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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 210 KB, 960x640, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15106125 No.15106125 [Reply] [Original]

It's funny seeing the hype around Atomic swaps and DEX's coming together when they don't even solve the OBVIOUS speed issue, nobody is gonna use a DEX who's speed is as fast as a 56kbit internet connection back in the days.
Nobody seems to pay attention to Stakenets Lightning DEX solution, which not only solves speed, but also has lower fees. Liquidity is solved with their DEX Aggregator, which combines multiple order books togehter.

Wake up biz. This is the fucking future, beats most coins out there who's only goal is: number of transactions/second and privacy, guess what?
Stakenet has UNLIMITED transactions/second AND privacy.

>> No.15106151

No one here was buying BTC at 3k.

No one is buying altcoins capitulation. They are too afraid, they are the ones that just capitulated.

Once they wake up this gem will be at x10. They will think it's too late to buy. It will be at x30, they will not want to miss the party, and will fomo then.

Mark my words. Screenshot this.

XSN will be over 5$ in 2020.

>> No.15106181

XSN had been a long con scam since the POSW days, nothing has changed

>> No.15106202

Prove it faggot? Different team, different road map.
X9 devs took over the project from the old devs and litteraly made it into a piece of art

>> No.15106224

Elaborate please

>> No.15106238

warosu biz POSW 2017

check the archives yourself

>> No.15106253

This. Confirmed scam long time ago. DYOR

>> No.15106267
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, comfy-kyber-network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, but that shits a scam, Kyber is already the future protocol in which volume trades

>> No.15106303

Mmmkay why would a team of legitmate professionals take control of a known scam?

>> No.15106416 [DELETED] 

Never was a scam, they never scammed everyone. Delisting pivx from their platform was a scam? LMAO

>> No.15106434


Never was a scam, they never scammed anyone. Delisting pivx from their platform was a scam? LMAO

>> No.15106464

Kyber is a shit project with incompetent devs, stay the fuck away

>> No.15106497


This dude is the same person that post the same shit on every thread trying to FUD you into missing a gem.

X9 Developers started XSN from the ground up. They just did a swap using PoSW supply to have a fair distribution. PoSW wasn't even a scam either anyway, and it has nothing to do with XSN.

X9 Developers have been working on XSN for 1 year and a half now. Read whitepaper here and DYOR, don't let this dude miss this gem: https://stakenet.io/Stakenet_Whitepaper.pdf

>> No.15106642

Obvious coordinated discord shill, fuck off

>> No.15106685

Shhh, still accumulating.

>> No.15106799


I am helping to promote a coin with its own LN blockchain that is extremely undervalued as they are leaders in LN and Lightning DAPPS alongside BTC and LTC, so people here can buy now and make money in the next run.

You on the other hand bought XSN at 70 cents and just capitulated at -90%, go fuck youself, some smart money reading this thread will buy your bags, don't worry.

Keep the FUD coming.

>> No.15107036

And let me guess, you're a coordinated LINK shill? Give me a fucking break

>> No.15107067


Finally a new XSN thread, been too long.

>> No.15107196
File: 109 KB, 900x506, 31967922_10155802635730326_1753539648358973440_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD'ers gonna FUD. Cope.

I'm making 18% ROI on 10k and can only go up.

Good products are near release.


>> No.15107241
File: 221 KB, 630x421, 1429644581354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bizlets will buy at $5 bro, don't worry.

>> No.15107313

near release? the wallet has been on 100% for more than two months, which timeframe would be near release? i follow that project, but the last major release of devwork was the site about a year ago. and since then they had quite some 100% items but no single deployed. does not get my hopes up too high

>> No.15107355

Last roadmap update was 21july.............

>> No.15107525

You are fucking retarded. It's in beta release right now you mong. You can try it out if you aren't too stupid to do so.. In which case, don't fucking bother, because you probably are.

>> No.15107551

POSWallet trash

>> No.15107571

Certified scam

>> No.15107727

Yes, i guess you can Fud as much u like...
This is a very solid project with so many innovation most people can not imagine.
I got 4 MN and still accumulating.
Just wait for the Showcase and buy the 10x if u want.

>> No.15107791
File: 225 KB, 800x764, 08-36-59-1564463814415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes it's bad very scam dont buy

>> No.15107833

oh i can test ln swaps really? i was able to test that last september/october as well. on mainnet and not in a testnet version, but ok. much progress from mainnet to testnet... sorry for being retarded and thinking 100% completed mean 100% completed and not testshit

>> No.15107836

This is a total scam. Do not buy. It went down 80%. TRASH.

haha nevermind I dont even need to FUD you are not going to buy. Alts are dead.

