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15122111 No.15122111 [Reply] [Original]

what did acid teach about money?

>> No.15122135


We are animals and the shit is next to useless

>> No.15122148

That it is basically evil and will get us all killed

>> No.15122155

yep. but it is a great tool to get people to do what you want.

>> No.15122167

Checked and nice blotter

>> No.15122242

That the concept of money doesn't even make any sense

>> No.15122299
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Money is the ultimate manipulator and The Fed is literally and unironically the NWO / Illuminati / Majestic 12 / Reptilian overloards, etc.

>> No.15122313

checked. acid taught me several years ago that this really is the clown world. that's why i can pour thousands into crypto and not be bothered if i'm down because eventually shitcoins will moon

>> No.15122351


>> No.15122411
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When I was a NEET, I took some ‘cid and realized that so much of my unhappiness was deeply rooted in laziness. Particularly, I realized that around the age of 25, my father, his father, his father, his father, etc. we’re all working to create wealth and material value. At 25, I was not.

I somehow came to the realization (be it true or not) that if my ancestors’ experiences and beliefs are stored in some capacity within my DNA (ala assassins creed), that would explain a bit of my discontent. Everybody in my bloodline was working at 25, and I wasn’t.

Be it true or not, the thought got me into another mental tangent about WHY I couldn’t get a job. Realized that I was selling myself short trying to apply for shit boring jobs at shit boring companies. Doing shit like writing vacation rental descriptions for $12/h. When you get turned down from shit boring jobs at shit boring companies, you really feel like your value in the job market is low asf. Hard mental barrier to get over.

Then, I realized that shit boring companies are shit boring companies for a reason. They can’t identify talent for shit. I mean fuck, I started my own company doing triangular arbitrage on btc and doge back in 2013-2014. Speak Chinese. I’m a high value candidate. If I can just avoid sperging out during my interviews, I could get into any company I wanted.

That was a game changing moment for me, as I only started applying for good jobs at good companies from that point.

tldr, I finally ended up at a top 10 company. Thanks mr acid.

>> No.15122824
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Why do so many people / women take acid and they are still dumb, aggressive and normie like?
Seems like not everyone learns from experience.

Maybe people shouldn't get blasted with their friends.

I took LSD with friend once and haven't felt I learned anything just had fun times, second time I took it alone I thought alot about my life and had bit of impact on me.

Taking drugs in normie situation is waste I think

>> No.15122886

acid doesn't magically make you more intelligent or woke. If somebody doesn't have the capacity for brilliance then it won't make itself known.

>> No.15123511

only normies take lsd or shrooms.
they dont actually do anything useful to you if youre not a mouthbreather

>> No.15123539

besides the fact that half of the worlds technological breakthroughs in the last century came from geniuses that dropped acid? and every form of media would be absolute dogshit if drugs weren’t involved.

>> No.15123565

post proof nigger
nothing good has ever come out of shrooms or acid, that is just a retarded hoax acidheads like you spread

>> No.15123615

steve jobs was an "acidhead"

>> No.15123625

number 1 example off the top of my head is steve jobs, who credited LSD as playing a huge role in the success of Apple. Also shrooms unironically cured Paul Stamets stutter and has been shown to help neuroplasticity

>> No.15123626

Yeah and he also thought he could cure his terminal HIV by eating strawberries

>> No.15123645

>Technological breakthroughs

>> No.15123666

every genious also have also really dumb side.
You can't be genious if you think too "normal" so thats why they sometimes do thinking mistakes as if they are autistic high on weed retards

>> No.15123693

>steve jobs
lmao of course you hipster schizo mouthbreather retards cannot think of anyone else but steve jobs, a complete hack that got carried to success on other peoples backs

also forgot to mention drugs probably lead to more artist suicides than actual boosts of creativity. i cannot remember one artist who got better after taking drugs, plenty who killed themselves because of drug abuse.

>> No.15123713

It just lets you see trhough different perspectives you've never seen/experienced before. If you focus you can take some wisdom back with you, usually it's entertaining n a little stressful n you waste alot of time and money and get filthy.

