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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15060492 No.15060492 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone smart about money and good at putting things in layman terms translate this for me?

What does it mean?

>> No.15060544

all future debt will be used to pay the interest of debt created in the past

>> No.15060553

>get loans to exclusively pay off other loans
It's like that episode of malcom in the middle where reese is at his own apartment and is just using credit cards to pay for everything and gets a new credit card to pay off the debt of the previous one.

>> No.15060565

And eventually the fed will just out print the debt and inflation will kill your buying power

>> No.15060627

It means usury is a scam. A Jewish scam to be precise. Or as pol would say a natural fucking kike move by the government.
We created electricity and airplanes before the federal reserve. After the federal reserve we created debt and systematic impoverishment. Really jogs the bootlickers noggins on both sides.

>> No.15060654

Author gets everything correct except rather than raise rates: the FED will send rates negative instead and keep printing.

>> No.15060660


not loans to pay off loans, loans to pay off interest.

>> No.15060724

Nice so it's even worse.

>> No.15060727

National hamster wheel of death.

>> No.15060767
File: 119 KB, 420x432, 1CFC7825-AD8E-48A9-BC17-8181BCF1C353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I hate anti-Semitism more than anything, but you can’t deny that Jewish banking interests are behind this.
Having to concede this one to the Nazis on /pol/ kind of stings...

>> No.15060785

Basically the bulk of the human race will work harder than ever for less money than ever.

Oh and debt will no longer be encouraged it will be mandatory.

>> No.15060877

which is going to deflate the dollar to a painful death

>> No.15060899

Banks will also charge you interest to keep money in a checking account.

>> No.15060923

Boomers, blacks and beans are going to be in for a rough time because gibs are going to be cut to pay for the military.

>> No.15060937

It means that who owns the debts owns the country.

>> No.15060981

>What does it mean?
Essentially what they are saying is you don't need to afford the things your buying to put you into debt. You merely need to afford the interest on that debt. But this is a whole country rather than an instituion or individual.

>> No.15060985

>The pretend money printing machine the Federal Reserve and the US government have setup is going to have weird math going on in 4 years but literally none of it matters.
Look up "what would happen if the US paid off its national debt". The answer is literally nothing would change. It's all bullshit.

Money is printed, then loaned to the US government with interest. That's the simple fact that should help you realize how nonsensical it all is.

>> No.15060995

And the debt itself never actually gets paid off.

>> No.15060998

Wait doesn't the money go into the general fund? How exactly can they say that new debt is paying for the old debt? You could easily say taxes are paying for the new debt meanwhile the new debt is being spent on other spending. It's all just accounting.

>> No.15061060

Well yes, but it's a catchy way of telling people about that tipping point.

Communication is often more important than precision. Kind of like how we lump things together into fiscal years rather than pinpointing the (non-April) month when treasury auction sizes will first exceed outgoing interest payments.

>> No.15061232

It means the jew is at it again

>> No.15061397
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Imagine hating anti-semitism more than anything.

>child rape
>watching your wife get fucked by a pack of filthy niggers
Fucking imagine being this much of a cuck. Thanks for conceding faggot. 1488/Heil Hitler/Kill Yourself

>> No.15061479

funfact: Welfare is mandatory spending while the military is discretionary.

>> No.15061605
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>> No.15061867

That's going to change when the debt gets bad enough because the military is what keeps the US in a position to be able to print forever.