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15093508 No.15093508 [Reply] [Original]

Considering to invest in crypto like btc or link
why everybody here investing in link?
what the difference between link and other cryptos like bitcoin?
what's your expectation worth of link in the near future, lets say the next year or two?

>> No.15093528


>> No.15093544

>why everybody here investing in link
>what's your expectation worth of link in the near future, lets say the next year or two?
$1000 eoy

>> No.15093550
File: 69 KB, 630x630, pocketPocketnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go for link too risky too late.
Sent is shilled by pajeets and got at least a chance that you are still early enough to profit in the shill cycle.
You could look at pocketnet.app which isn't even officially launched or on the market.
No corporate entity. Blockchain social media feed. Full decentralisation. Plans for native market place.
Proof of stake 50% of all minted coins go to the best rated content so you can still farm a bag.

Fuck it go there and I give you 25 POC.
Just write in the chat or make a post. But only you not the other bizlets I don't want too many to join too early while I still accumulate. Got almost 20k I read the devs dropped 2k on somebody for 5cent a piece at an arbitrary price.

>> No.15093558

smart money sold Link at $4.
brainlets hold.
red wojaks.

buy TRV and rise the asia bubble of 2020.

>> No.15093559
File: 22 KB, 269x406, btc standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15093600

> Too late for Link
> You're still early enough to profit off SENT
Imagining being this retarded

>> No.15093627
File: 369 KB, 750x1000, abstract3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent is usefull and can expand customerbase. Link is overvalued because it overpromised and underdelivered on top the devs are selling their bags.
I accumulate POCs on pocketnet.app for free currently. This is undershilled and undersold so you can get in still before the bandwagon starts.
The devs are stupid honest they got the perfect tool for a black and grey market for online applications going with absolute plausible deniabillity.

Imagine silkroad would run on a twitter backchannel.

>> No.15093628

I like both but too be fair, sent didn’t pull a 20x yet. Link’s top 20 on cmc, you guys already won.

>> No.15093880

A single LINK will cost $1000 by August 23rd 2020

>> No.15093891

Link is unironically the last thing you will ever need to invest it. Buy as much as you can in the next few years it will be worth thousands of dollars a pop.

>> No.15093980

what about him?
this kind of comments that make me hyped about that coin, hope you right
>Don't go for link too risky too late
idk man, alot of hype and support for this coin here and on twitter, their belief kinda contagious, I know its dumb argument but just like everyone here, I just want to make easy money and don't wageslave for eternity (I am NEET atm)

>> No.15094139

should I invest 70% of my budget into bitcoin and the rest 30% on link?

>> No.15094153

BUY ALL IN LINK retard they have google backing them up what more confirmation do you want do you hate money =?

>> No.15094163

officialy? or is it something that will be announced in the future? also give source

>> No.15094224

nvm just googled it