>> No.15123714

you wanna know how i can tell this guy drops acid/shrooms regularly?

>> No.15123753

Acid or shrooms are fairly safe. Artists kill themselves because they take 3g coke, some speed and then drop a heroic dose of acid while shooting up heroin

>> No.15123760

You sound retarded

>> No.15123782

>ad hominem
what else would i expect from a druggie kek

>> No.15123787

He's Satan?

>> No.15123797

you can easily tell george lucas's star wars was influenced by acid

>> No.15123812

this is another thing you will see druggies do, they cannot comprehend someone being creative or making unique interesting stories without drug influence.

>> No.15123839

Checked and lizardpilled

>> No.15123841

i had a realization about how money is functionally a totem of great acquired cultural significance. it's simply cultural programming, albeit very powerful. this is not some commie thing of how it's just paper and shouldn't matter and we should just be able to live, man; rather how an economic system becomes so much more powerful than any of us. i recognized how my only chance is to figure out some way to obtain enough of it to provide security because none of us can change the machine that's in motion. that power is reserved for people with the historic significance and world-moving power of christ, hitler, etc.

>> No.15123873
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Actually I listened alot of people how it helped them with alcohol addiction and other addictions.

Can confirm since I wanted to break away from Porn and Mastrubation addcition and while tripping I was thinking how all that is disgusting and pointless and after that I just lost interested for porn and mastrubation.

Its not completely all Hippy talk

>> No.15123888

Cope you straight edge faggot. You think so highly of yourself for not ingesting certain things that are too powerful for your miserable existence to cope with. Know your ancestors would have picked those mushrooms from a field, ate them and have profound illuminating experiences. While you sit on a fucking anonymous imageboard, trying tear other people down for simply trying something you haven't. You are not steadfast or enlightened, you are a coward.

>> No.15123911
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did you like the movie 2001: a space odyssey?

if you did, i've got bad news for you

>> No.15123962
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LOL you can't see irony in your own thinking while thinking you are some all smart guy that figured out all when basically all your bias come from TV and Boomer scare stories..

You are literally thinking in NPC logic : GOOD or BAD
Things are more complicated with brain and chemistry and drugs than your little pea brain would like to think.

Yet you probably don't even understand basic chemistry or math. But whatever loser keeping spouting your Boomer stuff you heard about Marihuana needles.

>> No.15123990

>You can't be genious if you think too "normal" so thats why they sometimes do thinking mistakes as if they are autistic high on weed retards
this is the most underrated comment i've ever seen on 4chan. people think of genius as being blazing, focused insight. i think it is likely just as often a consequence of normal mental boundaries being omitted or having never developed, literally just having a tendency to think differently than most other brains and go down different avenues

>> No.15124061

I want not so it is basically useless outside of providing me with enough freedom to live as my authentic self

>> No.15124086

again, only resorting to ad hominems and pointless insults.
i have taken acid and shrooms you fucking shitheads. it is not worth it. i am trying to warn other anons from my experience. maybe your fucking ape brains are amazed by them and you think you are some deep profound thinker but in reality, you are making retarded basic bitch observations (like everything itt). i can have perfectly profound experiences by just meditating that are 10x more powerful than anything psychedelics let you do.
i wouldnt give a fuck if you only took it for fun, do that all you want, but the way you acidheads carry yourselves around like they some futuristic philosophers and pretend that these drugs are actually useful for something other than getting fucked up is fucking annoying.
again, no good results are ever achieved by shrooms or acid and your spazzing out is proof.
>muh ancestors
lmao nice mckenna-tier defense

>> No.15124174
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You are really fucking dumb, your whole world view consist of black and white thinking.

Ya idiot, many people could take same medicine and it will work differently on different people, its not about single instance if something is good or not.
Chemistry and body is fucking complex beyond me and your stupid brain that you would disregard something from your own 1 personal experience.

