to run another pet food warehouse there's probably other better qualified applicants out there for whatever administrative position you want to fill.

>> No.1516934


>> No.1516947
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found out why no one will hire you in the eyes of CEO's
enjoy collecting your ebt :^)

>> No.1516952


This is the problem I'm running into. If I apply for low or mid-level jobs, they tell me I'm vastly overqualified. If I apply for higher-level jobs, they want skills and experience that only somebody who had previously worked at that particular company would have. I'm stuck.

>> No.1516964
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sample cover letter

>> No.1516971

>a proven self-starter with a strong work ethic and drive to succeed.
kek'd at this.
I'm a business owner as well. You won't meet a lazier fellow than me. The amount of involvement in the business varies considerably from one to another. I'd guess a significant fraction of owners never set foot in their shop.

The other problem I spot is your annual revenue makes you a small business, or if not you're just barely over the limit. This is an awkward size. It's maybe equivalent to store manager at a fast food joint or site supervisor in government. Not exactly huge numbers despite the very broad scope of experience you obtained.

>> No.1516975


>I'd guess a significant fraction of owners never set foot in their shop.

I managed and operated every part of the business. I wasn't just a passive owner. I did all the grunt work.

> It's maybe equivalent to store manager at a fast food joint

Our revenue was approximately 3x the average annual revenue of a McDonald's franchise. That isn't an insignificant amount for a small operation.

>> No.1516978

>the very broad scope of experience you obtained.
to add to that I kinda wonder if this isn't a problem as well.

I mean, when you're running a small business you learn how to do everything but you're not really a professional at any of it. Like I'm really good at sales, I close millions in sales every year for my company. But I'm not a professional salesman and never will be. Same with payroll or HR or whatever. Sure, I've done it a little and I have a working knowledge of it, but I'm not great at any of it. There's other people out there that do nothing but and they're way more qualified than I am.

I wonder some if it'd be better for you to just list the relevant experience to the specific position you're applying for and gloss over or ignore any other experience you have in other areas. Just to make it look like you focused on the particular skills needed for the job you're applying for.

>> No.1516980

>That isn't an insignificant amount for a small operation.
perhaps, but are you applying at small operations?

>> No.1516985

>I managed and operated every part of the business.
yes, but the reader may or may not take that away from your verbiage. Being a business owner is by no means evidence of your strong work ethic.

>> No.1516997

Should I just remove owner from my resume and leave it as president?

>> No.1517005

Personally I'd change it to Owner-Operator. In the US at least that implies greater involvement in day-to-day operations.

>> No.1517027


Cameo from an episode of the 90's-early 2000's hit sitcom: "Friends"

>> No.1517184

nigga what country are you living in?

>> No.1517678


>> No.1517839


>> No.1517854


>Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Cum Laude
>cum lord

Maybe no one wanted to hire a high-ranking semen demon queer.

>> No.1517981

Cannot stop laughing

>collection your ebt.

Holy fuck anon. Fucking rekt. Good luck tho op.

>> No.1518010
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You're in this really shitty situation where you are over qualified with a masters and dual undergrad degree to get entry level work but under-qualified for higher level kind of work because employers only want specialized experienced/educated employees in more related industries. It doesn't surprise me though, the MBA is an over-saturated degree. Also, a lot of employers don't put much faith into entrepreneurs or business owners, being an entrepreneur never got me a job, but having an internship doing basic bookkeeping and light AR/AP duties did, go figure.

>> No.1518014

You are qualified for logistics work.

Start applying to gigantic corporations like Wal-Mart, Target and Costco on their Supply-Chain side and you will get a job.

Are you paying for cover writing services? Having one cover writer working for you would not hurt as I can very easily assume that you are not putting either the full amount of effort or are putting too much effort into your writing.

>> No.1518016

That term has different implications in different industries.

>> No.1518032



No, I'm not.

>collection your ebt.

EBT? I'm not on welfare.


I write my own cover letters. Write a unique one for most positions that I apply to.

>> No.1518297

Pay the money for a cover writer.

250 applications isn't enough.

You should be putting out at least 30-40 a day if you want a job.

>> No.1518461


30-40 apps a day seems pretty ambitions. Takes a while just to find open positions that fit and then fill in the application. How would one do 40 a day?

>> No.1518472

Start a business you idiot. With your background and a solid business plan you will easily get funding.

Sometimes in life you have to forge your own path.