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15042490 No.15042490 [Reply] [Original]

In periods of low activity before or link dumps there would be creative FUD and good legit fuds. I used to make some myself.
Now its just the shittest fud ever. Yes fudding link is fun, i love doing it but you fucking pajeets, poor eastern euros, and poorfag zoomers are not funny or entertaining at all with ur shit fud attempts.

Shit like “its going to 50 cents” or “ sergey dumping” or whatever low effort brainless shit i see constantly. Holy shit learn how its done. You are all so new, retarded and poor(less than 1k stacks) that you dont even post old copypastas anymore because you dont know any.


>> No.15042497

Eat a dick

>> No.15042506

>implying sergey isn't dumping

>> No.15042513

t. bought at $5

>> No.15042520

Currynigger detected.

>> No.15042547

Oh look its another racist prick who provides no insight into crypto but only has the ability to hurl racial insults to others. Great job being a failure in life dumbass

>> No.15042576


Brown hands typed this post

>> No.15042634


lmao wot?

old FUD was jason parsner
chainlink is supposed to be worth a cup of coffee.
team size is two people and sergey has a philosophy degree
"good legit fuds"

are you braindead?

>> No.15042662

Did you miss he part where he said “they were at least funny”? That shit used to always crack me up.

>> No.15043827

stfu pajeet

>> No.15043847

Link is a chinese scam, peepee poopoo