If you wanna do your faggy meditation do it, but dont shit on people who actually have positive outcomes with acid.
And don't tell me this hippy bullshit its chemical, its not natural or some other puritan bs, go and inhale jenkem from your own shit that would be 100% bio and natural.

>> No.15124249

you have still not posted proof or any examples.
i wouldnt even be having this argument if this fucking faggot >>15123539 wouldnt chime in immediately after my post
i am not saying that shrooms or acid are bad. they are good if you wanna get fucked up but they are not actually useful for anything if you are someone who actually has control over his own brain.

>> No.15125269

think harder. Money is a technology that automated the bartering process through market forces. Re-read that last sentence. What did you do before money if nobody wanted to trade 13 chickens for a goat, but all you had was a goat and needed chickens? Exactly.

>> No.15125283

Acid let me see that money isn’t everything so I don’t really care how rich or poor I am anymore

>> No.15125284

this game unironically is woke. Older deus EX mentions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex_84

>> No.15125599

I once took acid in a busy shopping street, and I could feel everyone's lust for power and admiration. Most people only want money to appear successful. They buy nice clothes, expensive jewellery, big houses, expensive cars just to have everyone around them believe they are successful and happy.

Completely stepping out of this game is a fool's move though, one should play this game and play it well. Acquire as much money as fast as you can, because there is no escaping the rat race if you don't have money. Sure you could go live in a cabin in the woods, but it will be a miserable experience. Only the people at the top of the food chain can permit themselves to stop playing by the rules.

Honestly if you are a high IQ individual it's not that hard to make it. We are nearing the final stage of capitalism, where capital will get more and more concentrated. Simply develop your abilities to make companies lots of money. Anything IT related has this potential, especially data science. Data driven companies are slowly taking over the world. Also having a fat LINK stack might just be a last escape hatch if you don't have the potential.

>> No.15125725
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You haven't learned much from experience

Its not about playing stupid pointless game about status and wasting your money on ching ching, bling bling and other useless stuff.
Yea you might enjoy bit attention in brief moment of time, you might aquire some friends for being popular but all that will go away over night if your money status changes or if people just get bored of you then you realize you didn't have anyone and you were trying to impress people who didn't give shit.

Would be better to invest money in house preferably away from city and secure steady income where you don't have to push yourself into rat race game.
And I bet even if you search for company you will find much more pleasant people in less populated are than in Cities where every behaves like dirty Rat.

>> No.15125772

low iq post

>> No.15125824


>> No.15125851

You post just became invalid.

>> No.15126049
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Linkers remind me of Herbalife people, just absolutely fucking annoying and persistent in their propaganda hoping it will somehow pay of in end if more people take a bait.
I know few people who totally destroyed all relationship with anyone for promoting HerbaLife and I can't even believe how are they able to do it with straight face and knowing that everyone arounds them think they are Crazy...
I guess some people have similar mental illness traits, just like Linkers have with HerbaLife and Bitconnect. Lyoness and other stuff.

But you will realize you could already made more money by working part time job than shilling Sergey for free and basically giving him money for nothing.

>> No.15126213

>you have still not posted proof or any examples
You have multiple people in here claiming first hand accounts of them having positive experiences that lasted beyond the "trip" itself. My first hand experiences and some of the conclusions I came to while on and after eating mushrooms are JUST as valid as your "hurrr durrr this is bullshit party drug" experiences. I believe having the right mindset, setting, and goals while ingesting some of the more powerful substances has a HUGE impact on what you experience. If you are a retarded shithead going in to the experience, you will probably just view the experience through the lens of a retarded shithead. If you are genuinely seeking a different outlook or perspective on some of the tougher problems in life, you might just find those as well. Godspeed dude, I wish you the best with you meditations. Maybe try not to shit on other peoples perspectives and journey because it differs from your own.

>> No.15126269

This desu. You do not have to choose between living as a destitute hermit or a city savant. You can find contentment in good company and community. Good advice.

