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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15164929 No.15164929 [Reply] [Original]

Quant is notbased and scampilled

>> No.15164939


>> No.15165134

muh 3 lines of code

>> No.15165351

My biggest bag was Quant, got a good return on it but sold it recently for other cryptos. Could you explain why it's a scam?

>> No.15165612

Nobody is going to use any crypto in the way they advertise it to the neets. Banks are not going to use QNT coins because they face an interoperability problem. Banks are not even comfy implementing blockchain AND crypto

>> No.15165752

It's literally a meme

>> No.15165963


>> No.15166009
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tradesatoshi listing confirmed

>> No.15166023

Its a scam they fucked up the ico and theyre gonna take overledger and run

>> No.15166186

Sell now they just partnered with Ax Trading

>> No.15166217
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Yobit and cryptopia also confirmed as new partner

>> No.15166292

>Nobody is going to use any crypto in the way they advertise it to the neets. Banks are not going to use QNT coins because they face an interoperability problem. Banks are not even comfy implementing blockchain AND crypto

This. Bank's don't have a blockchain interoperability problem at all... because they are barely using blockchain. And the ones that are using blockchains won't use a fucking closed sourced infura wrapper to connect their billions of financial data.

>> No.15166382


Clients don't have to touch QNT. The Quant Treasury can handle the acquisition and custodianship of the QNT on the client's behalf if they prefer.

Example #58382381842 of people fudding Quant who haven't done any research and barely know anything about the project.

>> No.15166395

You retards are all wrong. FedPayments need interoperability, JP Morgan need interoperability for their own interledger blockchains. Banks all over the world are implementing blockchain solutions every day for their own use as private blockchains. The BANKS AND THE MARKET NEEDS INTEROPERABILITY NOW. Quant network gives them all that. Fucking stupid Chainlink holder with their middleware solution of nothingness. Research something for once in your life

>> No.15166412


seething bagholder spouting buzzwords. QNT NPC's are fucking insufferable.

>> No.15166423


And banks aren't using blockchain yet because there's a lack of interoperability, as well as a lack of a SLA-supported system to allow seamless integration and flexibility.

Quant solves both of these issues. It makes integrating blockchain x10000 easier, faster, cheaper and less risky. That's one reason of many as to why SIA, that does handle billions of financial transactions, has confirmed a partnership with Quant.

>> No.15166458

What makes Telecoin so secured and what makes it so good ?

>> No.15166470

>banks don't like closed source
t. Retard
I work at the headquarters in one of the 20 largest banks in the world, top 10 in north America, most of what we use is closed source.
When we have issues, concerns, questions, or technical problems we like having someone that can be held accountable and that knows the system inside and out. If there's a tech we can use that makes our lives easier we adopt it rather than make our own. All of the systems I use on a day to day basis are closed source, we're onboarding a risk management system right now that's closed source.
Banks aren't crypto purists who want everything to be decentralized
Dont know why I bother replying to fud, most of /biz/ has no idea what they're talking about when it comes to the world of finance

>> No.15166505

Buzzwords my ass. It's true non the less. You stinkies are insufferable for ruining this board. You linkers jumpshipped to the first memecoin to hope that this was the one to make you money in the future, but the problem is that you dont understand the tech and the real world. And now you shit on every other crypto on this board that isn't stinkies because you know deep down inside your tech is fucking dogshit and you feel threatened by actual useful cryptos which are slim to none. Quant is an exception. Go fucking kys I actually dont want you to make it. Baghold your shitty stinkers to 1$