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File: 321 KB, 1408x1976, 1564777139939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15089074 No.15089074 [Reply] [Original]

good lord. im not going to make it. life is brutal

>> No.15089114

Yes you will

Get angry at yourself. Anger is like fire. Dangerous when out of control, but a handy tool for situations like this.

>> No.15089127

I'm off weed for like a month
feels pretty good actually, no paranoia

>> No.15089136

I'm on nofap and you post THIS?

>> No.15089139

>tfw I'll never get to experience walking in on pic related with my dick erect
feels bad man

>> No.15089143

im past the anger stage. im just tired of trying and living at this point. i just want to sleep and not wake up anymore.

>> No.15089152

good work anon. I found that the 9 month mark is optimal to reduce your tolerance down to near nothing so when you get back on it you'll be high as a mofo.

>> No.15089153


embrace the baptism by fire.

>> No.15089170

thats the funny thing about this. instead of embracing the sober life and getting back to normal, all i can think about is how glorious the relapse will be when my brain is desensibilized. i will forever be a junkie. i just need to learn moderation

>> No.15089173

How so? Go somewhere were the temp is always 90 degrees +

>> No.15089176

Take ibogaine so you can realize the truth, a truth most of us on this board already understand but you don't

>> No.15089184

I'm about 55 days from 1000 days sober
going to dive right back into drugs when I get there because life hasn't improved much at all
I only did this because probation for drug possession and just accepted the suspended sentence to avoid sitting in a cage

>> No.15089198

im afraid to take psychedelics when i dont even handle weed. just cliffnote me the truth beloved

>> No.15089211

>3 years sober not to go in jail

>> No.15089221

Omg how much LINK for that one on the right?

>> No.15089228

"OP is a faggot"

>> No.15089230

at current prices, about 20 link here in europe

>> No.15089242
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>> No.15089245

this is why i've never done any drugs and i never have more than a few drinks. i dont like feeling not in control of myself, but more importantly i dont want to lose my ability to genuinely enjoy myself without any kind of psychoactive shit.

By the way OP, your gut is where your body produces like 90% of your dopamine, seratonin, etc. IMO, dysfunctional gut flora as the result of poor diet is the root cause of most cases of depression. You need to start eating raw liver, drinking some raw milk, and maybe even try some high meat in order to begin repairing your gut microbiome so you can begin producing those feel good chemicals again and feel high naturally without drugs. In addition to this stop eating vegetables, specifically leafy green shit, garlic, and nuts, as these all fuck up your gut.

>> No.15089266

got arrested for felony possession of mdma and weed
they said accept guilty and get 5 years probation 2.5 with good behavior
if I screw up I could potentially go to jail for 5 years
so my half year of court dates and 2.5 years probation is finished by october

and I'm getting back into drugs because I love them

>> No.15089269

No experience with cocaine but it took about 3 months for me to stop getting nasty alcohol cravings. For the first month or two seeing alcohol would make me break out in a sweat, I would fantasize about drinking.

Now I don't really think about it. 7 months clean. It took a relapse for me to finally get sober for real though. I analyzed how I felt when I was shitfaced, asked myself "Does this really feel that good?" and came to the conclusion that no it didn't. Not good enough to justify all the trouble it caused me, anyway.

>> No.15089280

Kayla, we saw your pic on LinkedIn today. We’re happy you’re getting in good nutrition and please to see you eating your fruit.

-Mom & dad

>> No.15089294

>getting probation for baby drugs
damn. unless it were multiple kilos, its ogre. good luck anon

>> No.15089297

Also waking up on a Sunday morning and not being hungover is fucking god-tier. Its one of those things that you don't think about when you're alcoholic but I love waking up and not feeling like a train wreck.

>> No.15089299

God that's so cute. I love seeing the very edges of girls erogenous zones without actually seeing them. Such a fuckin tease.

>> No.15089312

have sex bro

>> No.15089324

>In addition to this stop eating vegetables, specifically leafy green shit, garlic, and nuts, as these all fuck up your gut.
I feel like this is bad advice

>> No.15089342

it was a bit ridiculous how I was treated but that's small town missouri for you
and through this all I was cool and cooperative signed the probation contract and followed through
I'm a functional addict and did 3 years sober and I'm going back because it's what I enjoy

>> No.15089343


>> No.15089364


>> No.15089378


>> No.15089385

Me too. I could get off on that forever. So fucking hot

>> No.15089392

WTF my boss just saw this and now I'm fired!

>> No.15089404

this is the best image I've ever seen

>> No.15089454
File: 179 KB, 749x907, 1365650858592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rememer that people who arent addicted are doing weed/drugs so they can brag about it their friends to get social recognition because they suck at everything else in life to get that.

Once you are past that, you get into a denial phase where "weed isnt addictive" and "coke at parties are fine" etc. But in reality you are an addict allready.

After that, addiction becomes real and you are accually trying to hide your regular use to people around you and you are still covering for addiction by justifying the it by harmlessness.

People are idiots.

Every time you see somebody brag about weed, tell them they are idiots.

Just remember that addiction has two parts. Physical and psycological part. The physical part is easy. You go to rehab, lock yourself in a room, somehow get thru 30 days and your body doesnt crave it any more. Now the psycological part kicks in. You meet that one friend. You go to that one party. You walk in that one neiboughhood where you used to get it. You see that phonenumer on your phone. You see that image on the internet. You have that one drink. And suddenly an urge out of nowhere hits you. Thats the psycological part. Your body doesnt need it. But your brain is so used to get that kick at those times that you suddenlt crave it.

