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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15101715 No.15101715 [Reply] [Original]

How would one go about getting into cryptocurrency and not being a retard?

/pol/ and /k/ tard here, me don't want to be wagie in cagie and want to make it, i'll holdfast for however long i'll have to

Should i just lurk here often? any good videos to watch or people to check out, things you all have read that have taught you valuable things to be somewhat good with in the crypto game?

And yes i'm serious about this post
>inb4 newfag

>> No.15101739

Buy LINK ETH and REQ and never lurk. Never come back there are too many pajeets. Godspeed.

>> No.15101755
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>> No.15101758

Make a coinbase account.
Buy as much chainlink as you can.
Leave /biz/ posters here will scare you into selling your stack.
The only worthwhile cryptos are btc and link. Maybe xmr and eth.

Chainlink is unironically the future and there's a reason it is the official meme of /biz/

>> No.15101762

LINK ETH are easy buys, add BTC

>> No.15101765
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>> No.15101777

Last time i lurked this place for only like a day which was a few weeks ago possibly, everybody was shitting their pants over chainlink, im gonna look into that

never lurk? what are you doing here then

>> No.15101788

Biz is sleeping on the mozzarella team. Their project was backed for a reason. Automated payments are not a meme even if the team is.

>> No.15101805

Checked. Tbh I'm here today because there was a conference that I knew /biz/ would share the livestream link for

>> No.15101839
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Don't bother looking into anything. People here will fuck with you and sell you snake oil.
If you buy, buy bitcoin or chainlink.
Bitcoin will up your more.
Chainlink will make you rich.

We lurk here because we're immunized against the FUD and shilling. You're not used to it and you will be convinced to sell your chainlink and then you'll kys when the singularity happens.

>> No.15101877

Based and honkpilled

>> No.15101879
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Hmm, fibbing i see, i know a fibber when i see one

But how the fuck do these people know what to buy? how do they know if its going to go up or down, just by looking at charts? theirs gotta be something else to this other than just buying and thinking hmm yep i hope this one goes up, you've got to know some things im sure before investing

>> No.15101897

>Chainlink will make you rich
>centralized billion token shitcoin
Not buying your bag Rejeesh.

>> No.15101908

depends how risky you want to be. At least dump a few Benjamins into shitcoins that you believe in.

>> No.15101914

Chainlink is looking like it's going to be a hit-or-miss. It has a lot of announcements and events happening in September but there's some shady/dodgy stuff surrounding it so do with that as you will. If you want to hold really long-term then BTC will probably hit 100k at some point in the coming years if crypto as a whole does well. Other promising projects that have good chances at solid gains for shorter long-term (6 months to 1 year?) holdings are BAT and FTM.

Avoid FOMOing into shit causs you have a good chance at getting fucked. Buy your crypto on Coinbase pro for decreased fees then move funds to binance and trade on there. Most alts are also heavily affected by the price of BTC, if BTC dumps then most alts do too. Spoon feeding is frowned upon on here because of how tiring it gets so you'll probably be stuck lurking and figuring out the rest on your own.

>> No.15101916

I work part time the crypto industry. 95% of cryptocurrency is a scam. 99% of shit mentioned on this board is pure scams pushed by nonwhites and there's no check on it, thanks JANNIES.

With that being said, if you want to buy something Link is your only option here. BTC, ETH, MKR, DASH, XMR, and ZEC are your safer bets. But you need to put a lot in those for a large reward.

Honorable mention is BAT and HNS.

>> No.15101923

fundamental analysis and technical analysis, fundamentals mean the coin or token actually solves a real problem in the cryptocurrency/blockchain/smart contract space and technicals refer to price action on charts, technical analysis kind of works but mainly stick to mean reversion stuff, as always, dyor

>> No.15101938


>> No.15101987
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>> No.15101996
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Here is a perfect example op.>>15101897
This faggot owns chainlink and wants to keep newfags poor for the lulz.
If you are a pro who knows what's what, you can gamble on shitcoins but it is a zero sum game. 90+% lose and the of the 10% who don't only a small fraction win in the long term.

