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File: 170 KB, 500x654, gotta get that degree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15164720 No.15164720 [Reply] [Original]

Guys people told me that if I got an ivy league education I would automatically be respected and get the best job. Now everybody is making fun of me. My dad literally said: "maybe we should have sent you to prison and you wouldn't be such a loud smartass who doesn't actually know anything." after sending me this meme.

I AM LIVID! Was this all an elaborate ruse? Are these sacred institutions losing their prestige?

What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard? Would you personally be impressed?

>> No.15164752

This would be cool if it was actually based on merit but I bet the judges just gave the prisoners oppression points. Although I wouldn't doubt that they were better debaters than some dumb college kids

>What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard? Would you personally be impressed?
No I wouldn't give a fuck.

>> No.15164755

Nope, institutionalization=/=education

>> No.15164767


>> No.15164769

Harvard was pulling punches and letting the peison debate team win.
For virtue points.
or harvard is really just that out of touch.

Or both

>> No.15164792

>No I wouldn't give a fuck.

One the one hand this makes sense and makes me feel better, on the other hand, this is extreme racism suggesting that minorities cannot compete on traditional metrics for success in a westernized world.

I am really conflicted now.

>> No.15164801

Thanks to diversity admissions, legacy admissions, and athletics, undergrad """elite""" universities in America are a joke. The academic rigor is gone. Consider that if celebrities are willing to pay big money and break the law to get their dumb kids in, they must be expecting a return on that money. They know that if the kid can get in, it doesn't matter how dumb they are, they'll still pass. That is only possible in the latter day where the academics in those place are a joke. It's a fancy community college. Matter of fact community college 30 years ago was harder.
If you want to be respected, get a graduate degree from an ivy. To get in you must get a certain grade on the GRE. Period. Doesn't matter if your "assigned" gender doesn't match your birth certificate or if the concentration of melanin in your skin coincides with the social theory de facto. You pass, you get in, you don't you don't. So get a graduate degree then holler at me. Till then, your pops is right. Stay salty.

>> No.15164804

Ivy league is a meme for undergrad, it only matters for masters/JD/PhD

>> No.15164808

My mum went to Yale and her son is a NEET incel, every day I badger her to remind her that even though she went to Yale she’s a failure lmao

>> No.15164819

If I meet someone from a top tier university my first impression is usually that they're very booksmart but very naive and foolish. Which is forgivable, unless they obviously think they're better than me, in which case I think they're funny and kind of pathetic.

>> No.15164826

There is no difference between "book smart" and "street smart" its a lie retards tell themselves to feel better about themselves.

>> No.15164838

Holy shit is this ever wrong

>> No.15164854

You have much to learn boy

>> No.15164864

Yes, I would be impressed by the hourly rate I could charge for you while you're working for a tiny fraction of that hourly rate.
And I would assume you have zero applicable skills and no clue of the real workings of a company, therefore I would intimidate you to work for literal pennies.
If you haven't already specialized in something whilst getting your degree, you're basically a liability who has to be spoonfed and looked after for at least 2 years.
An ex-con on the other hand, man that shits priceless. I'd make him my right hand asap if he knows how to channel his rage and aggression.

>> No.15164867

And it's not 'street smart', it's called wisdom.

>> No.15164913

Universities have a notoriously bad rep these days. The world is full of college kids who can regurgitate lines from a book but cant think critically.

>> No.15164936

Well prisoners have nothing to do but read and wokr out all day and you can only pump so much iron. Woukdnt be surprised if they are actually good.

>> No.15165548

Well not really her that’s a failure, just her son

>> No.15165657

Maybe you should watch some of this debates and see for yourself what it actually is.

>> No.15165668

Do you have a link fren?

>> No.15165676
File: 60 KB, 600x703, 1565031210140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I bet the judges just gave the prisoners oppression points.
Mostly this. Did you see the video of the national debate finals a year or two ago? It was two nigger rappers versus two fat nigger slam poetry bitches. The bitches won because pussy has more victimization points than mere rappers.

Neither side could even speak coherently, much less present a coherent argument.

I did debate team in high school longer ago than most of you have been alive, and it was training for extemporaneous speaking and interrogation and fast formation of arguments -- basically for future courtroom lawyers. Now it's just cringy chimpouts.