But I will dump XSN on you at 10$, watch me.

>> No.15107871

just f*cking read that update from sept 2018 https://medium.com/stakenet/xsn-core-update-september-xsn-light-excalibur-epos-9046a93cf222 and tell my what has effectively changed so a near releases of the "XSN Light (Wallet) 2018" can be expected

>> No.15107872


It's all being done on mainnet with lightning network. Last sept/october you could do light swaps downloading full blockchains, now you can do light lightning swaps on mainnet.

100% completed means 100% completed on mainnet. This is all being done on mainnet. So yeah I'm sorry to tell you are actually retarded.

Welcome to the future with LIGHTNING NETWORK.

>> No.15107897


That was an initial alpha version for dev internal testings to send/receive/store/LN swaps (dex core), etc.

Do you even read bro?

>> No.15107901

"Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results" but keep on shilling xsn

>> No.15107920

just tell me if there was one major release in the last year

>> No.15107979
File: 41 KB, 1931x1104, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am not creating these threads, I'm just laughing at all the people missing out. You have to be some kind of retard to miss the coin that is innovating on Lightning Network which is the fucking future.

Insanity is not buying when retards like you are afraid to.


BRO EVERYTHING IS IN THEIR DISCORD AND ROADMAP!! you have zero interest, probably lost -80% and capitulated XSN, just fudding now, so gtfo

>> No.15107985

>>15107872 oh and the testwallet runs on a regtestnet, at least according to a dev and when i tried it, but hey you may try it on mainnet as unretarded as you are

>> No.15108025

but hey - i'd have more than 600 btc if it was mainnet, so pls make it happen

>> No.15108114


So random anon user that is barely or not involved at all in XSN, tried a testwallet for the public that runs on a regtestnet, and thus dares to tell there are no Lightning Network/ Lightning Swaps on mainnet? LOL

If you want to do it on mainnet just ask some of the devs how to do it.

No one is taking you seriously anyway, you are seriously incapable of using your brain.

Get lost. Miss out the pump. Bye.

>> No.15108139
File: 112 KB, 1280x831, IMG_20190724_194634_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people insist on investing in these scams when they can invest in a legit protocol
>pic related

>> No.15108174


Kyber Network is literally a shitty ERC-20 token. You must be new in crypto. They try to provide liquidity with a fucking token.

XSN is another beast, it's a unique blockchain with Lightning Network, Lightning Swaps, Masternodes, Trustless Proof of Stake, Governance and soon Mimblewimble.

Gain some IQ, then come back.

>> No.15108191

Lol LARP! Lemme guess you found your old wallet whilst rummaging through the attic yeah? Now it’s time to give back to biz so POST ADDRESSES!!

>> No.15108226

Try again anon, I was buying <$10 ETH while you were fondling your balls on the internet wondering what to do with your time.

I'll say it one more time, you're wrong, at least entertain that option before dismissing it and you'll make a lot of money.

>> No.15108308

Get outta here with your scam TOKEN.
Any retard can make a token like this in less than 10 minutes. Running your own blockchain and taking care of it is another story.

Don't need to remind you what crypto kitties did to the ethereum network, right?
You are literally relying on another blockchain.
So please, get the fuck off this thread, Kyber is a SHIT project managed by incompetent devs who can't run their own blockchain. *Facepalm*

>> No.15108324


Ethereum is a beast. Bitcoin is a beast. Stakenet is a beast.

Kyber is another 2017 ICO scam with an useless token that's good for NOTHING.

Again, come back when you have over 100 IQ. Do not ever compare a blockchain with Lightning Network, Lightning Swaps, Masternodes, Trustless Proof of Stake, Governance and soon Mimblewimble to a fucking ethereum token to shill because you are -90% since ICO haha.

Bye loser.

>> No.15108348

Wowowow we got an oldfag in our midst. Who the fuck cares! I bought eth sub double digits too and was apart of The DAO. Shut your mouth your no big hotshot.

>> No.15108368

the last time I saw people getting this aggressive in a thread was with that African BlockMesh shit lmao

>> No.15108399

You must be a redditfag and must go back. Only real men can participate in 4chan and not let your feefees get hurt from “mean words”.

>> No.15108420

so did you try the testwallet? then you would know that it was on testnet, but hey, you are involved in xsn and dont know squat. but that may really be the best way to describe your community

>> No.15108428

nah im enjoying the show

>> No.15108442

people knowing squat about the project shilling lists prepearded for them on discord, until they see that nothing ever really changes and then get fuddsters... i at least tried what they were bringing forward and read their updates and dont forget the content every month

>> No.15108469


It's important to understand that XSN has a official shill army that works Reddit, Twitter, and /biz. Ever notice how similar those "hidden gem XSN" threads are? Yeah, because they are scripted.

