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15047389 No.15047389 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I have to wait 3 more years until the love of my life can move in with me
>mfw I'm still a Virgin at 26 and have been saving myself for the one
>mfw there are laws in place right now made by (((them))) to make the age of concent at 16
>mfw I wish we could turn on the ovens and purge the useless race that did 9/11

>> No.15047439

> Purge 9/11 race
Ironically turns out to be white people.

>> No.15047445

>Virgin at 26
I refuse to believe that, in the age of Tinder, anyone could be a virgin unless you're in a wheelchair or something.

>> No.15047448

Your gf is a HS freshman?

>> No.15047466

>mfw I have to wait 3 more years until the love of my life can move in with me
Scotty doesnt know Ive been dry humping up the ass the love of his life for the last 6 months so she can remain pure for Scotty

>> No.15047513
File: 1.05 MB, 498x258, 1546755830928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to wait 3 more years until the love of my life can move in with me
>I'm still a Virgin at 26 and have been saving myself for the one

>> No.15047519

>Adult virgin
>"Saving myself"
You're gonna go shoot someplace up, aren't you?

Have sex disgusting incel

>> No.15048394

A good brap thread died because of your stupid copy pasta.

>> No.15048433

Jews arent white, retard.