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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15108267 No.15108267 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they jump on these like flies on shit?

>> No.15108294

Switch Cardano and Stellar for TRON and XRP.

>> No.15108326

Because at one point they were red hot. Reddit fags are typical npc morons who follow the msm agenda and hate Trump.etc So its completely in their character to buy into projects that are told to them are great tech and established and they are too dumb to see they are overvalued. And they baghold cause they are too stubbornly dumb and feel justified in their arrogance that 'great tech' and science is more important that valuation and common sense.

>> No.15108343

If you don't hold Cardano you will never make it.

>> No.15108346

Easy to understand, "cheap" and already huge market caps.

>> No.15108356

That's more "that dumb guy you know from highschool" tier

>> No.15108357

/biz/ loves to hate on vechain, but they hate admitting it was once revered in the same way as Antshares and OMG
same with raiblocks/nano

the other 2 have always been onions boi coins and never got any reasonable following on /biz/

>> No.15108364
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In this case Redditors are smarter than the spergs on 4chan who invest in shitcoins like FTM, VIDT and whatever that came out of nowhere

>> No.15108426

Twat. Fantom will be what reddit will be bagholding in 2022..

>> No.15108503

what have you been smoking? Reverred my arse. It has always been a scam shit coin and always will be. Shilled here like crazy by cream and his team of arse lickers.

>> No.15108634

>losing money for 2 years straight is the wise decision over making money
Go back

>> No.15108673

>If you don't hold *inserts w/e*, you will never make it.

>> No.15108767


So you like losing money? Go back

>> No.15108812

Hamony has unironically better tech than Cardano and it's surprisingly unpopular in reddit, only 4cucks talk about it lol

>> No.15108825 [DELETED] 

The hologram dream matrix controls you through symbols loaded with "meaning". The reddit NPC is easily controlled through these onionsic symbolic systems.

>> No.15108858

The hologram dream matrix controls you through symbols loaded with "meaning". The reddit NPC is easily controlled through these s o y l e n t i c symbolic systems derived from the watcher's dream seed hash value.

>> No.15108860

only one of these coins are actually being used in the realworld applications and funnily enough, it's the chink scam one.

>> No.15108896

>it's surprisingly unpopular in reddit
It this is true huge buy signal since reddit is allergic to making money

>> No.15109050
File: 442 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190803-180347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying this chink scam ever

>> No.15109075

>Real world applications
This is a meme. Just like "fortune 1" and "billion dolla pahtnachips" there are tons of coins with "real world" application dumbass

>> No.15109106

Who told you I'm losing money? I ain't going anywhere, moron

>> No.15109194

Reddit is just a huge faggot hivemind where you cant have a dissenting opinion, so they're going to jump on whatever everyone else there is doing. To boot, they're all "educated" and "intelligent" which just means they're retarded, stubborn, and unwilling to admit when they're wrong. So they bag hold and lose money like the huge faggots they are.

>> No.15109208

kek, it amazes me how leddit is always wrong.
Hashgraph actually has big corporations as "steering committee" but plebittors instantly dismiss it as centralized and not open source shitcoin.