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15097330 No.15097330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn’t invest in life extension technology
>he doesn’t donate crypto to life extension foundation
Vitalik Buterin donated $2.4 Million worth of ETH to the SENS Research Foundation and Aubrey de Grey

Zoomers and boomers are in the other thread crying about how they spend their whole life chasing money, just to die when they finally get a large amount of money. My question to you is “Why Die?” It’s past the Year 2000 anon. The technology is here to make you immortal, and people are literally working on it as you read this message. Why would you cuck yourself out of eternal life by not donating to the cause or at least investing in the companies performing this work so you can make PHAT fucking gains from Immortality Tech?

>> No.15097350
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This is Aubrey de Grey, the figurehead of SENS Researchers Foundation and radical life extension efforts.
>tell me Anon, are you ready for death?
>or will you CHOOSE life?

>> No.15097431

Based OP. Who here is going to be donating some of their Linkie gains to SENS research? I know I will.

I wish I could invest in them even. Honestly aging cures and transhumanism tech (like out of cyberpunk) has got me so fucking excited for the future. I can't wait for bionic limbs and for 200+ years of life to be the norm.

Also redpill me on Cryonics anon and vitrification anon.

>> No.15097434

ive been reading about the life extension movement and it honestly intrigues the fuck out of me
it has been picking up steam the last couple years as people begin to realize their “anxiety and depression” exists because they can literally die at any time and they feel like they are wasting their life waging away for pennies
with life extension the smartest humans can stick around forever solving problems (scientific, social, and economic) and you can basically bathe yourself in eternal ecstasy and massive superintelligent thoughts when tech like Neuralink comes out

>> No.15097488

Imagine being alive 1000 years from now and being some sort of cyborg vampire, who sleeps for decades at a time in crysleep, only to wake up to a new culture, new tech and even more gains from your 1k year old investments every time and then use your intelligent mind to solve more problems for another 100 years before you decide to retire to sleep another decade or two.

>> No.15097502

In my honest opinion robotic/transhuman life extension tech comes first, and then the cyborgs will use their superior brain machine interfaces to invent immortal biology tech. Biology has a lot of moving parts so i think it’s easier to just replace your organs as they fail with “simpler” mechanical parts that we have blueprints for

As for cryonics, I heard Alcor Cryonics recently funded research where they use helium as a vitrification agent, basically inflating your cells and keeping them non damaged. Helium is a noble gas and can get extremely cold so you stay preserved with almost zero cell damage. That’s how I understand it to work anyways

Neuralink I think is the first step towards human super intelligence. There’s no way around it - you gotta hook your brain up to a computer if you want to compete with the AIs

>> No.15097515
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Technology is a false god. Don't turn away from the Lord, anon.

>> No.15097534

How are tech and religion mutually exclusive?

>> No.15097552

>you stay preserved with almost zero cell damage.
So wait, you can be revived, 100 years or so down the line, and your still alive? Do you just voluntarily go into crysleep at some point in life when you think you might be nearing death, and you essentially are frozen, at a very low level of life, unconscious, but still revivable?

Has anyone healthy even been put into cryosleep for a month or so and been woken up fine? Or am I getting this completely wrong?

Fuck outta this thread faggot.

>> No.15097578

you know what that is actually pretty based ill set aside 1k links to donate, I would do more but I only have a 10k stack

>> No.15097606

Zoomers will be the ones to get the bag and fix the world fgt boomers left and change it for the better

We must holocaust everyone over 40

>> No.15097647

Legally, they aren’t allowed to kill you when you are close to death. They have to wait by your bedside as you die and immediately after the doctor pronounces you dead, the legal rights to your body go to Alice and they quickly transfer you to ice.
They bring you to the Alice facility where they drain your blood while pumping you full of vitrification agent, either a liquid or perhaps the new helium method.

At present, hundreds of people have been cryptically frozen. But none have been revived because they haven’t even tried yet - they know the tech is not quite ready to even try and they want to be 100% sure they get it right. You entrusted your life in their hands basically. You wouldn’t want them to try an experimental revival method on your body, right? So it makes sense

Theoretically. The longer you wait to die the better off you are because the preservation methods get better over time.