>> No.15126674

I embraced national socialism due to acid. Psychedelics should be the only legal drugs. Maybe low proof alcohols like beer/wine, less than 20%, MAYBE

>> No.15126698

Also god exists and it wants you to buy chainlink

>> No.15126716

Oh also skiing on acid is better than sex and actually helps me get better and the skill remains even when sober sloping

>> No.15126744
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Cool fkn tabs.

This wasn’t something I realized on one particular trip or anything, more just constantly throughout the time I’ve been in crypto but:
Basically money is the abstraction of the pure Yin and Yang of the transfer of Value. It must be one of the most primordial and essential processes to life itself, and it has analogues in almost every domain, which makes me think it’s very close to the bare “fundamentals” as far as metaphysics and shit goes.

It’s kinda remarkable really. It’s zero-sum, so it’s not like money (careful, didn’t say value) can be created or destroyed - much like energy - but also much like energy, it CAN be released and unlocked in different forms, which DOES increase or decrease the amount of AVAILABLE money/potential energy to any given individual.

>> No.15126764

Acid is glorified ergot poisoning.

>> No.15126827
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I watched Konosuba on a small 100ug tab and had the best couple hours of my life. I'm still a dumb lazy neet but it was fun.

>> No.15126895


Think even harder: who creates money and decides its distribution? Capitalism is an extension of the feudalistic system of land ownership without the reciprocal obligation of providing support to your serfs. Noble wealth was transferred into capitalism while shedding all responsibility, the noblesse oblige. Rare entrepreneurs are held up as an example to hand wave away that most wealth is inherited by birth right, not created through entrepreneurship. This wealth being land ownership, capital ownership, and political influence. Entrepreneurship, which has insanely high failure rates, holds a special place in mainstream culture to keep the low classes working with the idea they can make it to the capitalist class. Income is taxed as it divides the working class - anyone who exchanges their labor for capital - as well as prevents ascension into the capitalist class, where returns are minimally taxed despite most of this wealth being generated from rent seeking behavior. Essentially the whole system exists to ossify the position of rent seeking capital owners and laborers, including highly skilled laborers, fighting amongst each other.

>> No.15126928

>Unironic feudalists in my biz
Worse than communists desu

>> No.15126949

based jailpilled
dank field shrooms cant be matched. its just a whole process and im too old for that shit now

>> No.15126957

Your not wrong but your also a fuckin brainlet and used literally the most low tier stuttering pothead argument to try and support your claim. Imagine thinking you could convince anybody to take psychedelics by saying a bunch of illuminati industry plants took them and still got rich so its totally legit bruh.
Like I said your not wrong, just stupid. If I were you i wouldve even picked "mUh fREe mArkEt dRUgS sOLuTioN" argument to appeal to this fucking boomer over "leL stEVe dID ACid". Arguments like yours are almost as bad as muh "it's a plant broooo" arguments.

>> No.15127017

Spot the bootlicking boomer

>> No.15127020
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Money is actually tool of trade but its not what people think it is.
It holds "immaginary" value

Money is actually BOND that you own something to someone
If you give me cow for green paper its a BOND that you have that I own you
And basically people are exchanging BONDS with each others but those BONDS are like hot potato, people are kicking them from hand to hand and loser who gets its last is getting short end of stick.

If I am able to exchange CAR for piece of paper I am winner because down the line someone will get worthless paper which will lose value and nobody would want to trade that paper for anything.

Government and Banks print enormous ammount of money and they exchange it for their Yachts, Gold and property and by time it reaches your hand after WAGE SLAVING it lost its value by 50%
People should start using more batering system

>> No.15127068


Capitalism without a citizen's dividend is feudalism without noblesse oblige. Land should be owned by the state, property on the land taxed based on the productivity/value (with clauses for non-productive property to be dismantled, ie: abandoned buildings), and any tax revenue returned back to fund various common goods (military, infra, public services). Taxes on labor should be abolished completely and replaced with a VAT. Both taxes should be used to fund the citizen's dividend. This will incentivize productive use of land (not hoarding of land) and allow for more liquidity in real estate markets by allowing for reclaiming of failed capital enterprises (see: urban blight in the Rust Belt). It also removes the disincentivization of labor - which is the non-capital owning class' primary means of attaining capital.

