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15020318 No.15020318 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions about REQ?
I don't own any but a friend asked me if he should buy some REQ, I have no clue and that's why I ask you, based money lords.

>> No.15020341

everyone will call it a french scam because the graph looks bad, you can't really get anything meaningful about REQ here lately.

>> No.15020361

Didn't Chainlink made the entire REQ project as a side one

>> No.15020448

Any more opinions?

>> No.15020519

Hi, huge bagholder here. No one uses crypto for payments except for people buying drugs online. Crypto for payments will never take off, it's a meme. The team isn't anywhere close to their vision, and even if they pull it off - still no one will use it. If you buy Req your life will be full of regret and chad will fuck your crush. You've been warned.

>> No.15020586

You get 1000 req for 13 dollars LMAO

>> No.15020604

Thanks for your insight, Mr huge bagholder

>> No.15020612

Still holding 50K of that trash. Wish I had bought LINK back then.

I fell for the Ycombinator meme.

>> No.15020664

Hello sir yes pls I'd like to request money back sir

>> No.15020911

don’t ever buy this piece of shit. team is a complete failure.

>> No.15020935
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It's pretty great, the got a token burn system which reduces the supply.

Basically every day a random wallet is chosen and 10% of him/her req tokens will be send to a burner address. The person who holds the tokens is compensated by the price increase.

>> No.15021098

It just reaches into your wallet and takes coins?

That's so... creepy.

>> No.15021102
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>mfw 90% of my stack was chosen for burn
>1 month later the remainder of my stack was burned and I has no more REQ left
> bought more a week later
> that stack burned within a day
>mfw I can't keep any REQ cuz it keeps getting chosen for burn

>> No.15021806

man i miss the fud when it was actually funny since the project looked promising. then they had to go and spend 33m on mozzarella and the fud became real. all my tokens were burned just so they could steal them and buy more mozzarella for their mozzareqa parties. I AM REQUESTING MY MONEY BACK

>> No.15021911

I REQUEST my money back

>> No.15022198
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>> No.15022230

listen to this man OP

>> No.15022254


>> No.15022400
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>> No.15022461

There's no way anybody asked that in 2019.

>> No.15022568

It will unironically be back above its ATH within 6 months.

>> No.15023407

Avoid it like the plague.
No. REQ was building a payment gateway for ETH. Nothing to do with LINK's use case (except REQ could theoretically use LINK for fiat payment confirmations).
Ignore, this anon is just trolling
Are you insane? The team has consistently fucked up every part of the roadmap.
Their original roadmap was ETH, BTC, and fiat payments. Due to their incompetence they released V1 with ETH/ERC20-only payments. BTC and fiat? Too hard.
This was shit and nobody used it, so they started working on V2.
Due to retardation, they decided to start with BTC-only payments for V2 and add ETH later.
There is zero chance of this ever regaining anything like its ATH. It only went >$1 due to the insanity of 2017 and the hype surrounding the future promise of the product.
2017 is not coming back, and anyone who asks about REQ is going to be pointed towards their track record of incompetence.
If you are still holding this shit it is not too late to dump it into something else. I know what you're thinking - "as soon as I sell it will turn around". It won't. I rode this piece of shit nearly all the way down, and when I sold (at 10c) I was terrified for a few days after, but since then it has lost another 90% in value.
You are better off putting your funds in anything that gets shilled here more than twice. Literal shitcoins have more chance of pumping than REQ.
In a couple of months the team's tokens will be unlocked. They have millions upon millions of tokens to dump. All it takes is for one team member to think "fuck this, I'm out" and dump his tokens and it will lose another 99%.
I probably look like a fudder who is trying to buy for cheap. I'm not... I'm just a bitter bagholder who lost a lot of potential gains, who would have been a millionaire if I went into LINK instead, and who really hates these lazy incompetent motherfuckers.

>> No.15023673

don’t forget, after hookers and mozzarella in singapore (and tax evasion), they chose to move to Amsterdam to smoke weed and spend the rest of the ICO money. i’m not even joking

>> No.15023712

V2 sound promising, and they are working on xero integration on purpose for something big

>> No.15023719

this. this guy knows what he’s talking about. i am an ICO investor who even got to know the Req team personally, and i realized they’re totally incompetent. look at their track record, the facts speak for themselves—Moneytis fail, multiple partnership fail, shopify approval fail, btc integration fail, etc. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN before the remainder of the vested tokens get dumped in Sept-Oct. (They’ve been dumping for awhile though).

>> No.15023725

Pass the hopium fren, I’m sitting on 100k req that has been smelling like a loose hookers asshole in comparison to my other golden stack of link

>> No.15023735

notice v2 and xero won’t be completed before a shit ton of vested tokens become unlocked. you think it’s all a coincidence? lol

>> No.15023780

Of course theyll dump when price goes up again, just like chainlink. But the price will be way higher than the ath

>> No.15023839

all this fud, lets talk about some positives for REQ

>> No.15024175

there are none. the team is vague as shit and you won't find any conversation about the project or it's progress

-t. ico investor who held through $1.20 down to $.02

>> No.15024777

>bought 70k at 17 cents, could have traded for 11k link in oct18
>finally sold for 836 link
This shit is really disappointing

>> No.15025558

there are none, anon bro. trust me, i know more about req over the years than many other ppl, esp. plebbitors. just ask yourself, why hold the token? they nothing, no staking, no block rewards, no hype. cofounders avoid publicity at all costs. do you really think they’ll succeed?

>> No.15025786

Who will buy the devs bags when they finally start dumping them? No one. REQ is so fucking fucked it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.15025926

chart looks really great but i don't know about the fundamentals

technically it's the play of a lifetime