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15147963 No.15147963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>had sex
>condom broke
>she wants to keep it
Apparently I DON'T have any say on this.

/biz/ what do? I need help!!!

>> No.15147968

Falcon belly punch?

>> No.15147974

Hire a hitman to give your gf an abortion while she's asleep. I'm sure whoever you hire would likely have had fetus targets before and will know what they're doing.

>> No.15147975

There are a lot of ways to solve this, none of them legal though

>> No.15147983
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Really? This is sooo rigged... why I don't get to say anything? I don't want a fucking baby, I'm 25, it's too soon. MOMMYYY!!!!

>> No.15147984

women have no right to exist

>> No.15147993

just wait till her belly grows and then punch it lmao

>> No.15148006

But, could literally die and I will get at least 5 years jail time if I kill the baby like that.

>> No.15148008

I feel for you man. Having a kid is one of my worst fears
If you have enough money you could always buy an unknown amount of Monero and skip town

>> No.15148014

*she could literally die

>> No.15148018

kill her or do not recognize the child as yours and leave country

>> No.15148030

record all of your messages of you saying that your condom broke and that you dont want the baby, if she asks for money from u when the baby is born use it in your legal case to have no right to see or be a part of the babies life

>> No.15148038

Turn to Islam

>> No.15148040
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But, I can't skip town and abandon her. It's my kid too and I grew up without a dad. I know how hard it is.

>> No.15148044
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may i introduce you to my friend ? pic related

>> No.15148052


> the condom broke

lmao worst excuse ever. You’re prob gonna be a horrible father if you’re already regretting the fact that you consciously had sex and ejaculated into a fertile females vagina.

Didn’t you know sex creates babies? You shouldn’t have sex unless you’re willing and able to accept the potential consequences. No type of contraceptive is 100%. Abstinence is the only way.

>> No.15148053

>he fell for the have sex meme.

>> No.15148066

or just dont cum
not hard to do

>> No.15148070
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>Didn’t you know sex creates babies?
Yes, that's why I was using a condom.

>> No.15148072

Let her have it. It's broken anyway.

>> No.15148082

Keep her on the books - wait until she is closer to term - take her for a car. Have an 'accident'. Into a river is a winner.
Otherwise Spike a plan B ASAP into something that the cunt is imbibing.
Or the old 'down the stairs' trick.

>> No.15148088

goddamn based

>> No.15148102

When she's blowing you for 5 minutes while constantly making eye contact and then rides you. It's kinda hard to do.

>> No.15148108

Dumb bitch should've thought about that before trying to force you to have a kid. Play stupid games, win daddy a permanent trip to Thailand

Just kidding though. It's hard, I'd rather just try to convince her to abort by promising to have another kid later on when you're financially stable

>> No.15148119

>I'd rather just try to convince her to abort by promising to have another kid later on when you're financially stable

That's fucking smart esse! I will try this. I knew you sneaky mutherfuckers are good for sommething..

>> No.15148131

How did you not think of this sooner lmao I thought this was the obvious choice (or maybe you're being sarcastic, I dunno)

Just remember to not actually follow through with that promise. Drop her as soon as the gremlin's out

>> No.15148138

>I will get at least 5 years jail time if I kill the baby like that.
Do it in one of those late trimester abortion states and argue in court that it isn't a baby its a fetus and has no rights.
Don't know how it would pan out but I would love to see the shitstorm.

>> No.15148141

Dont be a faggot, and marry that bitch. Dont be a nigger and not be a part of your kids life. Shitty circumstances, but that's your fault for being an idiot trusting the condom jews. Trust me, nothing will fucking hurt your heart more than not being able to see your kids when you want because they're mom is collecting child support while burning the coal. Time to grow up bro. You'll thank me later.

>> No.15148158

Lmao based and an UND holder.

>> No.15148164
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>I'm going to kill myself if you don't abort
>aborts kid
>I've changed my mind. Won't kys this time.

>> No.15148209

move to asian / estearn europe / south america permanently

>> No.15148213

Well....what’s the gurl like? tell us OP

Is she potentially a suitable waifu? how long you been together? where’d you meet what’s the story?

My gf of 2+ years got prego last year and we had a brief few months of freaking out. As I was not financially stable at all (not even close) and she had always said she wanted to wait quite a while to have kids (if ever - she wasn’t too keen on the idea) we decided to get an abortion. That was hell but all was good when it was over.

Funnily enough though, not even a month or 2 afterward, she got pregnant again lmao. At this point she already knew, and said flat out, that she could not handle getting an abortion again. We decided we loved each other enough and that if this was what the universe seemed to be pushing us to do (or whatever, fuck off), we’d just go ahead with it. Embark on the ride, take it for what it is, and start a little family together.

She’s due on the 31st and honestly I’m excited. Pretty happy. It gave me a reason to start manning up a bit and be positive about something that previously, we were ABSOLUTELY SURE we did not want. But when I really thought about it that second time she got that pee stick result, I realized I didn’t know why I didn’t want it. I knew I wanted kids eventually maybe, and I think highly of my girl and came to terms with the fact that I should give it a shot, and just go on this crazy journey with her. It’s made us way closer and I think will turn out to be one of the greatest decisions we’ve made in our young lives.

If you KNOW your girl is not wife material though, that’s a different story. But tell us about it, let’s hear it

>> No.15148219


steal your sisters/moms/gfs birth control pills, pulverize a whole bunch of them, put in food, hormone disorder, run away.

>> No.15148231

Welcome to society

>> No.15148257

Take her smartphone and punish her. Kids these days can't endure a day without a phone.

