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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 863 KB, 1125x1911, A2E29514-1966-4071-98B2-E425E7BE3D91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15127171 No.15127171 [Reply] [Original]

Can we make a new rule? Poorfags can only lurk here from now on. $1500 isn’t shit. Gtfo here unless you’ve got $50k+ in fuck you money. Quality threads only plz, fucking jannies do your job, allow quality posts only.

>> No.15127188


50k? Fuck off poorfag

>> No.15127213

Go marketbuy brapper you dumb poor fuck.

>> No.15127217

Someone with $100k could consider $50k of it fuck-you money, which is where the problem in your thread is, since we know $50k shouldn't be considered fuck-you money. What net worth would someone need in order for $50k to be nothing?

>> No.15127241
File: 47 KB, 640x640, nblunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this from last week? It would seem that some of the fags here are not the kind of fags you expect them to be.

>> No.15127312


i do not understand what this image is meant to convey. a reciept from san tropez? is this representative of 'the high life' to you?

>> No.15127332

What a waste of money
>inb4 brainlet line that states the obvious about my not being able to afford such a thing while ignoring the fact I wouldn't even if I could and finding brainlet reasons to be adamant that I would -- shut up with the tiresome argument.

>> No.15127346


No, some Anon posted it last week and said 107.524 Dollar lunch. The ensuing thread was actually a really good read. A good read, that revealed, that there are a lot of Anons lurking here who know this type of stuff.

>> No.15127421

That being said.... who do you think you are dealing with here on /biz/ all neets that put their last money into some shitcoin? You are gravely mistaken. Learn, dear Harmony team. Learn.

>> No.15127426

eh and plus it's a whole different currency im sure i could wipe my ass with 10,000 yen and not sweat ya know. You and me think a lot a like brother. Fuck people who think this makes them cool. We aint dumb, you adn I.

>> No.15127448


St.Tropez means Euro. Worth a little bit more than the Dollar even.

>> No.15127466

You spent all that money on nothing. I can make a quality meal from farm fresh chickens and it would cost me 1/1000000th of what you paid for "luxury" food that isn't worth it. It's not fucking impressive seeing people blow their money like that. It's actually hilarious to see people do that.

>> No.15127512


I'm not saying this is me. But to some people this is as if you spend 30 bucks.

>> No.15128610

Some people spend 150k on cars without the blink of an eye... ignoring the running cost in Europe. Some people are dumb enough to buy thir woman every unnecessary 150th pair of shoes or handbags... because money does just not matter any more... do you understand?

>> No.15128627

I've 21k USD in LINK but I'm from a 3rd world country so the money stretches much further than it would in the States. Can I please participate?

>> No.15128652

And this, I think, is what Chainlink might do for me over the next 5 years.... get to that point. I am rich already. But not 1% multi billionaire kind of rich. If Chainlink succeeds, it will be the lottery for me, that I don't even need.

>> No.15128695

>$50k = fuck you money
I spotted the poorfag

>> No.15128708


And if it doesn't, I will have lost a lot of money... which is ok too.... I knew crypto = gamble

>> No.15128772

>10 dollar coke

>> No.15128832


Yep, and that is why multi millionaire celebrities sometimes lose everything. That is why my recently retired mother, who was a forgettable cubicle sitter, has about the same net worth at Mike Tyson.

>> No.15128872

I guess what I am saying is this: I have not only balls but also the money to sit this out. Chainlink in 6 years... fine. I will still read /biz/ every day

>> No.15128967

I'm a poorfag with a 55k link stack, worth 138k$ now, I put probably 16k$ in over 16 months.
you need to understand that the money you invest is not fuck you money, therevis water and food (shit food to buy more link), then rent in a shit place, then investing, then all the normie shit like clothing, alcohol, car, etc...
if you consider only investing the extra money you have then you don't deserve to make it.

>> No.15129625


You need to understand that the money invest in crypto ABSOLUTELY has to be fuck you i don't need money. It is a fuckin gamble. In case of Chainlink a rather safe gamble... but it will take years, and a lot can go wrong. Investing in crypto you need to realize it can be gone in 2 days. You really need to be aware

>> No.15129856

Imagine a competitor that we all never realised comes along, with the solution to the oracle problem...

>> No.15129891

>can we make a new rule?
Piss off back to Rebbit. This board has always been about frugality. I miss the money saving tips threads. Suggestions like peeing in the toilet tank to save on the water bill were great.

>> No.15130007

the population of this board would drop 99%

>> No.15130035

I bet you are just a poor kike wasting parents money on shitty cryptocurrencies

>> No.15130131


You are funny. I spend money on nothing every day because I have to. It is expected. You guys don't even realize. IT IS EXPECTED. You spend money

Imagine I do not pay for lunch.. and leave my girlfriend there... she would end up in jail... and the thought that she might for once invite me, never crosses her mind

>> No.15131323
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 1556741112180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u sound like a nubizlet fag.
let me help u.
biz as it is today is infested with 3rd world scammers.
this isnt news for anyone who has lurked here for over a week.
well, big dick /biz/nessmen created a solution to this problem by developing 0xchan.org
its a decentralized chan operated by a smart contract and requires a stake to post - this kills the pajeets and 3rd world trash.
hence, the final solution and most important /biz/ board is nearly operational.

pic related.

>> No.15131400
