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File: 12 KB, 259x194, astro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15144212 No.15144212 [Reply] [Original]

How about a fixed thread?

>> No.15144258

I'm doing my research for a custom kind of analysis, i think the subject has been not investigated very much, because astrologers are not traders and the other way around

>> No.15144430


stfu retard. stop telling normies the secret.

>> No.15144487

I thought this was an autistic self-help board

>> No.15144511

I can write some bot that uses it!

I will need someone that knows how astrology works and we can go 50-50 profits

>> No.15144569

You thot wrong nerd

>> No.15144655

Omg i'm scared now, i shared so many secrets here

>> No.15144670

All I can see out of this is like.. trying to predict that other idiot investors read their horoscopes and buy/sell based off of it. Problem is your have to know what are major holdings of pieces and scorpios etc

>> No.15144687

This is a new way to not read it

>> No.15144688

fortunately they don't have any idea what they're doing

>> No.15144720

I swear these TA threads get more ridiculous with every post

>> No.15144728

Nice try hermes trismegistus, now GFY

There wasn't any TA so far, but if you swear i believe you.

>> No.15144738
File: 32 KB, 580x580, 0D842268-CD60-403F-9D3E-6E4091EBB643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t stop, the crew at work really enjoys reading them.

>> No.15144754

The real redpill is chinese astrology+crypto.
you will become rich in mere months.

>> No.15144756

I'm thinking to stop, sorry

>> No.15144772
File: 107 KB, 1000x541, 1D361FE8-D4D0-4203-8F0C-37641C0BDB9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t. Stop.

You have been warmed.

>> No.15144797

I can make up some completely random and stupid bullshit if you'd like. I bet the results would be the same.

>> No.15144814

Ok plebs your opinions are very exciting, but i want to talk to other anons about financial astrology.

>> No.15144817

>hermes trismegistus
i refuse to apologize for my large penis, friend.

>> No.15144833

you're doing just fine

>> No.15144835

OK, you sound sincere. BTC will perform very well after Aug 10th and probably spark on Aug 15th. September will be a steady rise.

>> No.15144847

and mark September 13th on your calendar - it will spike bigtime on that day.

>> No.15144864


>> No.15144875

transits to key btc chart points

>> No.15144921

which kind of planets are you taking into account?

>> No.15144951

transit Venus and its condition is the most important through end of year.

>> No.15144971

Im suing you if you're wrong. Longing with 25x

>> No.15144997

if you give me your birth info i can tell you if you're making a huge mistake

>> No.15144998

Venus seems to be important, but there are other aspects i'm trying to add.
Main movement is given by Jupiter, that is bullish

>> No.15145017

3 oct 1999

>> No.15145025

there are certain things I won't mention but you have the right mindset so I think you can figure it out. my advice is to review historical movements to identify the key factors. For example, Saturn ingress into Cap was responsible for stopping the 2017 moon.

>> No.15145071

venus in leo is loosely trine mars in sag. you might make it. also, talk to girls, they like you.

>> No.15145084

we'll find out mid-august what Jupiter's impact is as it stations direct

>> No.15145105

Jupiter set basically previous bullish and bearish markets.
Sat is still there, it makes me think there could be no moon though

>> No.15145151

check out its next station

>> No.15145184

2020 aquarius

>> No.15145198

that will be a key maturation period - focus on partnerships, legal agreements, etc. i meant the sat station D coming up in sept.

>> No.15145293

Many other different analysis speak about crypto starting to have a strong impact on society in 2020.
So uranus entered in taurus now, meaning a growing crysis and maybe banking system disruption.
Saturn means consolidation, in this terms, i've to see if it has something related to altcoins struggling, at the end of 2019 until spring 2020 we could see many coins going to $0.

>> No.15145305

Can you elaborate more on saturn in 2020 and the coming years?

>> No.15145317

Saturn destroys the doubles and the fancy things, does it ring a bell?

>> No.15145323

good point about saturn consolidating, hadn't considered that angle and will look into it more. altcoins seem mostly worthless in the long run and I think people are accepting that. btc's value is more fundamental as a currency play and I don't think most people (fairly) understand the currency system. The Uranus in Taurus could easily relate here so it's worth learning about what's really happening. I recommend watching a doc called "Princes of the Yen" which is on YT" as it contains a lot of stuff that is not widely known.

>> No.15145345

Saturn is very strong in both Capricorn and Aquarius, (it's in Cap now and goes into Aqua nxt year), but in different ways. Saturn through cap demands things be done by the book, whereas Saturn in aqua will allow for the scheming of a new "book." Whatever the impacts on btc, we are certainly in a very interesting period with the potential for dramatic alterations to the world as it is presently ordered.

>> No.15145351

>TA doesn't work retards lmao

Also Biz:
>I'm a Capricorn what should I buy

>> No.15145357

This makes me think that market changed his course, and only the fittest projects and the hard workers will survive to winter 2019 / spring 2020.

I've to look more into BTC dominance

>> No.15145385

por que no le dos?

>> No.15145396

oh, and he's a Libra. Capricorn's don't really go for astro

>> No.15145416

> he thinks that TA is based on "science"

>> No.15145472

I found that even mars has some impact on the charts, at the moment i still miss the general picture

As an idea i'm looking into single coins charts, fun fact is that btc is capricorn and ltc is gemini (double, copycat).