>> No.15127654

kek this thread is still up
>You have multiple people in here claiming first hand accounts of them having positive experiences that lasted beyond the "trip" itself
and yet they have nothing to show for it other than babbys first philosophy. druggies are fucking retarded.
shrooms do nothing you could not figure out yourself, you feel this great freedom when you take drugs because your mind by itself is so closed up that you cannot free it without ingesting a deadly substance
also love how the overall argument went from
>half of the inventors in this world did acid!
>steve jobs did acid!
>it helped some people in this thread!
again, i wouldnt really give a fuck if you faglords wouldnt parade yourselves around every time psychedelics are mentioned with the most retarded 1st grade thoughts and "they are so spiritually enlightening maaan".
psychedelics are useless for creativity, they are agitating to take and they let you figure out things you would have already figured out if you were not a retarded smoothbrain.
they are good if you want to get fucked up. thats it.
take it all you want, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.15127749
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>mentions drugs
this angers the /pol/ cletus

>> No.15128043

>people take psychedelics to "get fucked up"
ignorance showing

>> No.15128178

>Gimme yangbux cuz monopoly man stole it

>> No.15128201

Well why don't you just run for president then if you have all these good ideas

>> No.15128233

i did a lot of acid and shroomies;
highest dose of acid was 1.5 mg (1500ug for you spergs who are gonna say HUR DUR BRO YUR FULL OF SHIT, 10 tabs of gamma goblins gear)

highest dose of shrooms was 120 grams (fresh) psilocybe panaeolus.

on acid you are confronted with every aspect of yourself without inhibition, this can force you to see the error of your ways, and incentivise you to change for the better.

shroomies can take you out of yourself and show you another fucking world, genuinely magical, i got to talk to some ayylmaos and i think i got a bj, very inspiring, ayys are kind of like insects they chew through and feed off of dimensions but they also contribute to them like worms or stick insects, one of them fed off my experiences and gave me some decent advice in turn. other times they just looked at me and went about their business

>> No.15128263

Wow look at mr no fun allowed


>> No.15128291

the dimensions i went through in the shroom trips were very strange, one was very typical DMT like structure and architecture, but the other was like a giant neon orange scaffold lattice with stick insect like aliens nearly perfectly camouflaged to this environment slowly clambering around in it, there were no visible sources of light but everything was still visible.

>> No.15128305

You said everything right except LINK.

I am purely playing this game for revenge: the most pathetic people who work in finance and actually value their pathetic, useless labor and think they are better then everyone else.

I want to accrue wealth, and say fuck you I played this same game and did not believe it at all and still did better than you.

Then I will dedicate my life to the dismantlement of capitalism through a concerted lobbying campaign towards a post-capitalist, fully automated world. Universal basic income and post-scarcity world with algorithmic precision for distribution.

>> No.15128341

I too talked to insect like ayy's on my shroom trip after meditating in a dark closet for about an hour

>> No.15128442

I began taking LSD at 28. At the time I was making about $12/hr and lived with my parents, one step above neet status. Less than 2 years later I have my own place, 1000 miles away, and make 55K salary(midwest). I credit my experiences with LSD for nearly all of it. It really just helped me break down a bunch of bullshit mental and emotional barriers that had held me back since I was a kid.

>> No.15128484

people are ants and the chemical instructions are the media

>> No.15128521

>I got high and now I make a shitty wage that most people are capable of making without getting high

>> No.15128524
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Acid is small time

high dose DXM is when the real crazy shit starts happening

>> No.15128536

>eventually shitcoins will moon
about that......

>> No.15128555

whoever is holding that bible, is doing it wrong.. you don't touch the doses..

>> No.15128566

DMT is harder than DXM, you pussy.