But when that happens, you have to keep going mate. Change the situation. Wait 10-15 min. Get out of the habit.

Good luck

>> No.15089465

it's not, most plants are toxic but for some reason we're told they're healthy.

>> No.15089469

Today's the first time I lit the grass in 3 weeks, used to be everyday.
Doesn't feel much different except for lower tolerance. Im eating pizza and watching Clerks while shitposting. Life is good

>> No.15089496

Ok now this is epic. I want you to visualize the smell. Just imagine it !

>> No.15089495

i found the source of this image


>> No.15089517

God bless you! May riches come to you and may you have many healthy kids.

>> No.15089532

huh those chicks are pretty nice to look at in their underwear. I enjoyed that ones bent over butt pic. nice find anon

>> No.15089546

I mean I see all the big athletes juicing vegetables and I feel more energy after a good juice
I'll check out those articles but restricting nutrients to meat and milk seems like a hard way to keep optimal nutrition

>> No.15089562

>Weed is addictive
Dropped. I do not smoke to tell any friends about it and routinely cut it out for significant lengths of time. If you enjoy a nice steak, you are not addicted to steak.

>> No.15089573

ikr, they look so slippery...

>> No.15089591

z? come back to tg nigga i want to talk to you pls

>> No.15089594

dw meat man is clueless

>> No.15089601
File: 75 KB, 800x589, proxy.duckduckgo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i too was like you once.
>he hasn't even taken the butterpill yet

>> No.15089613

day 10 on no fap and you're fucking killing me

>> No.15089626

How much do these lady's charge individually? Is it full on sex, like legit brothel, or just a massage?

>> No.15089640
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>talk to me
its been all said and done. what is there left to talk about

>> No.15089673
File: 56 KB, 1024x954, 1556403509154m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 11 here
Delete this shit at once, op, you fucking faggot

>> No.15089676

50€ for 30 minutes, sex+hand and blowjob. all 9/10 eastern europe models mostly. its a brothel, you have these in any big city here. its the only good thing in this shithole

>> No.15089679

I'll give it a try, I've heard a lot of good things about liver and never tried it
wild animals always go for the liver first they know what's up

>> No.15089733

I how sliding your dick into the one on the right would feel like. Life isn't fair bros

>> No.15089734 [DELETED] 

our mutual fren whose 4-letter name begins with F is on the verge of necc

>> No.15089739

It's horrible advice. You need a well rounded diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, and for most Americans and Europeans what you DON'T eat is more important. Cut out soda, sugar and corn syrup, and as much of the processed crap as you can.

>> No.15089741

You’ll stop having the dreams in about 6 months.

>> No.15089750

Wow that's amazing.
In from America never been to europe so I have no clue. The only place I know you can legally get sex in America is one famous brothel in Las Vegas, it's called something like bunny ranch. But I heard it's like $1000+ to get laid there.

>> No.15089751

i actually have something to tell you about that friend, kek.

are you r...or j...?

>> No.15089756

Not him but I make €2 an hour how the fuck am I going to afford that ?

>> No.15089762

uh i'm jp desu

>> No.15089776

the bad news is that eventually you will get bored of it too and it will feel no different than just jacking off, speaking from experience. semen retention is the final redpill but yeah. come to europe and try it out. it will be amazing the first times. especially when coked up.

>> No.15089790

who the fuck is jp

>> No.15089791

im on nearly 4 years of no alcohol
i run 3 miles 5 days a week
save $600/yr by buzzing my head twice a month
day trade mon-fri but only do crypto

in my 20s i did a shit ton of drugs and guess what, i had no investments and didnt really know how to use money.
when i stopped doing drugs and alcohol, i began investing.
going on 8 years now of investing and im worth millions.

so you see, it really pays off to man up and live responsibly.
also, go all in on RSR

>> No.15089812

2nd night in a row with no alcohol
Is it normal to... hear voices/weird noises when you're in bed and about to fall asleep?

>> No.15089814 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 477x600, 2018-02-06 17.09.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15089816

sending my energy OP do it for the rest of us.

I need to stop drinking AHHHHH

>> No.15089819

Gonna take a while before I get bored of it. Maybe when I'm 50 lol

>> No.15089835

Alcohol is unironically the only drug I've ever been addicted to. Cocaine is fun but not something that has a hold on me. I can quit smoking or toking at any time and have for years at a time without issues. But alcohol, fuck that shit. It's like a gnawing feeling in my gut, I crave that disconnect. Even when I tell myself "Nope not gonna drink tonight" half the time I end up going to the liquor store and hitting the bottle.

>> No.15089836

just finished beating to that pic thanks op

>> No.15089841

Are you Elliot in coinmetro tg?

>> No.15089849


>> No.15089853

What are overrated drugs for 200

>> No.15089860

ah its you lul. i got my own problems lad. its a cold cold world.

>> No.15089908

There's million things the average person should stop consuming before vegetables lmao. That's the first thing to jump too? Barely anyone eats vegetables anymore, just simple sugar carbs and cornsyrup garbage.

>> No.15089931

ok lad well she's pretty fixated on it now and i tried everything i can think of...out of ideas now and it's pretty sad 2bh

>> No.15089941 [DELETED] 

the nutrient listings for kale and blueberries are way off, what the fuck people don't fall for this do they?

>> No.15089955
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>> No.15089965

lol do you have proof?

>> No.15089973

you're right, the appropriate nutrient level is likely even lower because kale is full of antinutrients that bind to nutrients and render them in-absorbable

>> No.15089987
File: 121 KB, 807x1064, Noora402Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried LSD the other day and it was awesome.