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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15149207 No.15149207 [Reply] [Original]

Being a rapper is the only good job besides being really lucky in business

>rich as fuck
>get rich at 19
>dont have to invest wait 30 years stress finally get rich at 90 years old
>get stoned as fuck
>people give you free clothes, free expensive shit, free drugs
>everywhere you go you get a dm full of girls trying to fuck you and people giving you shit
>get drugs in any city you go to
>get stoned all day long
>get paid to look and act cooL
>your job is literally just being fucking cool
>get rich without being a super genius, trying hard as fuck, hard work, going to college. For 18 years
>not a pussy like most college graduates but not poor like trailer trash either
>live the most fun hedonistic life without ending up poor or dead in a gutter like everyone else
>never have to work a real job
>have people handle everything for you
>have people who literally follow you and every time you have to do any responsible they just call a guy or handle it for you
>only have to work hard when touring and recording music have tons of free time
>your life is literally a vacation
>can go anywhere or do anything
>literally get PAID to go to clubs and do nothing
>literally get paid 20,000 dollars to go into a club and just sit there and chill and get high hile they throw you free alcohol and a stack of cash at your face
>get paid like 20-40k for an hour or two of work doing a concert
>everyone loves you everywhere you go
>people literally beg you just to be in their presence so they can give you free clothes
>get clothes and expensive shit before the public even gets it
>get free cars from people
>make friends with other artists and then make music together and make even more money together
>have unlimited money to invest in other shit and someone who will invest it for you so you dont even have to spend 8 years studying something
>make fuck loads of money while having passive money coming in without doing anything

>> No.15149209

>get paid from music royalties and streams and shit
>literally go kick your feet up in Hawaii and smoke a blunt and money will still come in
>get to be chad and have the cool parts of life without ending up poor or in jail like most cool people do
>have a team of people that just follow you around and do everything for you
>make more money than doctors lawyers and Jews without being high strung pissed off 24.7 depressed and living a boring life
>literally get paid to travel
>you just go city to city and whenever you get there everyone is happy as fuck to see you and they just throw you tens of thousands of dollars to perform
>your record label makes so much money off you you can fuck off and not get fired
>dont have to be cucked by some boss and beg to take his orders and beg to keep your job and have to be high strung 24/7 making sure you dot make any mistake or get fired

>> No.15149400

sorry this board is 18+ i'll have to send a letter to your parents

>> No.15149409

Yeah let's all become rappers

>> No.15149427

I’m just saying it’s the best. Sadly we have to work and invest. You are more likely to be a ceo then a rapper

>> No.15149434

>only have to work hard when touring and recording music
This only proves your point more, touring as a rapper is not hard work. You literally are just rapping over an electronically made beat that you didnt make. To songs you've rapped many times. There is no musical instrumentation that you preform. Full stage bands who went to Berkeley and Julliard dont make 1/10 as much and they have trained their whole life. I admit one of the most fun times I had at a show was a rap show, and it had nothing to do with the music. People who pay money to go to rap shows to see the artist are literal retards.

>> No.15149443

How old are you? 12?

>> No.15149451

i've had friends who become popular rappers and they turned into absolute degenerates

>> No.15149457

I want to be a degenerate I don’t want to get married and have kids

>> No.15149472

>t. white incel

>> No.15149474

>get shot at
>get stabbed at
>get robbed
>overdose on drugs
you forgot these 4 anon

>> No.15149477

>Trust friendly Jewish lawyers, producers, managers, and executives to manage brand and wealth while you smoke weed, acquire STDs and pursue a hedonistic lifestyle of travel and partying
>Find out you are broke after years of financial mismanagement and embezzlement/extraction by "team of people that follow you around and do everything for you"
>Sponsorships, label and product/brand deals fall through because you are now considered toxic
>End up broke and burned out and realize you have no friends, skills, money or real relationships
>fuck school, I'm a rapper dog!
>tie the knot
>hang yourself

>> No.15149487

those happen to you even when you are poor

>> No.15149530


>> No.15149538

being a proffessional rapper is probably the most dangerous job tb h

>> No.15149545

Dude those rappers have more money after they go “broke” then most people do working jobs they never go fully broke they just go from like 30 lambs to having a corvette and a lambo

And you have so much fucking money you can invest nonstop. You should have enough investments to bring in 100k a month you can buy any type of stores you want and even pay people to help you invest it so you dont need to be some super genius business mogul either. You are being pessimistic and jealous

>> No.15149551
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Cringy thread.

>Free clothes

>> No.15149616

Somewhere there is a former rapper whose 5 minutes of fame are up who is working at McDonald's with face tattoos

>> No.15149622

Dude stop coping no one goes from millionaire to wage cucking theres still enough money leftover. And revenue steams and they all invest their money into businesses

>> No.15149623

do it anon
become a rapper
lil tizmo or something

>> No.15149653

Yes they fucking do. It's not the 90s where you actually have to be mega famous to be considered a 'success'. There have been tons of SoundCloud rappers over the past decade who thought they were going to be the next big thing but then sputtered out less than a year later.

>> No.15149661

Show me one.

>> No.15149699


i didn't say you need to have kids and go all traditional

but putting your values into fame and easy money will end you being disappointed, depressed and either anxious or suicidal

it's all right there, all these celebs ending it cause they realise how vain and utterly empty that life is

discipline and morality will get you further, read up on stoicism, get your shit together and please don't be a fucking degenerate traplord

>> No.15149740

I am permanently anxious and suicidal from it yeah. It won’t stop. I wanna do something business related but don’t want to be autistic and have my face In a book all day

>> No.15149823


you're suicidal and anxious because of your outlook on life

you feel entitled to all the pleasures you see being consumed around you cause your mind has been poisoned by all the vanity and shit tier culture you've been ingesting

the more you chase momentary pleasure the more it will feel inadequate, cause your desire for pleasure is not the pleasure itself it's a fucking parasite that never gets full and eventually drives you either into depression, keeps you in perpetual anxiety or just swinging between the two while you down pills and alc until you decide to check-out early or have an existential awakening that you can live differently

happiness in life comes from discipline and mental strength, it's the happiness that's steady and peaceful, not like a flimsy 16 yr old who goes into a fit cause his pot dealer is out of town

>> No.15149828

>still using the term wigger
fucking boomer

>> No.15149853

Literally know a guy that was signed by Eminem, you would know him if I said his name. Can confirm OP is a retard. All the money doesn’t exist, the managers get rich while the actual artist is just the flavor of the month that gets thrown away after they stop selling. Not to mention they don’t choose the artists they sign based of musical talent, they base it off marketability. Being a rapper is a joke.

>> No.15149895

>no one goes from millionaire to wage cucking

>> No.15149907

>get rich at 19
>get shot at 20

>> No.15149949


>wage cuck
>house flipper, philanthropist, entrepreneur

>> No.15150038
File: 25 KB, 400x300, kepfrila_113853286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I use the term NEET instead? They both mean the same thing; white person acting like a nigger.


>> No.15150190

These people are so jealous it’s sad

>> No.15150212

Nobody remembers them

>> No.15150303

Imagine having pride in being a wageslave.

>> No.15150318

I thought about this. It sounds fun but also tiring

>> No.15150480

Most except a very few come off as professional buffoons who are caged by thier ow hedonistic desires. Also it's likely a race/culture thing but again, very few have anything amounting to financial literacy.

>> No.15150493
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Imagine not being able to survive without welfare and/or your parents.