It’s costs about $80k for your head or $140k for your whole body which seems like a lot, but if you can even afford that by the end of your life there exists life insurance you can buy for a couple bucks a month that will pay for cryonic preservation

10% is more than kind of you Anon. It’s investing in yourself, the ultimate market crash is your life crashing into the grave

>> No.15097662

*Alcor, not Alice

>> No.15097663

God I wish I could invest in companies working on life-extension
I know Carmat is working on artificial organs and Alphabet is working on transhumanism though

>> No.15097711

>being a long lived human instead of an immortal robogod
Pleb tier

>> No.15097764

It's degenerate and against God to try to live forever.

>> No.15097771

I wish they could do a test on some deathrow inmate or something. This is literally some of the most important research of all time, and we can't even do tests?

Why not start up a branch in Saudi Arabia, and next time someone is due to be beheaded, instead freeze him and drain his blood while still alive. Keep him frozen for a month, then unfreeze and see if they can wake him. If he's dead oh well, learn from mistakes. If he's alive, woohoo great success now let the state behead him.

Regardless, this tech sounds fucking amazing and I am going to do this for sure if life extention tech isn't already out by the time I am an old man.

Now the primary fear is having a violent death before you you reach an advanced age. What if you have a car crash and die? Can they still freeze you and have a hope to revive you when the tech is there?

>> No.15097781

yes opie we'd all very much like to invest in life-extension technology but you haven't named a single publicly-traded company that you can buy shares in so that we may profit off of this trend

>> No.15097819

IIRC Aubrey said he wanted to stop relyong on donations and allow investments soon as they were able too do something that warranted it. I remember a thread like 2 months ago about a similar subject, and SENS had like several startup companies working on different projects. I suspect they will be opened up for public investment sometime in the future. I know I will be buying in.

>> No.15098058


Here's a list. They are all companies spun off of the SENS Research Foundation. They were spun off because donations are hard to get - investment money? Not so hard :)

>Human Rejuvenation Technologies
>Ichor Therapeutics
>Oisin Biotechnologies
>Pentraxin Therapeutics
>Unity Biotechnology

I know a few are public traded. Unity Biotechnology for example has a UBX ticker.

They still do experiments, just on animals. A rabbit was successfully revived after cryonic preservation

You are correct about Aubrey. Donations do not get a lot of money, especially in this field. But potential profits have RAKED in investor money - you can guess why, it's big stuff.

Read my posts, Robogods most likely come before immortal biological humans

>> No.15098201

>A rabbit was successfully revived after cryonic preservation
Fucking neat, and this was in 2016 too. Probably have come a way since then as well.

Also thanks for listing the spin off companies. I will invest in them for sure once Link staking becomes a thing. I will sell some of the node profits and invest in all SENS spin offs.

Do you know of any companies working on cybernetics and cyborg tech though in the meantime? Honestly I think the 3 best ones could be replacement bionic eyes (honestly if you went blind, life wouldn't be worth living, so much of the modern world relies on you having sight) and bionic limbs, like robot arms and legs, and spinal injury repair tech.

>> No.15098245

Nah, robogod mode renders meatbags obsolete unless you want to make a new race somewhere to worship you. The only point of life extension is to hang in there until full transhumanist apotheosis is possible.

>> No.15098290

I learnt about SENS last year and even though I plan to become wealthy and donate money to them, the societal changes worry me. It's not even overpopulation but like, 200 yr old ppl will probably have more advantages over 20 yrs old ppl which means one generation would probably dominate newer generations. Imagine if boomers right now lived forever. The fact that they will start dying within next decade is what makes me more hopeful about the future

>> No.15098366

The boomers absolutely have to fucking go, and I think they will. Unfortunately there will probably be roadblocks and delays that could last decades before this becomes a feasable reality. Though I could be completely wrong.

I think Millennial and Zoomies will become global hegemons for the next millennium. Maybe a few Gen X'ers will make it too. Or maybe the tech will be too expensive and less than 100k people are frozen from anyone currently alive right now anyways, and we end up a tiny minority of super old people in the future.

Imagine waking up in 2250 and knowing that entire generations were born and died between the 5 minutes from when you were frozen on your deathbed and you wake up now in some weird cyberpunk hospital room. How the fuck does one preserve wealth for such a long period though? With timeperiods of that length, it's actually a real issue that governments could fail, so even Treasury Bonds could go belly up and you'd have no warning because you'd be a corpsicle. Will businesses pop up to manage the portfolio's of corpsicles int he future? With trillions of dollars of "dead peoples" money being managed by hedge fund managers for hundreds of years before they wake up?

>> No.15098386

Stupid atheists who are to cowardly to face their own mortality.

>> No.15098391

He looks aged.

