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15159402 No.15159402 [Reply] [Original]

I loved her bros. Why didn't I know then what I know now? No amount of money can turn back time.

>> No.15159413


>> No.15159414


>> No.15159417

Im sorry brother

>> No.15159493

No amount of money can turn back time but it can be enough to gift her and change her and her family's life forever. Then she'll always know that you were the best

>> No.15159512

live life for yourself. women can be great but they just fuck everything up more often than not. you have to have a solid foundation of caring about just your life alone for when shit like this happens.

t. recovering serial oneitis fag

>> No.15160288
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>still hasn't figured out how to time travel.

>> No.15160307

In time you will realize the ways she limited your being, and you will go farther and be better because of what you learn in this moment of prima materia.
Better things await you anon, I will pray for you.

>> No.15160327

Yeah well when you turn 23-25 you'll stop caring about that retarded shit you fucking zoomer

>> No.15160328
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When you make off topic threads make sure to add "how can I profit from this?" so we can at least have a laugh

>> No.15160345

been there.. lifes gay

>> No.15160352

Its really shitty knowing you have oneitis. Knowing she won’t come back, and you really want her to.

Can’t get over her fuck fuck

>> No.15160358


god the people on this board are so fucking faggy

>> No.15160676

fuck that if a girl doesn't love you for you it was never worth it

>> No.15161589
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>> No.15161623

When you're 30 you won't even remember that shit exists, don't worry

>> No.15161762

you know what's better than a woman? 10 btc, go get it

>> No.15161795

This isn't your blog faggot. Also, there are 4 billion women on this planet. I guarantee this bitch was nothing special. Go get another one and quit acting like a little pussy.

>> No.15162240
