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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1504607 No.1504607 [Reply] [Original]

i seriously dont want you guys to miss out, buy ethereum now or pretty damn soon before the price doubles. admittedly, I have a lot of eth. I truly believe it is the future of crypto. it takes the heart and soul of bitcoin and creates a whole platform where people can program secure apps/contracts. its the evolution to our society. right now its cheap as fuck and its still super early in ETH's story. Vitalik wants to make block times down to 3seconds. this is going to be a secure as fuck (as long as sound code) and efficient.

bitcoin is going through a ton of issues and I forsee a probably fork in their platform (but competition is a good thing). bitcoin is just a currency, ethereum is a currency PLUS a programming language. just feel real strongly about this I wanted to help you guys out

>> No.1504617


>> No.1504987

thanks anon
spread the word

>> No.1506588


>> No.1506624

How high can ETH go? I am sitting on 100 ETH here

>> No.1506640

honestly when I first started getting exited about ETH I was pretty sure that ETH market cap will go above BTCs. obviously I'm not a hundred percent sure but in the next could years I could see ETH hitting $80+

>> No.1506687
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ETH will easily be over $50 by january.

Maybe a spike up to $100 before then.

If it overtakes bitcoin market cap who knows where the FOMO could end.

>> No.1506692

50$ in 2017
180+$ in 2018

>> No.1506731

Why so confident?

>> No.1506819
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Why wouldn't i be?
Look at the size of this cunts head.

>> No.1506902

Ethereum is a conspiracy

That guy is in telepathic contact with extra terrestrials, they're trying to steal all of our wealth

>> No.1507007
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>> No.1507016


You say pretty things but where are your sources?

>> No.1507149

Technical analysis

>> No.1507172

All praise lord vitalik

>> No.1508736

>You say pretty things but where are your sources?
ok what sources do you want?

>> No.1509925

ETH is going to the moon tomorrow

>> No.1509961

This entire thing comes off too much like a scam or bad sales pitch. Why do you really want us to buy ethereum?

>> No.1509972

>admittedly, I have a lot of eth.

>> No.1509995

Still have not seen a SHRED of evidence to support

>> No.1510014
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>> No.1510316
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>> No.1510322

Remember many anons bought in when ETH was in the 15$-$20 range. Then the DAO disaster happened. Then the Hard Fork Fail happened. That's all you need to know.

>> No.1510324


It will be $140 by the end of September. OP was just a tad off on that call.

>> No.1510328

>It will be $140 by the end of September.
Why do you think that?

>> No.1510335

>Source: My ass

>> No.1510338


Probably because I'm sarcastic.

>> No.1510339

I just heard about ETH and decided to check the website out. Just on my gut impressions of it, it seemed like they were trying to sell me a ton of features and not focusing on the fundamental thing that tells me why this would be a currency I would use and others would use.

Seems like a puffed up product. Please convince me I'm wrong.

>> No.1510356
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3 hours till devcon2. Bought the dip

>> No.1510363

Its a huge open source project. Its a programmable blockchain. The possible applications are linited only by your imagination

>> No.1510376

I want in. Can you explain how to buy it (best/cheapest way possible). I'm gonna throw some savings toward it.

I'm in Canada if that makes a difference

>> No.1510445

I know coinbase trades ethereum for fiat. But there's others.

>> No.1510453


the devs must have a very limited imagination then

>> No.1510461


I use QuadrigaCX to buy BTC with CAD, then you have to send the BTC to an exchange like Poloniex and exchange BTC for ETH

>> No.1510463

In canada too. Coinbase seems to be the best option to buy from here. Let me know if you find something else better!

>> No.1510487


Actually Quadriga even has ETH itself now apparently.

>> No.1510509

Yeah just noticed this as I was signing up. So I guess then we could directly buy ETH from CAD? That's pretty cool.