>> No.15098416

Anybody who falls for this life extension meme is unironically retarded

>> No.15098445

kys nigger

>> No.15098450

I'm so happy that our generations will live very old and old boomers will die just before significant breakthroughs happen because they happened to be born slightly too early to benefit

>> No.15098453

>boomers living forever

What a fucking nightmare, fucking hell. Imagine boomers enabled by our technolord billionaires existing in perpetuity as a rentier capital class extracting wealth from every succesive generation forever and ever.

Makes a man want to burn it all down.

>> No.15098459

The point of our mortal existence is to surpass beings of pure spirit, including the gods themselves.

>> No.15098462


Don't gloat too much. I fear it happening to us. We don't know how long it will take for this tech to mature. What if only the youngest of Zoomies make it?

>> No.15098469

>implying the West collapsing is positive for technology

>> No.15098476

Dasatinib + Quercetin


>> No.15098492

/x/ here
Immortality is already achievable to everyone
Only speak the truth and nothing but the truth
Eat the most pure flesh and organ meat you can and nothing else
Have as many children as you can but only within the same YDNA haplogroup as yourself
Watch the amount of people who deny what I say and ask yourself why they react that way, unless I was directly counteracting their conditioning?

>> No.15098512

longevity escape velocity; just stay healthy, eat well, don't smoke, sleep, don't take stupid risks like going in africa countries

>> No.15098526

>tfw electrobrain bugmen are jumping at the chance to sign their lives away at the chance of extending their material existence by a few years
>"Satan? Never heard of him. One contract for eternal life in exchange for my livelihood, please"

>> No.15098582

Why are you on /biz/? Fuck off back to /pol/ please.

Can't wait for 2050 when your religion is extinct.

>> No.15098761

lmao imagine being this pants-shitting scared of some kike demons

>> No.15099017

I remember reading a cyberpunk graphics novel years ago where cryogenics is perfected but everyone hates people who are awoken in the future. They have to have everything constantly explained to them and aren't really suited for the culture and society of the future, inevitably ending up homeless or as welfare leeches. Imagine if we were contractually obligated to bring tens of thousands of cavemen into the modern world. Sure the first few may be an interesting novelty but then...

Plus, by the time they were able to restore them, culture and moral values had shifted so far that life basically became a very bad incomprehensible acid trip for them.

>> No.15099064

If it's 140k to get frozen, you probably are already financially well off. That's why I asked about asset management while you are frozen. Does the company run a hedge fund managing the rest of your assets in the meantime so you don't wake up in abject poverty because 1MM is now worth a few cents?

I am predicting that asset management for the cryogenically frozen becomes a thing in the future.

>> No.15099120
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Absolutely based and deGreypilled

This is THE reason I am in crypto
Imagine the fucking vidya we are gonna be playing in 300 years holy fuck

>> No.15099160

You die and hope they revive you down the line. I am getting it for my entire family and close friends when I make it

>> No.15099184
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>Imagine the VIDEO GAMES dude

>> No.15099207

>Now the primary fear is having a violent death before you you reach an advanced age. What if you have a car crash and die? Can they still freeze you and have a hope to revive you when the tech is there?
That’s my worry too. Another reason why I am leaving burgerland and moving to a walkable European city with gun bans. Not worth the risk.

>> No.15099209

Christ died so we don't have to.

Anyway even the greatest "immortality" tech won't help when a car runs you over or something.

>> No.15099216

>wake up
>get your Gaystation 5000 console
>first game you play is some sci-fi futuristic game where you play as an android frontiersman in an open world solar system
>robo doctor walks in the room for your medical check ups to see if you are defrosting well
>he see's the screen
>"Ah playing historical simulators are we, I remember my grandrobot telling me about his solar exploration activities back when I was still going through my bugtesting"

It would be strange to miss out on so much. You'd have to do a lot of reading to just catch up on what the fuck happened while you were asleep.

>> No.15099221

>moving to a walkable European city with gun bans.
Or when a truck of peace mows you down.

>> No.15099234

What is your timeline. I am 34 and think I will be in my 23 year old body by the time I’m in my 70s. Aubrey says we are 18 years away from robust rejuvenation.

>> No.15099254
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yeah mm fuck god

>> No.15099265

Make sure to take some friends and family with you, i wouldn’t want to wake up into that world alone

>> No.15099283

God the future sounds so fucking bullish. I wont even be 50 by that time. I literally may never even have to have a 50 year old body. I will hit around 40/45, and then go back to having an 18 year old body.


