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File: 41 KB, 1000x604, 2019-03-16_5c8d4691c12fd_Brave-Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15008196 No.15008196 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone here actually using this shit and if so have you actually made any money from it?

>> No.15008231


Never made a single iota of BAT in 6 months of using this browser

>> No.15008232

yep I used it
then I had my publisher account closed because I tipped myself grant money while trying to figure out how to utilize the system
now I don't use it

try to imagine a company so stupid that it bans its own customers while they are testing a feature that is described as being in beta testing, and you have Brave

I really wanted it to work out, but Eich is a hopeless retard.

>> No.15008395


>> No.15008416

Imagine trying to leech off a fucking browser
You should be content with the 5 dollars they pay you per month

Brave works faster for me than Chrome
+ no ads, privacy features and so on

>> No.15008422

Brave will at least be as successful as Firefox, Brain Eich was a major reason for Modzila Inc success, and they're shit now. Brave/BAT is easily the most adopted crypto use case and not just another sheisty exchange or shit dapp

>> No.15008434

yeah, tipping myself 1 bat from another device interact with the publisher side was just testing it

my customers can keep paying for their smut in the traditional ways, BAT is a shitty system for my product anyways

>javascript forced on unless you fiddle with dev options

uh, no sweety

>> No.15008437

Lol we don't need useless faggots like you.
Fuck off we're full

>> No.15008440

I sent like $120 worth of BAT grants to my YouTube account by reinstalling browsers but they locked me out. I reached to support but never got reply.

>> No.15008456

Downloaded it yesterday and made 15 cents since then. Seems basically like chrome with a built in adblocker and noscript that you can't block specific scripts with.

>> No.15008461
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You don't need actual content creators attempting to use the BAT ecosystem in good faith? What a spectacularly retarded comment.

>> No.15008546

Try bittubeapp.com and bittubers.com you can use them at the same time and earn double

>> No.15009132

who cares, BAT is never going to pump because Brave will never let it.

>> No.15009324

I only really made 3 or so BAT from the browser itself, that said I rarely use it.
The ads you get are little notifications that go away after a few seconds.
A dollar is a dollar I guess, nice to get paid for using an adblock browser?

>> No.15009360

I've been using it for past 3 months, got 21.6 BAT for first 2 months, this month I've got 8.55 BAT so far. Oh, and 1.25BAT on my mobile. I'm only user though, publishers get more. UK as well.

>> No.15009384

>Imagine trying to leech off a fucking browser

Imagine being interested in getting money from the browser whose biggest selling point is literally "we'll pay you to watch ads if you use it"

Wow what a nonce I am haha

>> No.15009402

It's centralized, so it defeats the entire purpose of bypassing the scammy ad industry or Paypal.

>> No.15009451

Yes, I’ve gotten like $10 worth of BAT a month since BAT ads released.

I exclusively use Brave — use it at work, at home, on my phone. Unfortunately iOS doesn’t have the ads/wallet yet but it’ll be cool as fuck when they do. Once I can sync all my devices with the same wallet I’ll be a happy User.

Here’s what Brave needs:
1) more daily active users
2) more advertisers
3) bigger variety of ads/genre of ads

also needs more interesting ads, but that’s not Brave’s job, it’s the advertisers’ jobs. They’re used to being lazy as fuck with online ads and phoning it in. Brave gives a huge opportunity for creative, interactive advertising because the Users are actually going to pay attention to the ad rather than mute it or close it immediately.

>> No.15009463

Bro just make a YouTube channel. Takes 2 minutes and you don't have to have any content.

>> No.15009900

lol i'm just "testing the system". I'm glad your faggot ass got banned, we don't want you using the system. get the fuck out.

>> No.15009937

Making about 28 BAT a month just shit posting and calling out scammer faggots like
Shit's pretty cash not gonna lie.

>> No.15010072
File: 11 KB, 300x299, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW IN THE ACTUAL FUCK do you do it? I've used Brave for about 7 weeks now and I have 0.30 BAT. In fact, even this I'll only receive sometime in August apparently.
I even cranked it to "show five ads an hour" in the advanced settings and it did absolutely nothing. My internet usage is equal parts porn, online research, Youtube and 4chan shit posting. Is see why the latter wouldn't produce any BAT but YouTube is the biggest ad slut on the net, they even updated it recently so an ad automatically plays after a video finishes. I spent 8+ hours a day online. I must be doing something fundamentally wrong...

>> No.15010107
File: 1.05 MB, 538x800, piman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got my BAT stack also got my Pi Stack

What is Pi Network?

>The Pi Network is a new mobile app, more specifically, a "cloud mining application" from Stanford PhDs.

How does it work?

>1. Download Pi Network from the Play/App Store to see it for yourself! 2. You verify yourself via phone number or Facebook. 3. Your press the mining button once every 24 hour. 4. ??? profit

What makes Pi Coin stand out?