You will never be a crypto trader god because you have to ask these questions.
You will lose money, post pink wojaks and possibly kys.
Chainlink is certified and will go up an insane amount in value.
Bitcoin is certified and it will go up a lot in value.
You won't outsmart us. Buy chainlink and hold, you will be rich.
If you don't, please don't say we didn't warn you when chainlink is in the hundreds or thousands of dollars.

>> No.15102035
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I don't buy into alot of this crypto bullshit to be honest, i'm just here to get my money and as soon as i do gtfo

Do you have a guess of when you think it'll moon?

>> No.15102096

All the time. I bought at 20cents and my total aver buy is sub 50 cents.
Just buy as much as you can. Obviously take care of your immediate needs like rent, food, etc.
But put all your surplus capital into chainlink.
Buy more every paycheck.
Hold for the next few years.
We should easily see 10s of dollars before eoy
We should see easily see 100s of dollars before the end of next year
I'm trying to hold your hand and spoon-feed you but it is up to you to eat.

Get in or stay poor.

>> No.15102105

RLC. It's going to change the cloud computing space forever. Buy while its low and unknown.

>> No.15102129
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>> No.15102133

>90+% lose and the of the 10% who don't only a small fraction win in the long term.
69% of people pull statistics out of their arse

>> No.15102152

Sam Hyde literally bought 15000 Chainlink the other week. He said it in his latest HW email. Chainlink is a crypto token that solves the lambo problem.

>> No.15102171

It's gambling. A few people couldn't win big if most didn't lose.
It doesn't matter if 70%,80%,85% or 99% lose because the point is you're almost certainly going to lose.

>> No.15102216

I just watched a video on Sam Hyde talking finance and i see this, i'm now going to buy chain when i get the chance, that being ASAP

>> No.15102244

Hello op. I'm unironically a better investor than 70% of the people here so listen to me.

Create accounts on Coinbase, Binance and Shrimpy. Use coinbase to buy USDT/USDC and send it over to your Binance account. Find a few projects with good fundamentals (BTC, ETH, LINK, XRP, XMR, ONE etc..) that you want to invest in and use shrimpy to allocate funds to them appropriately based on their volatility (just measure ATH to ATL to figure out what kind of percent swings they have). High volatility coins get smaller allocations, low volatility get higher. Set shrimpy to rebalance every 24h. Send a portion of every paycheck over to Binance.

There, you'll outperform most people here.

Also don't fall for the all the LINK memes. Yes it's a good project but there are plenty of others that are as good or better.

>> No.15102277

You're competing against people. People make mistakes. Edges are possible.

>> No.15102281

A good rule to follow is to only invest in white teams. Way less chance of getting scammed or pnd. Obviously DYOR but that's a good starting point

>> No.15102312

Right but the odds of a random person who knows squat abput crypto making a significant amount over time are basically nill

>> No.15102529

>give best advice itt and not a single (you)

Cool. Love to see it.

>> No.15102556

I read it and it's good advice. Can you explain Shrimpy a bit?

>> No.15102598

Yeah fair enough.
How can it be the best when >Also don't fall for the all the LINK memes. Yes it's a good project but there are plenty of others that are as good or better.
Is a fucking lie?

>> No.15103043

It's a robot that will make you owe 4x what you make taxes to the irs for constantly doing minute trades. Just hold and dont be a greedy retard.

>> No.15103090

This board is full on fucking retarded. We should all leave. Theres not even any pump and dumps to join in on. Just faggots screaming about link and indians pushing garbage which they dump when it goes up.

>> No.15103121

>that will make you owe 4x what you make taxes to the irs

Idiot. You think you are smart but you are dumb.


>> No.15103124

>not being a retard?
>/pol/ and /k/ tard here
You already failed sorry

>> No.15103166
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>> No.15103263

yeah, no. Tax Implications (US Specific)
Crypto-to-crypto trades are treated as “taxable” events by the government. This can get problematic for high-volume traders, as tracking down all the data needed to properly report capital gains from hundreds of trades can be impossible to do by hand. If you aren’t familiar with how the US treats crypto for tax purposes, please read our article here.
fuck off shill