Yeah this is beginning to worry me too. Though I ironically support gun rights. I am already in a no guns nation. The more gains I get from Link, the more cautious and risk averse I feel myself becoming in regards to other aspects of my life though.

>> No.15099331

Yeah if I can afford it. Sure wouldn't want to wake up knowing all your friends and family, kids and grandkids are all dead already.

Fuck imagine meeting your great, great, great, great, great grandkids.

>> No.15099344

You’d learn it all in seconds with some sort of implant, you’ll be smart beyond what we can even comprehend right now, plus no anxiety or depression, fucking based

I’m excited to revert from old to young, imagine being 70 and frail and then a week later you are dunking a basketball again

One thing we have to avoid is experimental unproven shit over the next 20 years because we will have the money to get it. I’d rather be in my mid fifties and relatively healthy than to get fucking cancer from some experimental shit in my early forties

>> No.15099420

>imagine being 70 and frail and then a week later you are dunking a basketball again
Yeah that other anon is totally right. We're gonna be dabbing on zoomies and whoever comes after. Someone with the brain, life experience and knowledge of a 70 year old, but with a young body, young organs and a young mind that thinks quickly again, will absolutely outfucking compete actual young people kek.

Imagine cucking a bunch of kid and smashing prime pussy in highschool again kek. We're all gonna be fucking uberchads.

And yeah, it's obviously safer to wait as long as possible, until you actually need this shit. Still, it's gonna be so exciting watching it happen. All the brain related custom drugs that will get made will be fantastic too. I wonder if it's possible for them to make a drug that gives you the effect of 8 hours sleep in the space of a few minutes, fully restored with just a nap. You'd have so much more time to do things.

>> No.15099503
File: 1.10 MB, 2434x3481, E19A41D8-E1E3-4246-9129-38A80152EAA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to cryogenically preserve my body because I fear in the future when kikes have assumed total control of this earth and are bionic supermen, they’ll just wake me up just to torture one of the last white people for shits and giggles.

They are known to do this to children and also throughout history have been known to buy white slaves from defeated armies just to kill them in the most disgusting ways possible.

>> No.15099525

Okay /pol/, thanks for trying to ruin the thread with your delusions, please fuck off.

The future is BRIGHT.

>> No.15099549

Lol. Cope harder retard. Future is only bright if you are a kike. If you are a white person then shits going to keep on getting worse.

>> No.15099638

Look what (((they))) did to all of you. It is sad to see how materialistic you people are.

>> No.15099657
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Oy vey.

>> No.15099686

Go away you blackpilled perma depressed retard no one cares.

Why is this thread attracting so many butthurt anti progress fags?

Jesus christ, what the fuck do Jews have to do with anything? How am I a Jew for saying the future is looking good? Look at this fucking tech retard and say life isn't going to be great as a cyborg living to age 300+.

Imagine living in a giant house with 10+ generations of the same family all knowing each other. The fucking possibilities man.

>> No.15099714

>You’d learn it all in seconds with some sort of implant

Yeah maybe the concrete knowledge but the moral values of the future will be so different. You think we're degenerate now but you haven't seen anything yet.

In the future everyone is bisexual by default, it's just a question of how much (for most people it will be a lot). You will be expected to offer male guests a complimentary handjob or else risk seeming like an asshole.

>> No.15099719

imagine being an incel and not able to die

>> No.15099764

If I'm rich I can afford to be an asshole. And current social media culture does not reflect reality. Not every second person is actually a tranny.

Culture will change sure, but it wont mean that it's "degenerate" it will just be different from how it was when you were growing up.

>> No.15099765

>Jesus christ, what the fuck do Jews have to do with anything? How am I a Jew for saying the future is looking good? Look at this fucking tech retard and say life isn't going to be great as a cyborg living to age 300+.

>Imagine living in a giant house with 10+ generations of the same family all knowing each other. The fucking possibilities man.

That would be great but it’ll never happen for us anyways, everything on this Earth is only done to advance world Jewry and they don’t want anything that’s good for us, only themselves. Sorry bro this is the truth.

>> No.15099783

No it's cope because you're a loser in real life.

Why the fuck is this thread attracting so many blackpilled retards?

>> No.15099790
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based and cyborg vampirepilled

>> No.15099835

People can hardly go 50 years of gradual cultural change before becoming jaded and yearning for the "good old days." Imagine 100-200 years in an instant

>> No.15099862

Not being able to cope with your mortality is not a sign of a open mind or a progressive, it merely means you have not learned to be an adult. Literally. You - and many ITT - create those fantasies in your head because you were literally not taught to tell apart what is your imagination and what is reality, or how to deal with your own mortality.

