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15024902 No.15024902 [Reply] [Original]

I have about 40k$ saved. What should I invest in? No pajeet scams please.

>> No.15024926

What are your skills?

>> No.15024936


Check out TrumpCoin

>> No.15024939


>> No.15024945


>> No.15024952

rvn/bsv/xrp 3 way split
don't fall for the eth/link shills, they are finished

>> No.15024961

Chainlink. It's a good time to buy as well, look at the next 2 months worth of events/news for LINK.

Aug 2-4 trufflesuite/Microsoft
Aug 19-21 Web3 Summit
Sept 12th Binance US Ban
Sept 14 PSD2
Sept 15-19 Oracle Code One
Sept 23-26 SIBOS/SWIFT

>> No.15024964

Chainlink at 80 cents.

>> No.15024968

Put 50% in LINK and hold 50% cash for the upcoming bloodbath.

>> No.15024969

>git rech queek
Almost never works like that. Even if you do, you end up bankrupt because you didn't know how to discipline your spending in advance.

>> No.15024994

dump 5k or so in XSN.

Also 1k in SENT.

Also a lot of blue chips just to be sure.

No LINK, just a json parser.

>> No.15025031


These are the only crypto projects that matter. Bitcoin Cash, Monero and MakerDao are in maybe tier if you want something risky.

Everything else is a complete pajeet scam.

>Recommends SENT, the biggest pajeet scam on the board right now
>falls for the Jason Parser meme for Link (or trying to get OP to fall for it)


>actually recomending shit like Rippe and Sanjay's Vision to people. And dead shitcoins like Raven.

All pajeet shitcoins. Fuck off.

>> No.15025073

Look for projects where the developers are paid in crypto. This is all you need to know.

>> No.15025074

those 3 are going to crash hard buddy, good luck

>> No.15025089


kek'd so hard by this reaction, screeching autist.

The fact you get so mad is exactly the reason why it's true that LINK is a json parser. XSN will boom in 1-2 years. SENT is low market cap compared to the entire decentralized vpn market. I also say most of it in blue chips, so you can't accuse me of recommending him to go all-in in some top 400 shitcoin.

>> No.15025119

put every penny of it in to sent and rsr

>> No.15025128

a savings account

>> No.15025141

If you actually believe Link is going to crash in September you have the lowest IQ on this board. Bitcoin could dump to under $1 in September but that month is so fucking bullish for Link it will still go up. A tether implosion in September will not be enough to stop it that month. Nothing will stop Link in September.

You have 5 fucking days till the next news cycle starts. August is gonna be fairly decent for Link too. I dunno about BTC and ETH, they could crash or crab or whatever, but Link wont stay down for long.

>your current emotive state dictates the tech behind the coin

Also stop recommending people buy Sent. It's literally an actual PnD scam you are going to get OP burned retard.

>> No.15025160

you are an idiot

>> No.15025216

You don't know what PSD2 is or the significance of it. You don't know about ISO20022. You don't know why the BInance US ban is so bullish for Link. You probably think the 700k sells are bearish, and have no idea why they are actually bullish because you didn't watch Oracles convention. You don't know why Oracle Code One will be super bullish. You don't know what is going to be talked about at SIBOS this year either.

You haven't done your research. You will be left behind. You WILL post here in September saying "but I thought Link was a meme, HOW THE FUCK IS THIS STILL GOING UP, I thought Sergey exit scammed with 700k!"

>> No.15025223

Normal BTC, ETH, and maybe like 100-200$ into LINK just so you can laugh when it shits the bed. Put the rest into Silver, copper, gold, water, pure salt, and rubbing alcohol.

>inb4 anyone says hurr invest in stock market shares and nasdaq / dow / bonds.

Boomers please.

