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15072357 No.15072357 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren’t millennials eating at chain restaurants?

>> No.15072379

They have no class. You go to chain restaurants for a quality, economic meal.

>> No.15072480

It's generally sub par food for the price range. There are tons of restaurants I'd rather go to than a chain in the area.

>> No.15072498

because millennial are spending their money at smaller businesses for the "hipster" and trendy feel. most restaurant/food-service/drink-service businesses are starting to realize this.

>> No.15072513

I like supporting local businesses.

>> No.15072533

>Why aren’t millennials eating at chain restaurants?
Curious to see some data saying they're not.

>> No.15072559

Because the food is fucking disgusting. Can go to a gourmet supermarket and buy amazing ingredients and make a better quality meal for the same money or less.

>> No.15072560

i just buy bread, meat, and snacks from the local grocery.

i grow pretty much everything else. fruits and vegetables.

restaurants are fucking disgusting. even the "5 star high class" ones. pick one and take a look in the kitchen...

it's niggas heating precooked food and owners charging 500% more.

>> No.15072573

bcuz black people can't cook

>> No.15072589
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I cook my own food and rarely eat out, you end up with much higher quality meals for cheaper.

>> No.15072622

>Food budget of $300/month
>About 12 Applebees meals per month
>Should be getting ~90 meals with that money
It's just not worth it, not even twice per month.

>> No.15072652

Chains suck. They only cook traditional "done a thousand times the same way" meals so does it really matter where you fuckin go? Might as well go to a mom n pop dining that keeps it nice n classy, feels good supporting underdogs that care. It's all the same, Olive garden has breadbasket gimmick, all others are the same Denny's knockoff.

>> No.15072670

applebees and chilis suck

millennials love fast food more than other generations it feels like though. well anyone born after about 1980 likes fast food. but millenials are like "yo lets go a chipotle haha" "bro this taco bell is lit" etc.

i think if youre going to go to a restaurant where you're going to spend 20, 40, 80, 100+ dollars on a meal you might as well go ssomewhere much tastier than applebees. theres other shit in their price range that is way better.

>> No.15072770

Low interest rates have lead to a huge rise in entrepreneurship in restaurants. Theres so much to fucking choose from now, why would anyone choose applebees when theres the new chicken and waffles place down the road?

>> No.15072789

Because the food fucking sucks and overpriced. We already had this thread

>> No.15072802

I'm a reluctant hipster, will never admit it irl but I often get called as much. I guess I have hipster tastes. When I go out it's to find a new experience, check out a trendy place, revisit my hidden gem bar, or to get something 'different' or feels classy. Chains just don't provide any of these. The marketing is great for boomers and gen xers but if they want to win back the 20-40 crowd it will take some heavy overhauls with marketing and branding. We want something with character and chains just feel too sterile and lifeless. Now if they were ironically super lifeless and corporate about being a lifeless shell I might would be more open to the idea. Chains are currently where we go to eat alone. I'm traveling and want a bite before going to my hotel room at 3 AM, there's waffle house/IHOP, work sends me home early from a night shift, etc.
It's actually an interesting problem, but I'm content just watching to see what happens. I enjoy a dumpster fire or train wreck just as much as I do watching a master painter creating his magnum opus.

>> No.15072856

It's not all chains, just certain ones. Something like Beer Works is rather traditional except it makes it's own beer, so it's far more popular these days than Applebee's, despite the food being the same.

>> No.15073535


>> No.15073556

No money

>> No.15073591

Food is garbage, overpriced and majority of the time you will NOT get what you order... However, when I go to my local store I get great portions, exactly what I want, and it would be cheaper. Plus, all my money goes into crypto.

>> No.15073967

cause 2 lbs of chicken thighs is $4 and i know how to fuckin' cook ya jew

>> No.15074311

Inoffensive is usually the highest praise you can give any of them. Nothing they serve is actually good.

>> No.15074371

>boomers lived a life of decadence and consumption
>instead of recognizing it as a greedy and unsustainable lifestyle, they blame the following generations for killing it
Fucking boomers.

>> No.15074513

>implying we’re going to let it die without a fight
Thanks for paying my social security benefits bucko. I’m sure there’ll be lots left for your retirement when the time comes.

>> No.15075051

Fucking this, 3 meals a week blows my monthly food budget makes no sense.
It does have its benefits though, my work pays per diems for meals when i travel. I tend to buy food at the local grocers and pocket most of the per diem.

