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15072647 No.15072647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you consider banging a shemale in your life?

>> No.15072655

No, why would I? There's plenty of hot girls out there and I'm not gay.

>> No.15072661

nope. how do you get to that point even? just fuck a hooker

>> No.15072717

eventually you get bored of conventional methods of sex

>> No.15072794

i have one drunken night. I downed half a bottle of vodka and banged a kim kardashian lookalike trans version.

The best part was touching the fake boobies and butt. The worse was when he/she pulled out their dick...no bigger than a pinky...confused i didn't know what to do with it so i just jerked it off. That didn't go anywhere so i started fucking her in the ass
I started going limp after the alcohol slowly wore off. She came after a few half ass thrusts. I felt pretty disgusted desu and order a call girl that same night....apparently her relationship with the dr wasn't going so well so i was just a boy toy ironically

>> No.15072801


>> No.15072813

Well, yeah, but in that case you try with different things with different women of different nationalities and cultures. There's insane amounts of them too.

>> No.15072836

yeah if they never had sex with anyone else.

>> No.15072838

You need to stop posting this degenerate shit. There are Muslim anons who browse this board and the last thing you want to do is offend them, trust me!

>> No.15072851

No. I'd fuck actual males and females but trannies are disgusting.

>> No.15072853

Still better than jerking off. I would bang anything that moves honestly.

>> No.15072870

God yes, I'd suck her off it's a huge fetish for me I also like normal women also believe it or not. If I'm fucking a guy he needs to look feminine.

>> No.15072885

Yes but only if it had a dick. I don't wanna see that disgusting gaping wound they call a pussy

>> No.15072894
File: 116 KB, 323x373, 1552794471403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are Muslim anons who browse this board and the last thing you want to do is offend them, trust me!

>> No.15072913

making a trap cum whilst you fuck their ass is amazing desu, but yeah pussy feels way better than anal imo

>> No.15072917


I will bang anything that looks good in a dress tbqhwyf

>> No.15072931

already have in case it was me getting fucked by a big juicy dick

>> No.15072933

Wow he killed non-combatants! He's a badass! The absolute state lmao

>> No.15072946

in this case*

>> No.15072961

Foreign invaders are combatants, regardless of if they're currently armed. Sorry to burst your bubble but genocide and massacres of "soft targets" has been the norm for all of human history.

>> No.15072966

I would not.
But we only get one life
If that's what makes you happy go for it

>> No.15072976
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Seething mudshit

>> No.15072988

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.15072994
File: 395 KB, 1536x2048, C2BE6D33-E99F-413A-8EB4-29C831DD9CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have, met them in a bar in Sydney.
Did not know, they were pretty passable desu and I was drunk.
Should have know due to them being asian, but traps aren’t common in Straya.

Hung out, drank beers, laughed, went for walk around city, banged, hung out lots, ate pizza, played mario kart, smoked weed, got along really well.

Then I friend zoned them after a month or so because couldn’t imagine being in relationship or bringing to meet my parents and it started to move towards becoming serious, told me he/she/they loved me.

We still talk now, pic very much related.

>> No.15073020

>that chin
>pretty passable

>> No.15073041

looks cute

>> No.15073071


sort of based but unbased ending

>> No.15073086
File: 172 KB, 685x1106, 0351DAC3-7E25-4DA9-89E3-FDB74C21989C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only say that because you know its a trap, literally google any female celebrity and if I told you they were a trap you would say the same thing.

Pic related, the first 4 celebs i could think of.
Jessica Alba, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Katie Perry

>> No.15073128

post more pics lad

>> No.15073143


>> No.15073164

i really wonder why my posts are being removed for being off-topic and shit like this stays for a whole day.

btw no problem in banging shemales at all, never did but i would.

>> No.15073174

Wow I can see how you couldn’t tell. But does that mean you banged “her” asshole since she had a dick?

>> No.15073182

That faggot wasted his life and will live with the pain of murdering innocents including children. He will never have peace in his life. Just like most of you won’t.
Trannys? That’s what happens when society is breaking, that’s what happens when the family structure is messed with, that’s what happens when you have a lot of children growing up in a single parent home, that’s what happens when you have a lot of mentally ill people.
Til 1973, being gay was correctly labeled as a mental illness. Too bad a small minority was able to turn the public opinion in a short amount of time that calling that mental illness today makes you the one mentally Ill. None of you will have peace, because you’re caught in Cycle where you think a mentally ill faggot that dresses like a woman is a woman.
Islam is peace, Islam is love, Islam is modesty, is helping the needy, respecting your orders and much much more.......y’all are lost lost souls I swear

>> No.15073287

Kind of ironic that the hottest chick I’ve fucked is a man. Also had no homo feelings before this, but things escalated quickly and Im a pretty laid back dude so just rolled with it haha. Ticked off the bucket list at least.
I was like why didn’t you say something, and she said “I really like you and feel scared you not like me and never see me again if you know.”
Hit me in the feels a little.