>> No.15128597

go on. i don't think i can do it because it seems really unhealthy for your heart and shit, so i want to hear how mind-melting it is

>> No.15128614

> Implying most people make 50K
> Average salary definitely isn't slightly above 35K for an individual
> Even moreso without a degree, tons of people make that much without even an associates degree
> Implying I said anything about being at all superior to anyone else, not merely showing how it benefited me personally going from a sad sack of shit neet to at least a self sustaining adult
> Inventing all of that from my post

Show us on the doll where the LSD touched you..

>> No.15128629

Can confirm, breaking through was easily the most terrifying experience of my life, and I've even done PCP twice.

>> No.15128636

If you actually believe you needed to get high to make 55k a year, you've contracted schizophrenia. DUDE WEED LMAO OPENED MY MIND UP BROOOOOO UNLOCKED MY POTENTIAL LMAO. No, you got high, dumb ass.

>> No.15128660

>Land should be owned by the state, property on the land taxed based on the productivity/value (with clauses for non-productive property to be dismantled, ie: abandoned buildings), and any tax revenue returned back to fund various common goods (military, infra, public services).
This is literally what happens now, dumbfuck. If you don't pay taxes on uour property, the government seizes it, etgo the government owns your property.

>> No.15128683

No, you're just legitimately retarded, and if anything have just validated my point. I had been smoking weed for more than a decade, and experimented with a shitload of other drugs by that point, yet in your own words it was the effects of the LSD that spurred the change. Thanks for agreeing with me, you colossal faggot.

>> No.15128728
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checked and praised redpilled and based

>> No.15128762

>and experimented with a shitload of other drugs by that point, yet in your own words it was the effects of the LSD that spurred the change.

You would probably be even further head in life if you never experimented with drugs and skipped the LSD step, like most of the people in my life that smoked a fuckload of weed and constantly drop acid and take mushrooms.

>> No.15128778

Money isn’t evil necessarily
People definitely are capable of evil though (money or not)

>> No.15128929


>> No.15128983

Look at this raving madman who's oh-so confident in his opinions and worldviews. Your ego is freaking out lol.

>> No.15129012

>your ego is freaking out

That's hilarious because 90 percent of this thread are LSD users constantly feeling the need to justify themselves and throw around ad-hominem attacks. Yeah bro ur so chill maaaaaaan like u took some mushies maaaaaaaaan. you are chill AF

>> No.15129072

Just checking dude, you were figuratively bouncing off the walls going AAAHHH AHHHH IM THE SANE ONE HERE HAHAHAHA in this thread. Honestly, I was getting a bit concerned for you there for a sec while lurking through this thread.

Please do us all (including yourself a favor) and continue to not take drugs fren.

>> No.15129103

god i miss robotripping
especially in the woods with friends, one of us got grabbed by a witch and pulled into a portal and when we went to look for him it starting hitting us really hard
imagine walking, but slowly shifting into the sensation of laying down and your legs are stretched out 30 feet in front of you, but you know you're walking fine, everything just looks and feels like a 3D animation glitch in ultra-HD
then your vision slowly "flattens" everything(it did for me), the heavier it got the sleepier i became, until i was suddenly in a roller coaster made of hair, at an impossible altitude, i could see how high up i was but i couldn't feel it
the sky stayed one color but kept changing (think Jojo anime) the faster the roller coaster went
then i threw up, irl
the trail we were on had knee-high ditches and side walls on each side, my friend was sitting in the one opposite from me
he said he was in a dark blue/black room and some fat goth in a computer chair and his skinny girlfriend told him to choose a weapon, and the room was filled with rows of melee and long range weapons of all types as far as the eye could see
when we both came back to reality enough to walk, we were talking about each other's trips and remembered our buddy is out here too
another wave of trip happened shortly after we turned back, it wasn't as intense but we did see things appear bigger and more "tilted" than they were, and could "sense" the witch that grabbed our friend
we found him laying on a pile of gravel, called out to him, and he turned to look at us with that blank robo face
he wouldn't talk for some reason, or move other than standing up calmly when we got closer to him
he said a witch grabbed him and reprogrammed him
then he touched an imaginary button on his shoulder, this is how we had to "program" him to walk, few steps in this direction, few more steps that way, etc
was fun and we all had big random scrapes on our faces, hands and arms the next day

>> No.15129130
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based, thanks for sharing anon

>> No.15129144

You actually think I'm sitting here and bouncing off the walls because I hit my caps lock key. This is the level of IQ points your average drug dependent is operating on.