>What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard? Would you personally be impressed?
TBQPH not a bit. We've seen what it takes to get in -- a couple of million dollars donated to a track coach, ten percent of which goes back to your kid in the form of a sports scholarship. I've done classes at Harvard and they were no harder than anywhere else, and the facilities were no better than anywhere else. They have some top researchers, but those guys aren't teaching undergrads any more than some tier-four cow college Ph.D. is capable of teaching.

High end science and engineering graduate degrees from universities that focus on those areas are still respectable. Undergrad? Harvard is a joke. The only benefit to going there is that you've rubbed noses and maybe genitalia with the kids of world leaders and financial elites, so you can hit them up for business.

>> No.15165725

>would you be impressed that I paid tens of thousands of dollars to be brainwashed by 120 IQ libtard teachers?

>> No.15165762

>What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard?
I would say nothing because I don't speak Mandarin, Korean, Ebonics or Hebrew, thus the average Ivy League grad would not be able to understand me.

>> No.15166308

Brainlet cope

>> No.15166329

School is a scam.

>> No.15166372

A couple of my professors were Ivy League guys.
They are respected for it by people in their department, and you can kinda feel that they're from a more prestigious background by the way they carry themselves, but they're also kinda awkward, regular dudes.

Like know what they've done and you're like "damn" when you think about it but when you don't think about it it's just "there's that guy. I'm taller than him but he's smarter than me."

>> No.15166537

If wisdom doesn't exist, how come there are so many PHDs who
>eat like shit
>don't exercise
>can't get a gf
>are fat
>have a job they're miserable in


Knowledge is how-to, wisdom is what-do. Highly educated people often have no fucking clue what to do with their lives or how to live well.

>> No.15166574
File: 374 KB, 1425x971, 3D33463A-9B9B-400B-B286-7AF272B2D933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You morons can only take problems like this one microstep foreword in logic before you post on biz.

>I thought a degree was automatic success
>but it’s not though -so it’s a bad investment?
>what do biz?

Your credentials matter. Your actual brain matters more, but you need both.

Obviously none of you have interviewed candidates and hired for a job of importance (that requires a degree).
All other things equal I’ll hire an ivy leaguer over a regular state school.

And obviously I’ll never hire a felon regardless of their “intelligence”.

>> No.15166817

Ask /pol/, they will have a specific video for you. It is very representative of the state of high school and college debate

>> No.15167049

>Ask /pol/, they will have a specific video for you. It is very representative of the state of high school and college debate
Oh shit, I've seen that one. What a fucking farce. We are doomed.

>> No.15167074
File: 579 KB, 1178x1768, 1560864453781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The world is full of college kids who can regurgitate lines from a book but cant think critically.
that's because going to university doesn't make one more intelligent
people incorrectly assume that by sending their children to university, their children will become more intelligent
this is not the case
just because I joined an NBA basketball team, it will not make me a professional basketball player
I first need to be of the caliber of a professional basketball player in order to enter an NBA team
the same case is true for university (higher education), and yet people don't want to make that connection since it would imply some people are naturally more intelligent than others
and don't get me started on women in education
>hint: it's a disgrace (there are exceptions to this case, but they are precisely that, exceptions to the rule and not the rule)

>> No.15167085

>Ivy leaguer has Ivy league degree
>State schooler has 20+ IQ points on the Ivy leaguer from confirmed tests during the interviewing process


>> No.15167192

Being a good at calculus doesn't mean that you can manage 10 people to do 30 things when time pressures you.

>> No.15167214


>> No.15167246

they made the prisoners argue against giving public schooling to immigrant children and they didnt agree but did a good job, from what I've read

>> No.15167259

>calling a macro a ‘meme’

>> No.15167321


Lmao do Americans really do this?

>> No.15167342
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 13492822 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You very clearly haven't been to an ivy league, probably haven't been to any college desu and this is dropout cope. Anyway yeah I'd be impressed since it implies fantastic academics, although I wouldn't be any more impressed with someone who went their who had equal academics to someone who didn't. Of course this is very rare since it's a very universal goal to go to the best college possible and colleges admit on academics.

I couldn't get into Harvard but went to Berkeley, in HS I effortlessly graduated valedictorian, at Berkeley I was above average but met many people I'd consider smarter than me vs none coming close in HS. The quality of people at top colleges is insane compared to HS, obviously you have to be smart to go to one yourself and notice this which is why 4chan virgins sprout a load of memes.

No one successful cares about iq....

>> No.15167398

>What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard? Would you personally be impressed?

Finding out youve got an ivy league education magnifies my initial perception on a person in the direction Ive already measured them, if that makes sense. It doesn't add or remove any points on its own.