>> No.15148324

There was once an anon on /x/ who made a special tea for his gf. The chemicals in it basically made her abort the child.

>> No.15148358

>pregnant again
both of you are retards and your child will become a stupid nigger too

did you guys never hear of Plan B if the condom fails. too stupid to google

>> No.15148370

Stop calling your daughter, your girlfriend whiteoid

>> No.15148401

You would go to prison for this. There was a news story like that and the guy was charged with murder. Don't remember how old the baby was though

>> No.15148411
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Good on your g/f for not being a baby killing fuck tard. Time to man up, faggot

>> No.15148495

Well....Do you like this girl, or was it just a case of ejaculate and evacuate?

>> No.15148705

>girthy lengthy friction dong overwhelms condom
>best complain on a chin
Take your lowkey boasting elsewhere, Chad

>> No.15148708

Run away and make her raise it without your money

>> No.15149343
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>/biz/ what do? I need help!!!

2 words

>> No.15149373

thats what my father was, a failure who left my mother, I have more hatred and masculinity to compensate a missing father figure, so I replaced the father figure with adoration of nazies and apotheosis of myself

>> No.15149388

Just remember, your mother could be a shitty whore that drove him away.

>> No.15149399

oh my mother too was horrible, too strict and mentally fucking ill, now I am more than so, but atleast I have profited from that insanity to having no morals, and no empathy but for the 3 people I truly love and care about.

>> No.15149415

similar set up

>> No.15149426

>>she wants to keep it
And what is the alternative? Murder? You're a sick fuck if you're even debating doing it

>> No.15149452

Good to hear anon. Make a good woman out of her and raise your child. I am telling you right now, as scared of the future as you are....the second you look into your childs eyes the feeling you get is like nothing else. What the fuck else in life are you going to acomplish, that is better than being a good dad?

Congrats, you officially will not die alone. That is "making it" in its own way.

>> No.15149455

Fetuses aren't people according to leftists so how do you murder a fetus

>> No.15149479

>>had sex
sure you did.

>> No.15149524

Hail mary. Tom leykis style

>> No.15149526

That doesn't work after conception you fucking moron, good way to make aure your son is born with tits though.

>> No.15149604

sir i can help

put an morning after pill in her vajajay when she sleeps

>> No.15149674

If you're white and she's white, I don't see a problem.

>> No.15149700

>Had sex
Yeah right

>> No.15149711

>you officially will not die alone
You're senses will still give out before your consciousness, everyone dies alone.

>> No.15149838

>condom broke
It's funny because when I was younger I really tried to break my condoms by putting them on my fist and srub it as hard as i could inside a towel. None broke. You're a retard if a condom break i dont believe it.

>> No.15149910
File: 326 KB, 903x713, 534d221d3c2a65a85ca8ad61c7acbeef677c13f19265d5eea5dbb4a3131bbc57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not too late anon
>go to darknet
>buy hard abortion pills

alternative strategy
>have a baby
>get family life insurance
>slowly poison mother

I am 100% right and youre just a cuck

>> No.15149927

keep it you retard dont be a beta cuck

>> No.15149928

Get a paternity test (it can be done early) its mostly likely not yours. Speaking from experience. If it is yours, have fun, kids are great. speaking from experience.

>> No.15150007

You're about to get perma-cucked. Baby takes front seat from here on out. Closer? You're going to be her bitch as she obsesses over that little shit and posts 50 pics of it ever day.
Not only that, her body will go to shit.
She'll resent you from how on.
As soo as the brood squirts out of her, you wont exist.

Enjoy getting your dad bod, losing your hair and dressing like a faggot. Its unironically over

Never gonna make it anon.

>> No.15150020
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From one basement dweller to another,
I’m better than you

>> No.15150040

Stop working, become a hobo for 2 years, then get back on track once she is no longer after you

>> No.15150045

Imagine being autistic enough to consider this

>> No.15150083
File: 16 KB, 452x172, I'mBetterThanYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m better than you
I'll save this shot for when you come back saying what a bad idea it all was!

>> No.15150090

Haha best solution right here OP

>> No.15150230

>gf WANTS to keep baby
i'm just going to go ahead and make the assumption that you guys got together in the first place because you're compatible
if this is the case, then what you have on your hands is wife material
you're 25—you're getting older, and you'll be in your mid-30s before you know it
you ARE a fucking manchild if you don't commit and father this kid
we all get what we deserve, anon

>> No.15150317

don't have sex

>> No.15150391

>having random sex
>not having stable relationship with a hottie who's on the pill so that you can cum inside her as much as you want

You brought this on yourself

>> No.15150802
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>> No.15151808

wow thanks

>> No.15151909

Only fuck bitches in the ass from now on

>> No.15151935

Be a man and step up

>> No.15151956

>I'm 25, it's too soon. MOMMYYY!!!!

what a joke you are

>> No.15151978

do what Niggers do ... what do they do?

>> No.15152034
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>> No.15152583

has a very low chance to work

>> No.15152636
File: 693 KB, 902x450, 1563641533651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to sugar coat it, OP is absolutely fucked. he's in the prime of his life and is about to lose about 98% of his free time and he'll be working double time.
but you are right, we all get what we deserve.

hope the sex was worth it

>> No.15152906

1 condom break and pregnant. You are getting cucked bro.....

>> No.15153022


How convenient


Bitches lie, especially when they're carrying some random guy's baby

>> No.15153061

I don't believe for one second about these accidents. Your girl wanted a baby very badly.

>> No.15153100

Old condoms have chance of breaking. Happened to me once

>> No.15153132

Get the paternity test. Dude.

>> No.15153626

Were you two using birth control?

>> No.15153661

Change your name, move to another country.