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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15009504 No.15009504 [Reply] [Original]

>make McDonald's-tier wage at my office job
>boss advocates for me to get a raise
>exec above her approves it
>goes nowhere in HR for three months
>finally out of curiosity I look at our income statements because no one bothered to restrict permissions
>realize the company hasn't made a profit in over a year

Welp, time to find a new job.

>> No.15009631

At least they weren't holding out on you.

>> No.15010260

what is your job anon?

>> No.15010358


Pricing analyst.


I guess but they were misleading us during meetings by announcing how great margins are (which disappear and become negative when overhead is factored in).

>> No.15010366

Or just go down with the ship and apply for unemployment afterwards?

>> No.15010545

I hear Amazon is hiring cage operators

>> No.15011220

>Pricing analyst
do you need a degree for this?

>> No.15011241

You need a degree to answer phones these days.

>> No.15011905

What are you talking about come on anon

>> No.15011938

he's not lying, secretaries are expected to have 3+ years filing experience and some kind of college ed now

>> No.15011947

wagie wagie get in cagie work his fingers till they breaky.

>> No.15012060

It's the same case at my company, but my boss is desperately trying to keep the company afloat long enough for someone to save it through an acquisition/buyout.

>> No.15012518

college ed?
Education is inflated... what will happen in the next 2008-like?

>> No.15012563

It will get worse. Everyone went to college after 2008 because they thought they would be protected from getting fired if they became more qualified.

>> No.15012650

this is true
My question is what will happen to instrunction and college normies when recession hits?
How will change isùnstruction? AT home on internet?

>> No.15013191

the way things are now will only get worse and it's gonna be like this until after the gen x ers who have the experience AND college ed employers want retire and die, so buckle down for at least 50 more years of this shit. it doesnt matter if you go to school now, someone whos young fresh out of college with no work experience may as well be a pants shitting retard in the eyes of corporate. in fact, a pants shitting retard has a better chance of getting hired due to equal-op protections. the time to be pissed off about our unfair system is now. we're basically doomed to be a lost generation of manual laborers and minimum wage cuckolds.

>> No.15013527

Not same anon but im 18 and have no qualifications got any advice i just wanna gtfo my parents and have a decent wage

>> No.15013575

start robbing banks because you and i are fucked

>> No.15013670

Reminds me when i was working for citi bank in 2008. Everyone just acted like everything was going to be ok. I got some good laughs/groans from my team when i asked if citi did any kind of "volunteer layoff" during a meeting

>> No.15013728

I feel you buddy like iv heard nothing back from apprenticships i may aswell get any work and see where it leads me maybe take the military route and get a trade with them

>> No.15014413


OP here. I got the job with a history degree.

>> No.15014536

I'm in the same position as you, only 1 year older. I'm either thinking about military or doing something in healthcare like a surgical technician or maybe nursing.

IT seems fucked especially in leafland

>> No.15014690

IT is fucked my big bro did it too many people go into it and most ofits outsources desu i was thinking goto RAF and do auronautical engineering but doesnt seem wirth the commitment

>> No.15014807

another history degree holder here with a shit tier office job.

is there hope for us retards? I should have just been a welder

>> No.15015738

Cool. Btw do you guys have a reserves forces where you can basically quit any time? In canada we have something like this where you can do as little as one night per week and drop out when you want after basic training

>> No.15016825
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 3f2c6e077a8894f8a720f0fa205e3334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense budy if you did not know about the companies financial sitch you very likely are not doing anything worth pay above mcdonads

>> No.15016922

Or maybe you could just start your own business lol.

>> No.15016932

doing what? mowing lawns? painting houses? lmfao thats as much work as wagecucking.

>> No.15016960
File: 98 KB, 382x469, 1563057652422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cursory Google search claims that fresh graduates make around $50,000 a year . Similar "studies" claim that even sociology majors are making something in the upper 40s.

How many are college graduates really making because most of the plebs I graduated with are either unemployed or hamburger engineers at this point.

>> No.15016972

If those are the ideas your brain comes up with at the suggestion of "start a business" then you weren't meant to make it.

>> No.15016995

that's the kind of shit your business will be doing without an immense amount of capital invested upfront. something tells me you're around 14 and you genuinely believe you have it all figured out.

>> No.15017028

i think the genuine appeal of college is having a reliable shot at a comfy desk job , its not really about the pay. the people who genuinely just wanna make a lot of money work on oil rigs or learn to weld.

>> No.15017084

I'm sorry you are an uncreative brainlet unable to recognize niches. I'll give you one hint kiddo. Successful business's are about solving problems. There are plenty of problems in society waiting to be solved. Oh you don't have startup money? There are businesses that already solved that problem. Make use of their services.

