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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 417 KB, 812x946, pedo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15163844 No.15163844 [Reply] [Original]

>And so, that evening, in a bedroom full of the childhood memories of my grandmother’s house, we slowly undressed each other and went to bed
>We cuddled for hours, before she manoeuvred herself on to me and mischievous smile intact, began to push her tender sex onto me
>It hurt her, of course, but it was almost as though she craved the pain – as though she expected it and accepted it gladly for what it meant.
>Again and again it continued through to dawn, with the barest of rests in between; one night of passion to make up for a lost lifetime.
By the next morning, she was tired and sore, but more content than she had ever known.

I dont understand how this 12 year old girl has anything to do with proof-of-stake and sharding. Pls explain

>> No.15163893

It’s a well known fact in the crypto community that eth founders(vitalik and this guy) are pedos.

>> No.15163909

Eth devs are degenerate losers? What?

>> No.15163925

>began to push her tender sex onto me
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15163930

>...be in the advanced stages of AIDS. The theory was that she had inherited it from her father..

imagine buying imaginary internet shitcoins from a pedo who thinks you can "inherit" AIDS like its a genetic trait or something

>> No.15163932

In the Philippines the age of consent is 12. So what are they trying to imply?

>> No.15163935


>> No.15163939

lmao you can legit inherit HIV from your parents. not even memeing, read about it once. if you have aids and you're a dude you're likely one of the following:
>vein injection drug user
>your parents have hiv

>> No.15163955
File: 595 KB, 574x895, thebracelet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she made hand woven bracelets with intricate traditional Mayan design
What is that bracelet he's wearing in the pic? hmmmmm is this fiction

>> No.15163967

oh no no no no

>> No.15163970

Technically not inherit, but get it transmitted. Turns out it is hard to be inside a woman for 9 months, rely on her blood for nutrient and oxygen etc.. and not get infected. Shocking.

>> No.15163973

what the fuck nigger?? its an infectious disease caused by the HIV virus. you can't inherit a virus through genetics, either you get infected by it or you don't but its about whether you come in contact with it. so the only way she could have 'inherited AIDS' from her dad was if her dad was somehow splooging jizz inside the baby while it was still in the womb and surrounded by amniotic fluid sac

>> No.15163991
File: 62 KB, 500x600, (JPEG Image, 500 × 600 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might be it
google shows lots of wide bracelet designs like this, for "mayan bracelet"

>> No.15163998


dumping all my eth, fuck this shit

>> No.15164003

See this >>15163970 the dude is right, i meant transmitted. But when you fucking get it while your in the womb what the fuck is the difference between transmitted and genetic to non-doctors like us? You know exactly what i meant
You're implying that the only way you can get HIV from your parents is if they fuck your fetus ass when you come out of the womb

>> No.15164079

fucking retards "inherit" doesn't have to mean genetically, if you inherit 10 million dollars from your distant cousin in Alabama it doesn't go through your genes either

>> No.15164184

it's just art, anon :^)

>> No.15164204

Personally I like my loli fanfics a little more graphic. This one was cute but I had trouble staying hard

>> No.15164293

oh ok he left the AIDS to his daughter in his will when he died, got it

>> No.15164303
File: 279 KB, 300x577, 1539152233799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking BASED
Proof of hymen

>> No.15164374

What a chad.
truly /ourguy/,
There is nothing wrong in writing erotic fanfiction.

>> No.15164396

>I dont understand how this 12 year old girl has anything to do with proof-of-stake and sharding. Pls explain
Its all fictional Anon

>> No.15164401

kek'd hard

>> No.15164402
File: 19 KB, 372x350, D3EA2961-D32E-4569-B572-7966503A03BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a joke

>> No.15164421

What was his name again?

>> No.15164436

Literally keked out loud

>> No.15164459


gavin ‘gives 12 year olds’ wood

>> No.15164487 [DELETED] 

Gavin "early access" Wood

>> No.15165462

Gavin "loli sex havin'" Wood

>> No.15165580

Sure. Right. Say hi to your wife.

>> No.15165686

Gavin Wood to 12 years old

>> No.15165957

This is from nearly a year ago. Why are we just talking about it now?

>> No.15165976

Fuck Ethereum, fuck Polkadot and fuck Parity. Most importantly fuck Chainlink and all of its supporters for associating with these degenerate pedophiles

>> No.15166201

Woah there calm down buddy
clearly SHE pushed her tender sex onto him!
If the genders were reversed they would scream rape! The 12 year old aids ridden whore RAPED poor Mr. Wood!

>> No.15167422


>> No.15167482

Based. I'm buying more Ethererum. GTFO my board you inbred poltards. Pedophilia is based. Why do you think they play with your weiner when you take a bath with them and rub up against carpets? It's natural. It's been done for thousands of years

>> No.15167527

>This is from nearly a year ago. Why are we just talking about it now?
Because if we talked about it before majority of people will think we're just fudding ETH because we want to get in. Right now you could jump in at ETH's at an extremely low ratio so there's really no reason to FUD it. Its to show we really fucking hate ETH and not just FUDding.

>> No.15167598

Just sold some ETH and bought ADA.

>> No.15167612
File: 171 KB, 698x1033, based and pepepilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him - Innovator
Guy she marries - Laggard

>> No.15167824

Pedo Wood

>> No.15167888

kek nonce, ETH literally has pedo code built in. If Vitalik says code is law I bet he's got some shady shit hidden in his

>> No.15168100

>/pol/ demonizes child sexuality
>simultaneously promotes early marriage with virgins

>/lgbt/ demonizes child sexuality
>simultaneously fantasizes about and engages in sex acts with children

IDK, seems stupid. When I was 11-14 I was experimenting with my younger sisters, and they initiated most of it. That's just how it fucking works.

>> No.15168127

>When I was 11-14 I was experimenting with my younger sisters, and they initiated most of it.
Fuck, i wish i had a sister instead of a brother. I can just imagine all the fucking perverted scenarios that would happen. Assuming we are both underaged or adults of course. I'm not a fucking pedo like these mETHeads.

>> No.15168158

Go to jail my friend

>> No.15168216
File: 51 KB, 772x1000, 1542902042530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.15168268

>go to jail
>for childhood sexual experimentation

nah, but I will be happy to shoot you in the face if you try to come for me yourself :)

>> No.15168317
File: 81 KB, 556x611, 1565184605455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sold 100k

>> No.15168338

father infected mom with HIV
mom didn't develop AIDS
it got into the daughter's body and AIDS developed in her

being HIV positive doesn't mean you have AIDS. her mom got lucky / was immune to the strain the daughter wasn't

>> No.15168339


kys you sick fucks

>> No.15168404