You're a successful business owner? Thas very impressive and I respect you. You're a successful business owner who also got a BA at harvard? Now I'm double impressed.

You're an office slave making 40k a year? Kind of dissapointing but I won't judge you too hard. You're making 40k with a degree from Harvard? You're absolutely pitiful.

>> No.15167401

>No one successful cares about iq....
>Companies spend millions of $ on IQ tests and go through the process of hiding the fact that they do IQ tests with bureaucracy and legalese because it doesn't matter.

You are a next-level smart person.

>> No.15167443


>> No.15167462

It's what 4chan virgins use cause they haven't accomplished anything irl. If you legitimately think a Harvard grad with a iq of 160 is going to flex his iq before his degree you are absolutely fucking delusional.

I'm aware companies have their little internet tests but at the end of the day the pass mark is low and they don't really mean much.

>> No.15167529

I'd argue that being successful in academia isn't necessarily the same thing as pure intelligence. I've met plenty of smart people over the years that just don't for the structure of education, and I've also met tons of fucking brainlets that could do well at the university level because they fit the mold well of a prototypical type a wagie.

>> No.15167534
File: 110 KB, 604x440, wages-and-education-2011-georgetown-615p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha just noticed you're op. Take a timestamped photo of your student id, degree certificate or some proof you went to one. You can't cause you're full of shit and probably one of the following

>dropout coping
>family member your age goes to a ivy, you go to a shit college, general coping
>let your parents down in some way and need to cope

Someone who went to a good college wouldn't ask randoms if education means anything, they'd Google it and see for themselves it clearly does

>> No.15167567

There are exceptions but generally it's true. The issue with everyone saying education and intelligence aren't the same thing is that the vast majority of people want money, status, a good job etc, school is necessary for this hence work hard and not everyone can succeed due to the competition at high levels

>> No.15167599

It's only one of the best predictive tools we have for human behavior/financial and career success etc

>> No.15167629

So fuckin based anon gj

>> No.15167642

I think there people out there that are as smart as harvardfags and top tier corporate drones who just don't want to participate in schomo's rat race.

>> No.15167706

This is the same guy, I'm on 4g. Yeah of course there are a few, but it's very rare.

To escape the "rat race" there are 3 options, retire early, get a really good job and work like a day a week or live on nothing and work a normal job.

1 and 2 are massively helped by a Harvard degree and very few people want to do option 3.

>> No.15167882

I was just fucking around when I made this thread and I can't remember why I made it. Someone in another thread inspired me with their Harvard worship and generally how high Americans view Harvard when MIT and such is super impressive as well.

I went to Heidelberg and I have never set foot in America.

I was asking you a hypothetical question and you missed the point completely.

>> No.15168733

You are absolutely wrong. I know Phd's who are extremely naive. Young judges who have mental age in their late teens.
If someone is good at university, you can infer that... he is good at university, nothing much else.

>> No.15168942

You are clearly cocky asf. As I can see from these replies. Get off 4 Chan

>> No.15168980

This, it's almost impossible to fail any class at an ivy league, getting less than an A is almost impossible as well. If your daddy is rich enough to get you into Harvard you WILL be getting straight A's, showing up for class is optional. We do not live in a meritocracy.

>> No.15170021

I know an ex-con who came to Christ in prison and now has a family, as well as a successful plumbing business with more than a dozen men working under him.
It's amazing how it can all work out, even the people we condemn.

>> No.15171056

Well what was the point? Here are the answers to your questions

Was this all an elaborate ruse?
Obviously not

Are these sacred institutions losing their prestige?
Obviously not

What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard?
Wouldn't say anything but would be very impressed

Would you personally be impressed?
Obviously yes

To be honest I don't believe at all you graduated from any college, you've said so much brain-dead crap which in general reeks of dropout cope. Post your student card or certificate

>> No.15171125

What did you study faggot

>> No.15171545

what was your major? are you applying to law or graduate school? harvard is a leftist brainwashing camp btw. this is known.

>> No.15171588


>> No.15171646

Fake and gay

>> No.15171672

>What would you say if you met someone from Yale or Harvard?
>Would you personally be impressed?
Nope, whats to be impressed about, you wasted a fuck ton of time & money? WOW, congratulations.
Bet you have some meme degree

>> No.15171726

>You are a next-level smart person.
What an arrogant prick.
>MUH successful people have High IQs
Thanks for the evidence you didn't learn shit with that expensive 'education'.