Man you are fucking retarded. Office jobs have been a hellish meme for decades now. Be honest, there is no way you are over 12 years of age.

>> No.15017094

Get a blue collar job you lazy sack of shit.
I work in a factory shipping office and I'm constantly short fork lift operators because no one wants to fucking work. I have two guys on the verge of getting fired because they try to hide and sleep in the warehouse rows instead of staying busy.

>> No.15017156

>just get a loan bro! literally nothing can go wrong!
so i definitely know you're 14 now.
also, i said that was the APPEAL, not the actual result. with your obviously stunted mental growth i wish you the best of luck with your business plans because you're definitely going to need it.
nobody wants to be a forklift driver because that shit is fucking awful. they're overworked as fuck because nobody wants to fucking do it, like you said. that and the pay grade is literally a few dollars above minimum.
t. put in a few weeks as a forklift driver at home depot and made jack shit hourly

>> No.15017175

Okay stay poor then you overly defensive loser.


>> No.15017200

where's your magical flow of free, no-consequence startup money gonna come from anon? are you banking on a large inheritance?

>> No.15017219

Angel investors, seed rounds, IPO's etc. If your idea isn't good enough to be worth one of those you were never going to make it anyways.

>> No.15017265


Any job where you're expected to "stay busy" without any sort of commission incentive is inherently dog shit, you try to squeeze as much extra work out of them as possible without additional compensation and they try to avoid it at all costs, that's the game friendo.

>> No.15017268

hahaha, you're a fucking moron dude. all that pomp and arrogance and your master plan boils down to begging the rich for money and hoping someone has the pity to oblige you. i really really do feel bad for you because real life's gonna fuck you over bad once mom and dad stop looking after you.

>> No.15017281

see this post here:

>> No.15017317

>He's actually getting angry at someone trying to help him and give him suggestions

Wow confirmed not going to make it. You are really jealously holding on to your victim card and lost generation identity aren't you.

>> No.15017356

how blind you are. you can't even see that im the teacher here, and you're the student. anybody with common sense will tell you that your future is fucked if your only idea is "get lucky from an investor." you may as well bet on winning the scratcher lottery.

>> No.15017408

>you can't even see that im the teacher here, and you're the student.
Wow you are truly delusional. I don't even want you to succeed now after this one. No dude, keep believing you are right, there are magical forces at work that keep you from succeeding, everyone else can start a business but if you do it will surely fail lol. So make sure you stay a loser slave for life kek.

>your fucked if your only idea is "get lucky from an investor.
No that was just something I was willing to share with a pleb like you. Not gonna give you any truly good info or advice because you aren't worth it. You seem deadset stuck in a loser mindset and seem to want to stay a loser for life.

>tfw made 300k this year and I'm not even lying

>> No.15017413

I know this feel, I basically manage a huge money pit. I'm the guy with the shovel who pushes the money into the hole where it's never seen again

>> No.15017436

Nice strawman but I never claimed I couldn't start a business. Just letting you know that you should get your shit in gear now rather than later when you're an adult and you don't have time anymore.
yeah sure thing little man. thats a massive cop out and you know it. and we both know you didn't make 300k.

>> No.15017447

I did make 300k and it makes me feel good that even this small amount is enough to cause retarded serfs like you to call it fake.

You will never start a business in your life.

>> No.15017448

Welder here
I made 45K a year right out of school,
can pretty much move to any western nation and companies will pay for me to go there. Making over 80K now on a juicy government contract. I work my ass off, but I'll be retired by 40. So how's it feel knowing you wasted 4 years and 50-100K for a degree in "white man bad" education.

>> No.15017466

yeah, sure, whatever makes you happy, junior. so do you play minecraft or fortnite? i got a younger brother around your age, maybe you two can be friends.

>> No.15017526

>how's it feel knowing you wasted 4 years and 50-100K for a degree in "white man bad" education.

Based. University is useless, it’s only a tool used to siphon money out of naive kids and to get a good goy certificate so you have the possibility of getting an office job for Mr. Shecklestein. Good luck if you are white though. They only want women or coloured people. Maybe will only consider a white man if you have a degree in feminism or something else incredibly kiked like political science.

>> No.15017943

Wasn't job just take people's bet?
Why just bet ur self like sport betting?

>> No.15018666

>I'll be retired by 40
No you won't.

>> No.15018676

so busy that they can sleep on the job
The incentive is your pay, retard

>> No.15018723

The ones who actually bother to do the work are overworked, yes. You sure are small headed, but I guess its no surprise considering you're a manager for a corporate office.

>> No.15019434

Ill look into that the normal RAF has 12 years to serve with minimum service being 3 years then you can request to leave

>> No.15019438

sounds like you need to buy Trust Verse