Analysis of single coins as a whole becomes too complex and the risk of missing variables is high

>> No.15145483

Thanks. Btw libra is set to launch around Q2 of 2020. Could be huge

>> No.15145512

Air could still smell of blood from the alt slaughter, i wouldn't be so shure in that case

>> No.15145516

my prediction is we'll start to see things that are outright pegged to btc.

agree, there is no reason for there to be a chart for "crypto." as for mars, it is very important for btc so keep on that track.

>> No.15145533

Now I'm curious. April 4, 1986.

>> No.15145579

you, my friend, are gonna make it.

>> No.15145582

Friend please help me. Aquarius, Feb 1997

>> No.15145583

I'm sorry to inform you: there will be a complete reversal of your sexual orientation in the next 3 days.

>> No.15145614

if you really want to learn your own chart get birthdate and place of birth, plus the TIME. check your birth certificate, don't trust your mom's memory if at all possible.

with only bday you can see some things, but to do any real analysis on future outcomes you need to establish an accurate birth time.

>> No.15145619


>> No.15145631

kek. it does appear possible that he has an unexpected circumcision on the immediate horizon.

>> No.15145639

Feb 7th 1997 - 9:53AM

>> No.15145642

I'll take it, thanks friend. Interesting post. How did you start down this rabbit hole? Should I just Google for resources to get started?

>> No.15145660

Maybe that's what making it really means, I can stop living this double life.

>> No.15145663

November 7 / 91. Toronto 11:00am

>> No.15145664

What do you guys think about this?

>> No.15145674

Northwest Illinois - if that helps

>> No.15145694
File: 38 KB, 712x673, hwk6mdvpk4a31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to leave but fortuna@speedpost.net will reply to you tomorrow if you drop a line. birth city also matters.

>> No.15145700

The problem is that kornephoros orbit tells that this reversal could be reversable.

Don't feed those pussies, if we don't want the thread to degenerate into a circle of hell

>> No.15145707

Wrong, it's an Aquarian Astrology board now

>> No.15145718

Ok i'll read just 1 thing to the first not-lion that writes his birthplace, date and hour

>> No.15145753

Feb 7, 1997; 9:53 AM; Freeport, Illinois

>> No.15145782

What do you want, you lucky bastard? Things are not going quite well in the last times? You deserve it.

>> No.15145812

Things are going quite well, at the moment. Great SO, moving away for school for my passion-ish (comp sci), hopefully making wise choices in the markets. Just trying to better myself daily. Read more often, always learning new skills or tricks or anything. Just trying to become more worldly and cultured in general.

That being said - I am sick. Crohns disease, Bipolar II, a myriad of other disabilities that come with both of those diagnosis'. Mother is back in rehab, father is working constantly. Things could be better.

What more can I do? Anything that stands out like a sore thumb?

>> No.15145824

What do I want? More power to create change. If that comes in the form of money, leverage, information, clout, then so be it.

>> No.15145844

Seriously, things are going very bad, you've to stay calm, it will require time but it will go away, and you will wonderfully make it after that.

>> No.15145862

I'm speaking about first months of 2020.

>> No.15145891

I'm sorry to pry - but can you be any more specific? How will things be bad? Health, family, relationships, future? How early in 2020, first quarter, first month? How will I make it, in what way, and how much?

>> No.15145895

You're seeking the wrong things. You should be looking at cults + dark money. See also : United Nations Dollar (UND)

>> No.15145958

Pepper your angus. Literally. Pepper it. With vaseline.

>> No.15145978

I do have crohn's so this would add up pimp

>> No.15145981

If info you gave me are correct, i see a huge potential, i can't explain because it's the first time i see something like that.

This kind of power is a weakness too, because you're not very well balanced, and in certain periods you will struggle more than others.

>> No.15146010

Info is correct. I am not very well balanced, that is correct. One of the things I'm trying to work on more. Rampant mood swings along with life stresses will tend to have that affect, but I am trying regardless.
First time you've seen something like this, eh? If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been doing this?
I will ensure that it is not a weakness.

>> No.15146016

Pepper infused vaseline. Thank me later.

>> No.15146075


>> No.15146086

If you turn it into a cure for Crohns or something pay it forward.

>> No.15146096

if peppering my angus with vaseline cures my autoimmunity I'll give it all back m8

>> No.15146203

How long? I don't remember.
You're definitely not an average person, you're someone or will be, and i'm not talking random things.

Profile is not clear, it makes me think to some Crypto Ceo, someone who deals with people to make companies, to bring up new ideas, but he's not directly involved with the technical aspects.

>> No.15146453

The skeptic in me would want to reply
>Easy cold read, sought out info, so wants an answer. Is on a trading board, so interested in markets, etc
That being said. I changed the degree I wanted to focus on this week from a less tech heavy one to a more business oriented one, selling tech ideas essentially.
Also, a large group of friends irl all started asking me about the crypto space, not that I'm some legend at it, just bring it up to them enough that they know I'm interested. Now have a 15 person snap chat group that I type up little google docs for, specifically to give resources and give them basics on security, basic trading principles, basic descriptions of the tech, etc. My friends and my SO have all been joking about turning it into some wash brokerage, haha.

Thank you for humoring me, going more in depth than you needing to, and helping me be prepared for the hardships to come and the blessings that will follow. Any parting advice or comments m8? If there's anything I can do to repay this favor, please, tell me