But seriously bro ur just chillin'! Ever since u dropped that acid u hav been chill AF!!! Everyone look at how chill this dude be

>> No.15129171

>unenlightened confirmed
LSD is much different than people depict it. it depends on what kind of experience you have, and what you learn from it. I dont do drugs anymore but LSD was a tool that helped me realize my life from a different perspective.

>> No.15129175

Look, at least these faggots have drugs as their excuse for being unstable. What's yours?

>> No.15129215

The funny thing about drug users is that they believe that they're qualified psychologists too. If I knew the caps lock key would have instilled so much confusion within you I wouldn't have used it.

>> No.15129243

>LSD is much different than people depict it.

And the ones who have created that depiction are generally frequent LSD users that believe they have been "Brought back to reality" but in the meantime still engage in the same useless behavior that everyone else engages in like getting into arguments via social media and hurling insults at people they've never met. Reading this thread has lead me to believe that LSD use has left its users anything but enlightened

>> No.15129245
File: 2.21 MB, 444x250, 1564140032526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh brother

>> No.15129252

I don't like people who talk about it that highly, it's alright and gives you a altered perspective for a couple of weeks after taking it, it can produce some relatively minor realisations but nothing that's going to significantly change your life for the better

>> No.15129286

LSD is what you think weed will be before you ever try weed

>> No.15129291

also you should use it for fun, not for the false dream of gaining some sort of enlightenment, mushrooms are better for feeling conntected to the world and it's a fun little way to tap into feelings of spirituality but doesn't cause any real spritual gains. it's just fun at the end of the day I think the LSDtards you're on about are probably retards with or without the drug, without it they'd probably be tapped into some other gay thing

>> No.15129300
File: 64 KB, 960x567, Recession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15129315

>Gay ass reddit gif

>> No.15129363

I used to think this way, and then Link shot from 20 cents to 5 USD while I was bagholding a project with a "real team" and "real use case", etc. etc.

You have to be new/retarded to not understand how things work in Crypto. It literally doesn't matter if it's a scam/vaporware. If Herbalife is a total scam that could make you $100,000 a year, then who gives a shit? Took me a while to stop thinking so objectively/analytically about cryptocurrency. Sure, there's a tech aspect to it, but there's also a big fat fucking ponzi aspect to every cryptocurrency in existence. If you don't embrace that, you're not going to make money.

>> No.15129384

Money is the product of a uniquely human recognition that everything is of limited supply, and as a result we need to cooperate by limiting our consumption of scarce resources proportionally to the value of what we contribute. Money is an objective measurement of our subjective view of how important something is to us. Money is a product of human cooperation, it evolves necessarily out of a desire to cooperate. There’s a beauty in what money shows us about ourselves: we know we can’t do it all on our own, we know we want to leverage other people so we can all be more prosperous. We might not know that we know this about ourselves, but the kernel deep down in us all is this social drive, that we can have more and build more if only we use eachother’s advantages to our own advantage. It’s a selfish urge that leads us toward collective prosperity. Money is the grease to make that machine move efficiently. Take it away and you take away a part of our humanity. Money is a necessity to be part of a civilization. People say money is evil but they have no fucking idea how much a part of their humanity that money is.

>> No.15129403

Nah you shouldn't do it for fun. Your brain is not a toy

>> No.15129424

Because most people won't make 100k they'll just get burned

>> No.15129554


>> No.15129587


>> No.15129708
File: 2.04 MB, 480x480, 1560670479413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money is a measuring stick for the value of things or people