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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15029018 No.15029018 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have 92,000 Link but geting to 100 K would cost another 16 grand.
>will never be up to 100

How does an ocdfag like me cope with this injustice?

>> No.15029031

soon that last 8K link will only cost 1600 USD
i think youll get there anon

>> No.15029058

Be happy with 92k

Christ the greed

>> No.15029075

The answer is obvious: you need to sell until you have a stack of 50k even.

>> No.15029145


>> No.15029158

If you simply sold half at $3.50-$4.50 and bought back in around $2.50-$3.00, you'd have 100k.

>> No.15029165
File: 55 KB, 581x525, 1562720213153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15029167

but 100 k looks so much better. it also will go up more evenly. it's perfect. 92 is lame shit

>> No.15029200

you deserve it for being so fucking retarded

>> No.15029204


>> No.15029222
File: 661 KB, 579x941, 1447269724531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have EXACTLY 5k. Want to swap?

>> No.15029574

sell 82k links, all at once

>> No.15029579

send me 12000 link. you'll feel better.

>> No.15029606

I should've had 500k want to kms every day you don't know what pain is

>> No.15030557

every order of magnitude is so crispy
so satisfying.

>> No.15030576


You realize you’re larping
You Unironically neck yourself EOY

>only has 9.2 Link

>> No.15030596

I have 85 link. As long as price stays under 3 I'll have 1K next month. Good enough for me, for now.

>> No.15030627

Swing trade 2k of them until you can work your way to 100k. Worst case scenario that could happen is you'll have a perfect, sleek, aesthetic $90k

>> No.15030734
File: 14 KB, 236x282, 1563599571866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>29k linkies
>too poor to get that last 1000
I was so close to making it.

>> No.15030755

get a rope, retard

>> No.15031677

you're so jealous ahahahahaha

you all are

you cant stand it

>> No.15031703

Jealous that I can’t larp like you? Jesus you might neck yourself End of night

>> No.15031732

Damn maybe all the angry fudders really are just bitter nulinkers and poorfags


>> No.15031748
File: 75 KB, 521x600, evelink3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine holding link

>> No.15031848

oh the price is $5? $2? $50 cents? How nice. But wake me up when its $150

>> No.15031865


I’m not a no linker
I’m a no larper
Op is clearly a larping faggot that will neck himself because he only has 92 Link

>> No.15031894

Send me 2k to get a nice and round 90k

>> No.15032068

92k link wasn't that hard to acquire. last year it was 20 cents/link

90 would be far more disturbing than 92 though.

>> No.15032103

then what about 50k? sounds like a fun amount, huh :^)

>> No.15032110


It’s a Larp, you’re probably a his Larping faggot friend. No one with 92k Link is on biz saying that have 92k Link. You and OP can kys together. Suicide pact. Use a smart contract to make sure it goes through

>> No.15032245


>> No.15032642

Your problem is you think having 92k link is a special achievement, it was cheap as fuck back then any idiot could have gotten that much

>> No.15032915

did you?