>> No.15075082

They have become health conscious and/or vegan. Get on our level.

>> No.15075099

Honestly, they suck.
I just feel like you're not getting enough to justify the price.
$30-$60 for some mediocre microwaved food.
At the end, I always feel like I just wasted money and wish I just stayed home.

>> No.15075104

>pick one and take a look in the kitchen...
>it's niggas heating precooked food and owners charging 500% more.
Fucking this.

>> No.15075112

They do you loser. Go out more

>> No.15075119

they eat the food uncooked?

>> No.15075150

Low class, boomer-esque low quality dinery. Time a changing boom

>> No.15075164

i love the idea of ihop, but i went twice and both times the food was absolutely awful.
chilis didn't cook the food right. applebees got rid of the good stuff on the menu and replaced it with low quality shit.
i can go to any random up and coming restaurant in my area and get much better quality for less money.

i'm sure it was retarded jews who put those stupid advertising kiosks at every table too. I hate those things its just an eyesore on the table, I want a more comfy atmosphere.

>> No.15075179

I hope a nigger or a spic kills you in your retirement home. Boomers are the first agent of the international jew.

>> No.15075197

The rise of tinder, no need to try and sleep with the thots serving food.

>> No.15075212

The food was good 20 years ago now it's shit. Simple enough

>> No.15075215

This was pretty gay. But I also don't disagree. I guess you're a faggot. But so am I.

>> No.15075224

Because they suck.

>> No.15075286

If I'm just hungry I'll go to chipotle or smash burger. It's quick, affordable, and fucking tasty. If I want to go sit down and have dinner I'll go to one of the hundreds of nice local restaurants in boulder. Life is so full of variety, why the fuck would I spend it eating at the same mediocre, soulless corporate chain?

>> No.15075324
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Attractive millennial women have meltdowns if you even suggest the idea. On a night where you have a lot of time and feel like getting decked out and going out some place nice, you can bring them to some artisan steakhouse or specialty restaurant, which they don't even appreciate or understand anyway other than "wow look at all these hip looking people that look rich and wow look how expensive an appetizer is!"

Then on a night where you guys just don't have the time to do that, maybe you have other plans, you say "there's a TGIFridays near there, let's just hit that up quick" they look at you like you just said "hey baby, let me squeeze a turd out in between your tits." It's that whole "ummmm exxxxxcuse me???" look. And the ones that don't stand up for themselves you can tell it's like you just smashed their favorite possession, again regardless of the context of bringing them out to some super fucking top tier place only days before.

They're so stupid though you can just bring them to some place that LOOKS fancy and it fools their brains and they have no issue, even if it's basically the same food as a chain place and may in fact even be a chain, just a more disguised one. So I guess the problem is, these chains aren't disguised well enough to be palatable to millennial women, which in general is the only reason I'd ever be going to one of those places at all rather than just making my own food.

>> No.15075414


>> No.15075461
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I don't want to invest an hour of my time to pay premium prices on sub-par, unhealthy food. There are better alternatives.

>> No.15075468

Based McChicken poster.

>> No.15075520


When will their taste for blood be quenched?

>> No.15075550

I find it funny how hipsters also like things homogenized, only they like to pretend that what they like is unique in order to feel special. I've been to plenty of these "hip" places, and they're all the fucking same, and really not much different than chains in the end.
Traditional chains just need a slightly different approach. First off, they need to shrink the goddamn size of their restaurants, then separate their gargantuan menus into different sub-restauraunts.
A chain like Applebees could techincally split into like 4 or 5 different "hip and trendy" places to eat, then they could just roll them out over and over again in different places with slightly different names and themes. That is essentially the bullshit hipsters are lapping up, but operating on a corporate level could significantly cut down on operating costs, and ownership of some kind of cookie-cutter franchise model is more feasible if it is 1/5th the size that way. It is just a hell of a lot more complex to track.

>> No.15075568


>> No.15075580


>> No.15075877


>gave me bad acid reflux
>charge you up the ass for low quality food

I have my own chickens,eggs,vegetables and fruits

>> No.15075903


sounds like you're dating white roasties anon

>> No.15075909

Sterile is fine, we still eat at places like McDonalds. Nobody eats at chain restaurants because
>the food sucks and is overpriced
>who the fuck would I even take to a restaurant

>> No.15075931

>hey baby, let me squeeze a turd out in between your tits."
>It's that whole "ummmm exxxxxcuse me???" look
kek'd audibly, underrated