>It is inclusive and decentralized, allowing the every day user to get a piece of the action, unlike for example BTC where the cost of entry is too high for the average individual.
>Pi is a new digital currency. This app allows you to access and grow your Pi holdings and serves as wallet to host your digital assets.
>Pi is fairly distributed, eco-friendly and consumes minimal battery power.

Any Discord to get more info / get involved?

>1. Open Discord, 2. Join Server, 3. Enter Discord the following disco code: FSWHF3P

Ambassador code for frens to get 25% mining rate bonus! Use code:


See you on the other side lads!

>> No.15010128

Don't I have to actually publish anything? Or have people download of my links? Or something like that?
You get the ads from BAT's team pull of the advertisers they approved. You also have to be in a country that the program supports atm.

>> No.15010146

are maybe in a not ideal ad market? I'm in Southern California and for this month alone i've received Ad notifications received this month 452 ads.

>> No.15010216

>get paid to watch ads
nah, I'm good.

>> No.15010244

I use Brave only now. Shit's very good. Best browser IMO

>> No.15010320

the browser fucking sucks

>> No.15010328

Should I hold my coinbase BAT that I got for free or cash out to paypal

They won't evne let me convert it to eth

>> No.15010373

The earned BAT is only good to support publishers, if I understand it correctly. So how does one profit at all?

>> No.15010375

Is there a plan to make it decentralized at some point or will the team always decide who can use BAT and who can't?

>> No.15010404

>can't form a coherent sentence
The plot thickens.

>> No.15010456

this is my question. it seems you can only spend bat on advertising. no way to cash out.

>> No.15010484

Yep, I tried...

>> No.15010551

bitch i wasn't paying attention.

>> No.15010566

two way wallet is already available on the nightly build. if you want those $11 worth of BAT you will need to KYC with uphold. Otherwise just leave it alone and wait?

>> No.15010881

Polish living in UK. Sorry that I offended you faggot.

>> No.15010919

fuck kyc, are they ever going to get simple withdraw?

>> No.15011025



>> No.15011305

all of these people not knowing anything about BAT is really bullish

>> No.15012165
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Brave BAT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really, REALLY underestimate how much money is involved in online advertising/data collection, and how devastatingly broken the whole online advertising system is.

Brave/BAT addresses both of these and attempts to fix them in an ethical way. People keep trying to twist Brave's efforts to make Brave seem like the bad guy but the system is already so fucking horrible, shady and unethical. It's almost like a lot of content creators have Stockholm syndrome. They're so used to gaming this retarded broken system that they don't want to change it. It can't go on like the status quo forever.

>> No.15012263

I'm tired of repeating myself, but again: what is the point of BAT/Brave if the whole thing is centralized anyway?
They can kick you off if they don't like your content, as it already happened.
In addition to that, you need to go through a KYC to cash out your BAT.

The whole thing just looks pretty gay to me.

>> No.15012284

They can curate content? Fuck BAT

anyone know if they are going to get a way to withdraw the BAT we earn by viewing ads?

>> No.15012540
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can kick you off if they don't like your content, as it already happened.

You're full of shit. Send me a link/example of Brave "kicking someone off" (what the fuck are you talking about?) because they "didn't like" someone's content.

You can't. Because 1) Brave can't "kick someone off"; but Brave can ban your Uphold account from defrauding the system and 2) Brave can't stop an account from donating earned BAT to whoever they want, because you can still manually donate to a wallet address.

The system is centralized in that you need to KYC to "cash out". Brave plans on decentralizing the system as much as possible. Keep in mind this whole thing has never been done before.

The whole "m-muh content freedom" critique of Brave is fucking retarded considering your other choice is relying on Twitter and YouTube to not ban/shadow ban your content and demonetize your accounts. Yeah, that sure is working out.

>inb4 muh Gab

fuck off retard

>> No.15012675

>You're full of shit. Send me a link/example of Brave "kicking someone off" (what the fuck are you talking about?) because they "didn't like" someone's content.


>> No.15013027

well shit, Brave/BAT can get fucked imo

>> No.15013280
File: 916 KB, 200x114, 94923A3F-0CBD-43E8-8418-42CA7E9D39FB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15013816

>fell for the decentralization meme

Regulation is coming for all coins, and BAT is one of the few that is actually compliant. BAT holders will be glad they are enforcing KYC in the coming months. Everyone else will get the axe.

>> No.15013975

I tipped myself for testing but it was like right when it came out, then I stopped and got normal payments. I think once all the pajeets showed up maxing out the grants to tip themselves they probably started blanket banning the activity if you have a certain % of grants vs total earnings.

>> No.15014434

Not even some Basic Attention? honhonhon
It okay bro, I apologize for being rude.

>> No.15015128

funny enough Brave doesn't let you go to this address, strange