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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 872 KB, 1500x1094, martin-shkreli-zoom-e011b3d2-a9fe-4d5a-a44d-696ed5ae422c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15150803 No.15150803 [Reply] [Original]

this dude has figured it all out

>> No.15150822

If he had it all figured out he wouldn't be in prison.

>> No.15150825

when does he get out of timeout

>> No.15150845

cope. How much money would you take to go to a cupcake prison for a few years? He ran his company out of prison via a smartphone. He will read and learn so much shit in prison once he comes out he will be on a whole other level.

>> No.15150871

Him learning and growing as a person while in prison is a good thing but it's what you're supposed to do. There's nothing to do all day but work out and read.

>> No.15150882


>> No.15150895


>> No.15150903

This nigger literally memed the fuck out of any interview playing a generic CEO and prays for fucking Harambe on national TV. KEK.

watch a minute from 11:50

>> No.15150919

Yes we love him but he's not infallible, hence why he's doing a 7 year bid. Spending the majority of your 30s locked up is far from ideal

>> No.15150934

You are absolutely right, I look at it like a dojo. Getting locked up is probably one of the best things to happen to him speaking in terms of skills. He already is a master of Finance, Chemistry, Math, and Coding. At the pace he learns he will come out with immense skills. Probably becoming a billionaire before 45. I just admire Shkrels, he came up from the bottom and made it.

>> No.15150946

He's out in 4.5 tops.
I think 2 have already passed.
Sucks for him but it's less dire than you described.

>> No.15150969

Dude got caught with a phone in prison which is a serious punishment, he got shipped out from the cupcake prison to a level 2 prison. He is probably get turnt out as we speak. He's most definitely getting extorted by the gangs in there.

So based.

>> No.15151001
File: 803 KB, 1042x497, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got sipped form one cupcake holiday facillity to a cupcake prison thats all.

>> No.15151015

The bragging rights he gets out of this are epic.

>> No.15151025

that shit looks like the DMV

>> No.15151045

>working in a hedgefund at age 17
>later manager of his own hedgefund
>becoming a fucking pharmaceutical CEO raising 100M USD
>trading stocks as a side hussle making 8 figures
>meming on TV
>superior IQ
>coming from poor family

if he is not fucking based I don't know who is.

>> No.15151120

FPBP. Shkreli's youtube is still up, he has years worth of videos pretending to be a stock guru, while conveniently not mentioning his securities fraud and how he got fired from every firm he worked for. After not being able to make it as a wolf of wall street wannabe, he started a campaign of attention whoring trying to gain e-fame by "trolling" and ending up in prison by threatening a presidential candidates safety. Literally retarded.

>> No.15151200

boomer cope. He has achieved more at age 36 than most in 3 lifetimes. keep working 9-5 fag. his skills are undeniable and while in prison he can't waste his time on League so guess what he is doing in prison right now.

>> No.15151232

Has anyone ever confronted him about it on his streams? I'm guessing that his lawmen told him to not say shit on it but who knows.

I think most just like him because he's the typical "incel" who - instead of letting life kick him - he kicked back. Doesn't take shit and gets his money. On top of that he seems to take learning seriously and seems like a relatively good person when people are just shooting shit with him.

I seriously doubt jail is it for him.

>> No.15151288
File: 39 KB, 800x450, ComeAtMeBro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy blew up his own hedge fund.

I think he has a few things to learn.

>> No.15151301

>If he had it all figured out he wouldn't be in prison
Lol that’s precisely the reason he is imprisoned.
Have you studied any history?
>hint: that’s what we call a rhetorical question

>> No.15151434

>literally retarded

that must make you one hell of a retard, record breaking probably

>> No.15151449

He's in prison for like 7 more years

Is this what it means to "figure it out" ?

>> No.15151700

He does look a little downsy or something though, doesn't he?

I can't be the only one that sees something in his face isn't right.

>> No.15151726

cope???? he's the one in fucking prison retard LOL the absolute projection

>> No.15151731

(((why))) do you think he's in prison brainlet?

>> No.15151781

because he autistically pushed buttons under the guise of "le epic trolling" and then people noticed that he committed securities fraud, the incel dickriders of shkreli out in full force atm

>> No.15151797

he just looks evil, thats all

>> No.15151819

He's in prison because he an immoral, lying, cheating cunt.

>> No.15151827

>Has anyone ever confronted him about it on his streams?
All the time. The problem is that most of the people who confronted him were brainlets that Shkreli would easily troll and make himself look good in comparison.

I think he's way overdemonized. His securities fraud was moving money from one company to another temporarily in an emergency. Elon Musk does this too. Shkreli mislead his investors and covered up his loss. Elon Musk did that too.

My point is that Shkreli is reckless and overconfident like Musk and sometimes bends the laws but the difference is that Shkreli is universally hated by everyone at all levels while Musk has a sizeable cult following and numerous industrial connections.

>> No.15151851


>> No.15151862

His mistake was telling the truth about health insurance companies. You sinply arent allowed to say that on national television

>> No.15151866

shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.15151917

You're a pathetic broke loser whining on an image board about someone far more successful than you. Literally retarded.

>> No.15151931

Shkreli is a saint compared to 99.99% of CEO’s. The Jews just hate him.

>> No.15152309

He actually said that he isn't a good trader, but a good investor.

>> No.15152391

I gotcha. So that's what happens when you aren't beholden to an image or group even if you make it? Towing the line for a bit may have been more advantageous but it comes at the cost of not staying true to yourself.

>> No.15152581

I can tell you you haven't read any history you fucking pseud.

>> No.15153091

he didn't donate enough to the synagogue

>> No.15153494
File: 3.66 MB, 479x313, Kimchi BraPPP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuggg watch 13:00 on, major slip of the tounge when Martin almost admits to testing on and killing lab monkeys