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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15061517 No.15061517 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> 28 yo khv
> make small talk with random qt girl on the bus
> we actually click instantly
> she asks if she can give me her number
> obviously accept
> take her out to some hole in the wall restaurant where i am a regular
> food is amazing
> conversation seems to flow without any lulls
> before we notice it's been 3 hours
> she asks to see a movie at my place
> as soon as we go through the door, she starts pawing at me
> literally had my first hug, first kiss, and grabbed my first boob within like 45 seconds
> i can't fucking believe this is happening
> before i know it she's on her knees and taking off my pants
> she has a look in her eyes like she's been drowning and my dick is made of oxygen
> ask her to stop just as she's taking a deep whiff of my balls
> she asks what's wrong
> i ask her what her credit score is
> she looks very confused and asks me to repeat myself
> i ask her again
> she says "i dunno like 650 or something, why?"
> sigh deeply and pull up my pants
> her confusion turns into anger for some reason
> tell her it would probably be best for her to call an uber for herself
> starts calling me all sorts of names and slams my door as she leaves
I can't lower my standards by fucking someone with such a pitiful grasp on their personal finances, but how could I go about asking girls about their credit scores or emergency savings without them freaking out?

>> No.15061579

you did the right thing op

>> No.15061586

>> tell her it would probably be best for her to call an uber for herself
sounds like it'd be better for her to walk

>> No.15061609
File: 303 KB, 600x600, 1558799263522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Fico-pilled.

>> No.15061633

Post made me incredibly melancholic.

>> No.15061707

you should have asked those things AFTER the blowjob, you fucker. What a faggot

>> No.15061732
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 74190531BD0D44439F541DAF28C5F493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My credit score is 480

>> No.15061734

literal autistic retard, you dump her if he have bad credit score after fuck her, not before, literal dumbasssss

>> No.15061756

Based and goypilled.

>> No.15061788
File: 127 KB, 764x1024, 9BEBBB0F-0391-427B-9C03-D9E40DD7E836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made the right call.
>rides bus
>low fico

Guarantee she’s a democrat. Nobody needs that shit.

>> No.15061878
File: 167 KB, 363x2000, talltophat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to be me today and not someone else
>Going out to get a mocha frippa latte deluxe with 100 scoops of sugar
>See a qt pie sitting there
>Introduce myself
>I tip my 9 foot tall tophat
>i notice she's in her cunny prime (9 years old )
>We hit it off
>back at my place things are getting crazy
>She's about to step on my pressure plate in minecraft
>Suddenly she stops
>"uhh anon how many chainlink do you own?"
>I take out my 9 mm revolve and fire, her brains go flying all over my bedroom
>Mom yells at me to keep it down
>I mix her body into the daily goulash
>Get on /biz/ and type this out while eating goulash

fuck niggers, kikes, jannies