>> No.15025256

30k in a vanguard ETF
5k in memecoins
5k in cash

>> No.15025258

SENT is literal pajeet scam

To everyone else with two fucking braincells to rub together, namely, redditors - we already had a couple GOLDBLATSTEINS earlier trying to shill it, and if any of you are dumb enough to invest in it, when they drop bags on you hard enough to open a fucking black hole, I will laugh uncontrollably.

Just google the fucking startup of SENT. Dont be fucking dumb.

>> No.15025276

lmao, i know bsv makes link a total fucking bandaid that will never see any adoption
data on chain makes it COMPLETELY irrelevant and eth falling to lows it hasn't seen since 2016 will destroy ALL erc tokens

>> No.15025317

If you actually want, just save the money, and put it in an account that accumulates over time and/or an insurance policy that you can pull from in times of need.

You actually can, put them in savings bonds, because you can cash in savings bonds, but not before the time they ripen to the value they're set for, you'll lose money if you do that.

>> No.15025326

Why Vanguard specifically and which one?

>> No.15025396
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downpayment on a rental property bro after analyzing and finding a good property/deal

>> No.15025445

Link is blockchain agnostic, it could work on BSV as well. But it wont need too as BSV is a complete shit token. It's not a proper smart contract platform, it's run by a lying conman that no business will ever trust, and it's oracle solution is centralized.

The blockchain of choice for the future will be Hyperledger or Corda. Not Bitcoin or any of it's shitforks. Even though ETH is a proper smart contract platform, I don't think it will see mainstream enterprise adoption either because again, issues with who runs it. Hyperledger and Corda with Chainlink is the future. But Link is the only one you can invest in so just get Link, and maybe ETH on the side if you think they can compete with Hyperledger. Bitcoin is still entirely speculative and a joke that will probably fail in the end, but it does have first mover advantage and a lot of retards still think it will go up so who knows. BSV is for losers though.

>> No.15025477

VTI - it's basically the American (world) economy.

>> No.15025479

>buy link!
He asked how to invest not throw away money to a useless scam

>> No.15025522

you have it backwards, bsv doesn't need link :)

>> No.15025540

No one needs BSV.

>> No.15025605

I've got 1,400 stinkies. Hope it stays low desu

>> No.15025634

It wont. You've got 5 days max before all the discord trannies switch to shill mode again.

>> No.15025636

So you have no skills? Sucks to be you.

>> No.15025644

keep 8k as an emergency fund
buy 2 btc rest in gold & silver

>> No.15025666

Whatever you do, dont buy these losers bags of link. They only want you to buy so their shit stops tanking. They literally do not care about what happens to your money. Be warned.

Most of them are sad that they didnt sell in the $4 or high $3 range and dont even know if itll ever be there again. They post here every minute shilling it hoping clueless people will buy in at this current price to stop the bleeding or prop it up.

They will say "I don't have bags!!!!1111 I bought under a dollar!!1" but they really are just debating with themselves whether they should sell half their stack now that the project is tanking or hope and pray that it goes back to ATH. Avoid the mess.

>> No.15025725

Maybe 1400 is enough to at least be comfy

>> No.15025727

Aergo is worth to be considered. since they have a shitload of partnerships and really low cap.

>> No.15025787

Seriously, are there no skills you need or want instead? You can do a software engineering bootcamp for 16K or digital marketing for 4K, or think of any skill that can help you in your career, there might be a fast way to learn it.

>> No.15025796

>now that the project is tanking
Link still hovering in the top 20 like a few weeks before. It's not like the whole crypto market is tanking cocksucker.

You are most likely risk averse OP, but put around 5-20% into Link and at least the same amount into silver, chances are high that everything might crash soon or later.

>> No.15025822

You will make it with 1400, it will just take a bit longer for you anon.

All of crypto is going down because of Bitcoin you insincere little faggot. I swear to god, everytime Bitcoin tanks massively, all that is talked about is that Chainlink is having a little dip. Pathetic.

>> No.15025851

learn to do something nigger or u will always be someones nigger