The PoSW devs tried the exact same script to string along people till it became clear they'll never get x-chain staking to work.

In rode the the X9 devs to "salvage" the project. Most likely the same guys as before, just rebranded. During the rebrand, a lot of PoSW coins went unaccounted for and most likely the devs pocketed the XSN.

Their upcoming DEX has zero volume as no one needs yet another zombie exchange. So, their shill army is in overdrive again to drive up the price shop devs can dump their staking rewards.

>> No.15108519

you can have as many btc from my testnet as you want... did you even read my message?

>> No.15108603

Ok we get it falce. You can go back to btctalk

>> No.15108617

or skadoosh wooohooo wtf

>> No.15108623
File: 471 KB, 738x909, A682495B-1322-4862-B576-C7CE8FF72298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder fag hahahahahaha

>> No.15108641
File: 115 KB, 1280x831, Kybs .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right, buy Kyber or stay poor

>> No.15108643

Literally who?

>> No.15108660

oh you have to be a very active member to not remember skadoosh...

>> No.15108738

reading up on btctalk and falce, so he is not considered a shiller?

>> No.15108743 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 960x540, 43534534667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related straight from the discord LMAO

>POSWallet trash shilled by discord trannies
>Kyber Network shilled by 130+ Chads and used by binance

get dabbed on tranny fag

>> No.15108756

Why should I know?? I searched for that name and nothing comes up lol obviously your making shit up to act like your active in the community mr oldfaggot

>> No.15108761
File: 27 KB, 465x531, 23423425456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related straight from the discord LMAO

>POSWallet trash shilled by discord trannies
>Kyber Network shilled by 130+ Chads and used by binance

get dabbed on tranny fag

>> No.15108857

Face the light. The only reason your here it because you feel this COIN is a threat to your shitty little erc-20 TOKEN!
Calling your shillers CHADS is quite meanless as this will not help your situation at all by trying to justify your shilling squat as somehow superior because you put a meme word in front of it. At the end of the day your but a shitty platform solely dependent on another chain. Get gud kid

>> No.15108874

He two sides of the same coin.

>> No.15108922

>totally ignoring the fact that kyber is going to be used by binance and XSN is POSwallet trash
This is your brain in HRT

>> No.15108930

just a former community manager, who left xsn proclaiming it was a sinking boat. but hey why should the well read and active community know that...

>> No.15108969

oh i see it after some posts

>> No.15109024

but congrats on naming me the only person who even cared to make a video of the swaps. i guess i am more community than the shillers then

>> No.15109110

>Lightning Network, Lightning Swaps, Masternodes, Trustless Proof of Stake, Governance and soon Mimblewimble
listing a bunch of bullshit buzzwords that you have no clue what even means
>lightning network
kike scam
coins that have masternodes are pure shitcoins, e.g. dash

fucking kys devdeep and take your street shitter coin with you

>> No.15109416

So all you got to stand on is binance the king exchange of pump and dump listing your token because they see it’s no threat to them. Nice bud have fun with that.
You remind me of him mr oldfaggot

>> No.15109518

Ok follow the logic.

BTC is King. BTC KNOWS that Lightning Network is the future. They are pioneering it, with LTC.

XSN is creating and releasing innovations on LN.

So boys, who do we trust? BTC, LTC and XSN which are moving forward on lighting?

Or Kyber and other coins that aren't?

I think it's obvious boys, BTC is King, LTC is Prince, XSN is Minister of Coin.

>> No.15109561

Was a long time holder of xsn. This coin is going nowhere imo. I don't necessarily think it is a scam, but the dex is nothing special imo. Kmd has their dex, tons of multi currency wallets are coming out where you swap tokens without needing a dex (yes I know xsn is building one too). There is just too much competition. This coin has been around long enough, they cant even get on a real exchange. Sorry xsn is going nowhere imo, and this is from a past bag holder.

>> No.15109621

This dude nailed it perfectly.
There's a reason BLOCKNET wasn't listed on Binance, because it's a COMPETITOR to Binance, same thing with Stakenet, they are just handling things better by actually ENHANCING Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Stakenet will benefit EVERYONE who holds either BTC or LTC.

>> No.15109638

Komodo was cool, until i found out they are relying on Atomic Swaps. Slow and expensive. Old World Tech.

I can't fathom why anyone is wasting time on atomic swaps while BTC, LTC and XSN are pioneering Lightning Network. LN is the future.

I saw the video of Komodo doing an AS. It was cool but i believe it took 9 minutes or something crazy like that? Useless.

