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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15118705 No.15118705 [Reply] [Original]

What is Tezos? Tezos is a permission-less, trust-less protocol that is considered a currency first and a smart contracts platform second. Written in OCaml from scratch based on a position paper written in 2014 by Arthur Breitman. Smart contract language Michelson is a full stack VM that is strongly typed. Higher level languages including Liquidity, LIGO, and smartpy making development more accessible without sacrificing security.

On-chain governance is considered to be a veto on bad upgrade proposals. This prevents minority interests or simple Sybil attacks from detracting from growth in network effect of the principle chain. The design was inspired by the game Nomic which has a rule allowing users to change the rules of the game. It has also been likened to Schmidhuber's Gödel machine. The governance design closely resembles the early American Republic, endowing voting rights to property owners, network validators. End users delegate, not send, their baking rights to a network validator that performs regular payouts and votes on their behalf. Tying economic and political interests together is very interesting in that the participation rate to date is high, ~80%.

Anyone with 8,000 xtz can act as a validator on the network. Once online baking right are assigned several cycles in advance to prevent gaming of the system. Tezos uses a proof-of-stake system coined Liquid Proof-of-Stake due to the liquidity provided to those delegating their funds. This holds a strategic advantage that it doesn't slow monetary velocity in the system. Baking or network validation typically only keeps locks 50-70 million xtz out of a total 800 million total supply, around 8%, at any given time and 660 million circulating. The difference is due to the Tezos Foundation vesting contracts that release funds monthly across 48 months.

>> No.15118714

Fundraiser treasury is held by the Tezos Foundation in Zug, Switzerland made up of seven council members overseeing the management of an estimated $500-$600 million USD. The Tezos Foundation supports key organizations such as the Tocqueville Group, Tezos Southeast Asia, Tezos Korea Foundation, Tezos Japan Foundation and Nomadic Labs. There are numerous grantees and community organizations that are supported as well.

Recent News - CoinbasePro adds Tezos, eToro adds Tezos, HuobiWallet announces support for staking XTZ , Truffle Suite, Receives Grant To Integrate Tezos, Bakers vote on historical Babylon proposal

Deals & Partnerships - Securitize deal issuing $1 Billion worth of real estate, BTG Pactual And Dalma Capital To Utilize Tezos Blockchain For Security Token Offerings ($1 Billion), TokenSoft Announces Support for Tezos STOs

How is this different than Decred? First the on-chain governance decisions are binding, protocol hotswapped or automatically upgraded, if the proposal passes. Second, it is useful.

How is this different than ETH 2.0 or Cardano? It is not an abstract concept on a peer reviewed paper.

>> No.15118745

It will unironically flip ETH by the end of 2020

>> No.15118752

Literally the next x100.

>> No.15118767

What about the legal case?
First lead dropped for getting caught recommending to buy XTZ online while suing for damages among other things. Allegedly the second lead plaintiff was jailed for raping children, literally.
These guys >> https://twitter.com/TrigonTrading


Some dumps guys in the community gave me:

Overall it looks like bullshit.

>> No.15119500


gotta hedge with something even if you love ETH


nice gotta think longterm

>> No.15119593

We need several public infrastructure projects that are not compromised or shams. It is critical for all of this to work or you are building on a foundation of sand.

>> No.15119902

Why hasn't this shit gone up yet?

>> No.15120541

tezos is very solid. One of the only alts I would hodl.

>> No.15120722

Holy shit. My apologies to Tezos. If you haven't apologized to Tezos, then you should before it goes to $20.

>> No.15120795

very big sirs

>> No.15120868

tezos is a piece of shit

>> No.15120886
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>> No.15121015

If you think tezos is a piece of shit, then you literally have no clue.

>> No.15121029

I need to buy it because if a huge recession happens then it'll be in my pockets Popping in record prices.

>> No.15121089

enjoy the bags, nerd

>> No.15121132

where do I sign up to become a Tezos shill? I would like to shill for Tezos too

>> No.15121366

i can have u sign up to suck this dick? tell me when ur faggot ass is ready

>> No.15121587

Thinking about going all in Tezos or Cosmos. Good thread OP. Both of these seem like the next POS wave, but I like how XTZ tries to be currency where as ATOM tries not to be.

>> No.15121616

Say 'thank you Tezos' or Charles Hoskinson will peer review your wife's son in the middle of the night.

And yet still I'm from /biz/. Normies use Reddit, we use Riot.

Thanks for the (you)