Even if it was possible, you know what would happen? Only a select (((few))) will have access to this technology. The same people in power for a thousand years. Wealth concentrating further on their hands. Literally the death of progress.

>> No.15099865

Only NPC retards and slave morality cucks care.

Imagine wasting your time on /pol/ caring about culture kek.

>> No.15099868


>> No.15099880

Not sure. The first step is direct neural interfaces and that's just starting to be experimented with. I think it's possible we'll have the tech for low enough latency to seamlessly augment your mind with additional synthetic computation capacity within a couple decades, but beyond that is hard to say. Depending on how things unfold the main utility of biological life extension may just be to keep the brain alive longer while the mind is migrating to the new hardware over the course of decades to centuries.

>> No.15099904

Complete delusion. Imagine thinking a thread about some advances in life extension tech, and some people reacting positively and speculating on it is evidence of people not seeing imagination from reality and not being able to cope with it.

I can't wait to leave this board once Link takes off, the majority of intelligent minds left after 2017. /pol/ refugees have since destroyed board culture and dumbed it down.

>> No.15099949

You have not addressed anything I said. It was expected as you have formed this mindset where you can naively believe that even if immortality was possible, it would happen in your lifespan.

LINK could moon to $100k/token and you would still be poor. Good luck with your remaining ~80 years of life.

>> No.15099980

You already are in a fully virtualized holographc dream environment, there is not really a point to research immortality technology AGAIN.

>> No.15099996

Because you have no arguments, just blackpilled delusion. Please read OP and the thread, there is evidence that life extension tech is within our grasp.

>> No.15100013

Hmm seems to be a bit of a divergence between cyborg mode (neural link) and just reversing your normal body to it’s young self (SENS)

>> No.15100015

You're not immune to this. You will not be prepared for the decadence of the future, and you will hate everything and everyone will hate you.

>> No.15100035

I also unironically think this. Simulation theory is hard to argue against.

>> No.15100046

I have a different perspective than you, I am excited to see what comes in the future, both in culture and tech wise. I don't really give a fuck what others do. I am not mad at their decisions. Let them be degenerate if they wish to be.

>> No.15100096

Well I basically want to be a matrioshka brain. I imagine longevity will become pretty trivial somewhat before that.

>> No.15100226

Don't think I'm just some conservative /pol/ guy either, I read sci-fi every day. I just think you're overestimating your ability to adapt. The bottom line is that your brain, your perspective, everything that makes you you, that you are trying to preserve, is wholly a product of 21st ideals to its core. Have you ever heard the joke about the two fish that pass each other and one asks the other "how's the water" to which the other responds "what's water?" Well yeah, if you woke up 200 years from now you'd figure out what water was.

>> No.15100391

You underestimate how malleable the human mind can be.

>> No.15101394

hey fren care to point me in the right way? any link? i feel you are correct

>> No.15101621


So just be kind to the younger races and generations. Don't be an eldar.

>> No.15101718

enjoy living in fear of shit that doesnt exist and passing up technological immortality in exchange for "dying with dignity" and rotting in a coffin after wageslaving your whole life and acting like a good little boy who never does bad things like eat meat on fridays

>> No.15101724

Your great great great granddaughter is doing fine doing fine.

>> No.15101737

all cryoshit is overlooking the real prize of transhumanism. creating an AI that goes singularity will happen if we don't die in the next ~100 years. if it isnt shit you cant upload to that shit and live forever in paradise

>> No.15101749

>Fuck imagine meeting your great, great, great, great, great grandkids.
Imagine if they were niggers.

>> No.15101760

Please this. Then make biomachine that transcends metal and meat bags. Combining the best of both. Think the sexy legs of the geckos in mgs4. Sweet sweet synth flesh.

>> No.15101775

*if it isnt shit you can upload to that. honestly a big worry for me is that the AI is gonna have gay rules in simulated reality like not being able to say "nigger", which is a pretty tame example.

>> No.15101800

>is pretty fine

>> No.15101934

Imagine being this concerned with the finite and vain instead of accepting the idea of the infinite. You can like tech and shit but that stuff is still passing and momentary.

>> No.15101936

That's why you have to be the superintelligence. AI would be a disaster. Cyborg superintelligence is the way forward.

>> No.15101940


>> No.15102644

That's his meme