>> No.15109651

Nobody but Stakenet is working on Lightning DEX.
"Former holder" if you where, I'm fucking glad you're out. Jesus

>> No.15109659


Sounds like a shittier version of Orion Protocol which is partnered with binance and idex

>> No.15109676

What do you mean with that pic?

>> No.15109701

And another USELESS token, am I right?


>> No.15109847

>coins that have masternodes are pure shitcoins

>> No.15109852

If you're passing, that's cool :)

It means you aren't following or aren't aware of BTC, LTC and Lightning Network, and not knowing how XSN (Minister of Coin to BTC as King) is releasing innovations on Lightning.

>> No.15109868

I was a long time holder of XSN.

And now, after sentiment reading all of you, telling nonsense stuff, and shilling 2017 ERC20 ICO tokens, and creating a lot of FUD around XSN, I am now buying more.

I don't care about its price short term, I can wait until next year. But oh boy, you all are undervaluing XSN. I am not even on that Discord, but thanks god these coordinated shills exists so I can counter trade all of you.

>> No.15109870

skadoosh sold the absolute bottom and ragequit after sperging out
it was funny to watch

>> No.15109873

>tons of multi currency wallets are coming out where you swap tokens without needing a dex
name some... faggot, name a few

>> No.15110159

bump for no kyc

>> No.15110493

I'm sorry for your loss :(

>> No.15110515

May your monies rest in peace.. :(

>> No.15110533

Well, most ERC20 scam coins was 100% premined, HUGE warning signal from the very start, funny when DASH was a project HATED years back for premining a lot of the circulating supply, yet fast forward to today, and people actually jump right into these SCAMS.

See a lot of people who don't even UNDERSTAND the difference between a TOKEN, and a COIN.

A token is relying on another blockchain to function (ETH), a coin has its own blockchain.

So comparing a useless token with an actual coin is laughable, it's like comparing GOLD to Silver.
Hope some of you learn by your mistakes someday.

>> No.15110881

Any of this lightning tech can be used for bitcoin. This goes for most of these alts. Sure some have great ideas, but the good tech will be adopted by copycats or btc itself. The only thing that matters is building a community around the coin, otherwise no matter how good the tech is, the coin is worth jack shit. Why hold a useless xsn or ltc coin. I dont care how good the tech is. XSN and LTC are nothing special. They are testnets for the king. C lee is a scammer dumping all this shitty coins on everyones head at the top. But oh yea, he did it because it was good for ltc. Horseshit, he knows ltc is a shitcoin and btc is all that matters, and he dumped on everyone. I dont care how you try and justify it.

>> No.15110890

What the fuck are you talking about? They are resting just fine in a cold storage staking contract netting me $500/month in pure profit.

Get lost faggot

>> No.15110929

Hype around coins won't matter jackshit moving forward, nor does "muh communities"

Tech is EVERYTHING that matters, the hype train is long gone my friend. Only the STRONGEST project will survive and get traction back up to their all time highs.
When you see projects used in REAL life, they are gonna pump beyond your wildest dreams, and everyone will DUMP the worthless no tech coins (except BTC).

>> No.15111145

Good luck with your heavy bags. Tech does not matter. Everyone is chasing the tech, but the tech will be adopted by everyone, and only those with strong communities will survive. The good coins with strong supportive communities will adapt to the new tech, or the best tech today will be leapfrogged. Are there coins with better privacy then monero. Yes. Have they overtaken monero no. And they never will because monero has a community behind it and will adapt. Same can be said for eth. There are platforms with other dev languages, but people are building on eth not them. Eth will adapt, Btc will adapt. Monero will adapt. These other coins that you think are ahead will only fizzle out when others adapt. Blocknet had great tech, hence cz wont list them after having them answer all the questions about it and stealing the info. But blocknet regardless of their tech won't go anywhere, others will adapt or there will be the next innovation. This space moves too fast. The best tech today, is outdated in months.

>> No.15111273

Had I been in any of the coins in top 100 on Coinmarketcap, I would have been down at LEAST another 80% so my bags isn't heavy at all, I'm still way ahead in profit actually, believe it or not

>> No.15111384

This >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3TzVgGyBFs

>> No.15111626

OwO, what's this?

>> No.15111911

Hahah, Nice Fud. Claiming XSN had anything to do with the Cryptopia hack is ridiculous.
You do know that ERC20 tokens was the ONLY thing affected by this hack, right? Hackers didn't take any coins from the exchange for some reason.

>> No.15111958

Ohh look at this you full retard.


