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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 1106x924, Screenshot 2019-08-03 at 14.51.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15094610 No.15094610 [Reply] [Original]

>this time it's different

>> No.15094636

Nothing decided yet. If it goes below 1.75, it is most certainly a C, if not, this is a 2 and we are starting 3

>> No.15094645
File: 57 KB, 720x482, FD21B51E-2014-42FE-A407-0A84CC5660C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15094653

please god fall under $2 in October I need 50K

>> No.15094659

Never mind the graphs, Chainlink has been proved to be a scam.

>> No.15094660

>That filename
you are not even trying at this point
It has become like a day job.
>Post some fud to check in
>Post some fud to check out
>go to sleep
>Get up
>rinse and repeat
What a sad existence

>> No.15094666

$1 end of august

>> No.15094670

fuck off

>> No.15094673

It’s from an iPhone, prakeesh. Trust 3rd worlders not to know that.

>> No.15094689

yes I know, you are a sad third world phone poster getting paid a penny per post. Alone the fact that you think an Iphone is something to brag about is already a prove for your pointless sad existence

>> No.15094713


Are you nervous? I know you wish you could buy lower but you will NEVER get the chance to accumulate enough to make it now. Sorry, but you had two years to buy a shit load op. We all bought make it stacks for as little as 2,000$.

>> No.15094765

I only have 3.8k I unironically need this shit to go to $1000.

>> No.15094791

iPhone fag level of FUD

>> No.15094808
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>> No.15094893
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>> No.15094976

>dat rising wedge tho

>> No.15094981


>> No.15094991

Who mentioned bragging? Pajeets don’t know what iPhones are. Like you. You are a pajeet.

>> No.15095022

Can't wait for comfy rank 100 again

>> No.15095040

it actually did go to $2 tho

>> No.15095068

TA on Link doesnt apply, as fundamentals are king now. If link becomes the defactor oracle service for everything, then we gonna sleep at 28dollarinos by oct. You saw asukapost, who do you think its gonna eat that mcap share?

>> No.15095132

? he was right

>> No.15095163

OPs on the FUD train hopping to push price down so they can accumulate more...

>> No.15095288
File: 415 KB, 1106x924, 1564836722471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed for extra emotional impact.

Thank me later swingie

>> No.15095309
File: 12 KB, 694x693, ActionPotential.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this sort of thing resembles an action potential in other ways that could be mapped

>> No.15095432
File: 255 KB, 1726x904, 1564338070463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15095493

I can remember every part of that phase for chainlink.... It fully cycled.
Why is it goin up? Discord whale profits reinvesting for a second run?

>> No.15095529

>zoom out /thread

>> No.15096380

that graph can't zoom out any farther
>what is cope

>> No.15096542

now youre thinking with portals

>> No.15096560

so we are at first sell off phase?

>> No.15096563

Chainlink will not have a drop after “mania phase”.

>> No.15096573

Why is it all the FUD faggots always have iphones? Its always that filename just bitter faggots constantly FUDing.

>> No.15096594


>> No.15096634

Approaching it

>> No.15096651

Sergey is dumping all over us. Figures he doesn't make a 700k transfer while we're crabbing for a week. As soon as LINK shows any bounce he sends some more to binance