>> No.15073296

before this thread gets saged whats the name of the girl in the photo

>> No.15073348
File: 239 KB, 2048x1536, C39B6767-53CB-419E-ABA7-707B7EB9F23D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t really have that many, this one is #NoMakeUp
Naturally quite pretty for a dude kek

>> No.15073391

I wanna hire two and have one tickle my prostate with her feminine penis while I fuck the other

>> No.15073449

>Angry about others' sexual preferences
>At peace

pick one Anon

>> No.15073460

pretty qt desu, you messin up not wifin them, at least till they hit the trap wall

>> No.15073481
File: 212 KB, 1440x2412, zio2zop8zau01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, i prefer crossdressers. hot when you're horny, and a guy friend when you just wanna watch movies or play games.

>> No.15073536

Angry watching society decimate itself
Angry that my children will have to deal with these mentally ill creatures
Angry knowing these creatures are just one step in a much longer road ahead full of degeneracy
Go fuck yourself

>> No.15073568

i mean, mentally ill yeah, but lets be honest, girls are fuckin exhausting. with transgirls and crossdressers, we know what we're getting. it's just more fun. and we can actually chill with them after.
call it degeneracy, i call it simpler than dealing with females.

>> No.15073600

so true man, once i've nutted in a girl i never want to see them again, with the one trap i fucked after we both got off we chilled and played some games together till we were ready to bang again, it was amazing

>> No.15073602
File: 166 KB, 694x658, 1553037888127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islam is peace, Islam is love, Islam is modesty, is helping the needy, respecting your orders and much much more.......y’all are lost lost souls I swear
t. Mohammed abdul

Get the fuck out of my country if you dont like it you filthy subhuman sandnigger. The middle east has plenty of open space with no trannies.

>> No.15073609

I tried it twice. Both times it was garbage. These are fucking men and you can tell, I fell for the meme hard. I'm a fairly resilient cunt so it didn't send me into a tailspin of questioning my sexuality, but it will to some people. Be sure you can handle it if you do the deed.

Still love tranny porn though.

>> No.15073622

amphetamine + porn addiction will take you to places you never dreamt you'd go

>> No.15073624

No. 100% degenerate. Men and women are natural companions

>> No.15073638

I am Palestinian
I am not allowed back in my country because of your country’s support for an evil country
You’re a lost soul faggot that has no idea what’s going on in the world

>> No.15073649

>appeal to nature

>> No.15073664
File: 389 KB, 3249x2295, tcy74qbg5s331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, it's just simplicity honestly. it's a universal truth that men and women are too different (partly because of genetics but mostly because of the way we're raised) to get along 24/7. i never had that issue with my male friends, only issue was i could never find a male attractive. then i found the happy medium of traps and feminine crossdressers. best sex and some of the best friendships i've ever had and still have.

>> No.15073667
File: 265 KB, 484x800, Radfem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not. My future wife will probably be a radfem that would be pissed if I ever validated a tranny as a "woman". Not to mention your scenario likely involves a sex worker, another big nono.

>> No.15073670

Probably not, but if actual real life futas/dickgirls become a reality, most likely yes.

Are there any businesses or potential ventures working on this, by chance?

>> No.15073673
File: 100 KB, 770x550, 1552697581521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am Palestinian
ahahaha, I hope the kikes finish off the remaining mudshits in their land and then start hunting down the diaspora to finish off the job they started. Your subhuman religion has brought nothing but death to every single fucking country it has ever touched. I wish nothing but death for your kind.

>> No.15073691

Ohhhhh very scalllllyyyy
You still a lost soul faggot

>> No.15073704
File: 24 KB, 672x456, 01762573-2882-4820-9C90-70B61791B751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gaypill is the ultimate /biz/ redpill that they don’t want you to know about.

>> No.15073734

This anon knows. I only like traps on speed

>> No.15073737

the difference here is having kids before they are financially stable, thus making the straight couples poor as fuck for years to come. gays dont have this issue

>> No.15073749

kek what a boomer

>> No.15073772

if there were no females available a man has to do with what he can get

>> No.15073803

>the difference here is having kids before they are financially stable

No the difference is you have 2x male earners in the house. Women make less then men you retard.
If they include lesbians in this study they are probably 90% of the sub 50k tier.

>> No.15073816

This does include lesbians

>> No.15073822


Banging trannies comes from desperation and the mind trying to cope with inferiority

>> No.15073833

who cares about lesbians anyway?

>> No.15073848

There is another side to it too. Gays can only have kids through adoption, so it means they can have children later at life (aka when they're more wealthy and stable) with no risk of unexpected pregnancies.

How do I become a fag, /biz/?

>> No.15073860

found the degenerate jew

>> No.15073873

You mean you eventually come out the closet