Anybody can set any coin in that list.
It is just a fud tool, not more, not less

>> No.15112298

Why do people keep including LTC as an innovator of Lightning Network. There is literally 2, BTC and XSN. All of LTC’s achievements on Lightning Network are from the XSN dev team


>> No.15112410

XSN devs helped LTC, they didn't do ALL the work for them

>> No.15112977

I still am not sure why people lie in crypto?

All this XSN which completely contradicts the evidence.

Ah well.

>> No.15113165

What do you even mean by that?

>> No.15113698

How the hell do you make that much? Wow

>> No.15114432

Come again?

>> No.15114583

Are you fucking retarded?
It clearly shows the cycles of alts vs BTC

>> No.15114795

>Hackers didn't take any coins from the exchange for some reason.

>> No.15115452

No fucking idea, it's weird, lol

>> No.15115815
File: 427 KB, 1024x576, 1562746237987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is still the best FUD against XSN
Redpills usually aren't this potent

>> No.15115834
File: 53 KB, 641x435, the final redpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world is not anymore the way it used to be
...or is it?

>> No.15116867

What do you want to say with that pic?

>> No.15116898

Ladys i guess we have Paid Fud here.
Same pics, same style as always...

And now:
Melo and Darji are 2 different Persons.
- Melo working at X9
- Darji sits in Prison

Maybe next time you can compare to pictures of Hitler or so?

>> No.15116946

CZ has paid FUD against XSN as he knows they are a threat to Binance/BNB because it is something he can’t control once they breakout

>> No.15116989

are you sure they are not the same persons? Look the same... better stay away from this coin

>> No.15117007

XSN won't make the same mistakes that Blocknet made, this time CZ will eat shit with his piece of garbage chain and dex.

>> No.15117026

Any New Fag can google that.

U can compare any bald to darji and claim...he they have similar looking haircut.
So retarded
Sorry that Fud doesn’t work

>> No.15117690

I am not USA, I don't know what happened to that guy. If he was in prison and now he is XSN dev this is a good reason to stay away

OK, I am joking now.. but guys are they two different people or is the same guy? I am not USA based, I don't know

>> No.15117730

>won't make the same mistakes that Blocknet made

Which mistake made BlocKnet?

>> No.15118188


>> No.15118272

Loving that XSN, it's like my 3rd biggest hold after 8 years on the crypto train.

>> No.15118370
File: 127 KB, 750x629, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted to list on binance, so binance started asking them questions about their tech. After BlockNet explained to them how it works they just ignored them. Why? I can't tell for sure but if you think about it, it looks like they are a threat to binane DEX. So that makes Stakenet even a bigger threat to binance because IMO Stakenet's tech is superior to BlockNet. So if they're a threat to Binance who's the biggest exchange, why any top exchange would want to list XSN? That's why they are only on literally who exchanges, wake the fuck up and open your damn eyes for once.

>> No.15118464


Have a Look New Fag

It is like a Ban Ki Moon / Kim Jong Un Comparsion. Are they the same Person? No? Lmao

>> No.15118584

Which one ae the others?

>> No.15118734

>That's why they are only on literally who exchanges
And is this the reason will the price will never climb?

>> No.15118762

XMR and KMD my dude

>> No.15118829

>And is this the reason will the price will never climb?
Nope. Once stakenet releases their dex the price should slowly start to climb.

>> No.15118834

A coin that can't list on big exchanges is a coin that is failing. Without liquidity, you are never going to be able to sell your staking rewards for a good price.

>> No.15118880

jesus christ lol

>> No.15118989

I literally just explained why they aren't on big exchanges, if you can't understand that it's your problem anon. You see this as a failure, i see this as total win.

>> No.15119031

Don't worry about them, lurkers will see the posts and learn. These 'fudders' are just paid CZ folk because binance is scared as fuck of XSN.
>Blocknet wanted to be listed on binance
>Binance asks usual questions
>Binanace then emails blocknet for more details (this is suspicious as no other coins got asked them)
>Questions are very specific
See >>15118370
Basically binance just got free tech from blocknet
Typical chink behaviour of copying

>> No.15119064


"Some of the many questions in the second application include information on:

Blocknet’s interoperability infrastructure and whether they could find the code in their GitHub.
Why Blocknet chose to build their DEX
How Blocknet solves the domain name system problem in the blockchain
If Binance could receive access to BlockNet’s private repository to view their latest developments"

> Binance cut off all communication with them and would not reply anymore

>> No.15119205

I'm signing up for biz-army

>> No.15119422

>shilling this moon ticket instead of letting the price die as low as possible while accumulating

i need to get in at $6mil cap. That way i'll have already 10x'ed by the time we get to $60 mil

>> No.15119599
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN will be a multi billion market cap project. You can screencap this.