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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15007777 No.15007777 [Reply] [Original]

If Chain Link really does go bonkers in the next 12 months & by July next year the token price dramatically sits at $150, I guarantee 90% of link holders from /biz/ won't know how to handle that kind of wealth & will fuck it up. Prove me wrong

>> No.15007849
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>> No.15007867

Checked but also FUD, I think you forgot a 0

>> No.15007875
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>> No.15007885
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Most will never see those numbers. Imagine getting up to go wage at your job for 12 dollars an hour and you look and your portfolio worth $250,000 when LINK is worth $20 dollars.

THAT is where 90% will shit the bed, instead of just taking enough to be comfortable for 6-12 months they will cash out most and miss real gains.

The people who are still holding at $100+ will be fine.

>> No.15007895
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We will top out at 50 to 100 dollars this bullrun, only 10k stacks and higher will make it.

>> No.15007896

nice projecting

>> No.15007897

Quadrino sevens !!!
Why not check'em ?

>> No.15007900

I’ll have so much more than that when cl is $20

>> No.15007907
File: 72 KB, 1179x939, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 million dollars isn't making it so if you think it's topping out at 100 then no, 10k will not make it.

>> No.15007927


Then you will sell too early.

People think holding while a coin shits the bed is hard, the opposite is reality. Very very few people here will have the hands to hold into generational wealth territory.

>> No.15007934

>he is a burgercuck that has to pay 30% taxes


>> No.15007947

Lmao look at this linklet cope with 10k and some dust kek

>> No.15008007

How can you assholes say cl will reach $100/$1000 when it barely reached $4.4 and struggles to hold $2.2

>> No.15008016

? Did you even see pic related of the quoted post? There's an "effective tax rate" column.

>> No.15008022

Lol calculating tax tiers for crypto gains, how sad is the life as a burger?

>> No.15008030

I've been so money focused recently, but mo ey wont fix my relationship problems, my little dick or my blackpilledness

>> No.15008032

My gains are all taxfree

>> No.15008036

Bloody hell matey, are you a cuck?

Jolly good black cock, I must say!

>> No.15008054

tell us oh wise OP, what is the most prudent course of action?

>> No.15008068
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I have double that amount and Link is only $2. I even hit a million for a day or 2. Why do I feel unphased?

>> No.15008076


at least 90% of 50k+ stacks will sell before $100
call it being smart, call it being reasonable, maybe it is smart and maybe it is reasonable

but these are the exact same people who would have sold bitcoin at $500

>> No.15008089

Just sell 70% for 10x profits and keep 30% for memes until you make it or lose it

>> No.15008114

What is a tax?

>> No.15008148

Videogame and sex doll sales will be through the roof.

>> No.15008161

Something adults who live in the real world pay sweetie.

>> No.15008190

That would pretty retarded
I'm a linklet so I'm kinda fucked, need to hold

>> No.15008192

>If not when
What does anon mean?

>> No.15008225
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More like sell %10 and then touch nothing until you’re grandchildren’s children won’t know what labor is and be the spoiler bougie fucks you despise, but you did your job and secured your genetic lineage until humanity reaches interstellar travel and thereby reached immortality as your genes proliferate across infinity.

So no, I don’t think I’ll be selling 70%.

>> No.15008428
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Fucking based and futuregenerationpilled

>> No.15008438

Linklet sub 1k here
I need more time
And no, I was fucked two years ago because poorfag wageslavecuck & family health problems

>> No.15008454

Quads confirms.

>> No.15008529

is that Pierce reading a newspaper?

>> No.15008542

yeah you can talk whatever mad shit you like kid but
FACT you bought my bags at four bucks
FACT I'm buying them back at forty cents

>> No.15008574

I got in BTC at $10 and fucked it all up for the exact reasons OP said. That was my practice run, iron fucking hands this time around.

>> No.15008602

When poor folk suddenly become not poor folk the odds of fucking up can be high.
Just like those large lottery winners that everything goes completely to shit and they end up one mishap away from homelessness.

>> No.15008614

bullshit. We've spent the last two years organizing our lives and planning future endeavors so that we can be responsible stewards of our wealth.

>> No.15008622

>forgot a 0
>LINK at $1500
>market cap at $1.5 trilion
it's more likely to be sitting at $15 a coin imo.

>> No.15008684
File: 201 KB, 789x487, 677542A0-22DA-445D-AD4B-E3C86CA7E2D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only found out about LINK late last year and I made it happen. If you honestly knew about LINK for two years there’s ZERO good excuse for you to not have a minimum 10K stack in a literal minimum wage salary in the west.

You. Had. Two. Years.

Better get to 1K and start exercising your hands and will, it will be a long hold but you can make it.

>> No.15008708


Go the fuck away

Another automatic spam thread about link

It'll never go above 10

>> No.15008759


You had 2 years tho anon

>> No.15008771


>> No.15008933

Anon can you share this sheet?

>> No.15009017

Haha what do you mean fuck it up? Is this the new FUD lmao? HHAHA YOU ARE GONNA MAKE IT BUT YOU WILL FUCK UP JUST SELL NOW

>> No.15009078

Click File, Make a Copy to edit it.
I have it so only I can edit the main copy so trolls don't screw it up and to prevent people from putting in their own information in to a public document.

Input the values you expect in all the teal boxes to calculate what your payout will be. The tax brackets listed display your taxes if you are an American and you have held for one year (holding for one year gives you long term capital gains tax brackets which are lower).

>> No.15009081

jokes on you I only got 60 LINK. Its price being 150$ would do nothing to me

>> No.15009096

Thanks fampai

>> No.15009163

np just keep in mind this doesn't include state income taxes.

>> No.15009371

Anyone who posts any type of "top" price for LINK is fudding, and not even doing a good job. We're the new world elites. FUCK THE JEWS AND FUCK JANNIES!!

>> No.15009439


>> No.15009471

i thought of this as well but I've been thinking of ways to mitigate this. Just by buying more chainlink then I need adding a buffer between my make it stack and my "live while chainlink pumps"

>> No.15009479

>1 million dollars isn't making it
actually it is if you can manage your money.

>> No.15009624

most linklets (10k -100k) will definitely be selling but it wouldnt matter because the main driving force of the next bull run is from institutions buying this shit up once the public starts dumping back to around $20

this is their ideal plan when the majority of the circulating supply is bought up by them once staking comes into play

>> No.15009691

There's one issue with that assumption though; I'm never fucking selling.

>> No.15009775

>most linklets (10k -100k)
how is someone with a quarter million worth still a linklet?

>> No.15009820

im a little drunk

>> No.15009919
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This. Who dumps a million in something paying such shit interest. Good table otherwise but jeez man, find a better yield. My IRA is in Vtsax, and the returns on avg about 20%/yr

>> No.15009939
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I'm retarded, meant 10%

>> No.15009970
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>> No.15010129

There will be so many biz incels buying hookers every day that the hookers themselves will become wealthy. Eventually they will form a powerful hooker lobby in Congress, ensuring that prostitution will become a legal profession. At the same time, mass unemployment due to smart contract automation will continue to emerge as a serious problem, leading eventually to an Andrew Yang-style UBI system. Lacking any purpose and without a hope of improving their situation, the vast unemployed masses will spend their yangbucks on distractions like alcohol, drugs, video games, and prostitutes.

The only question left is how to profit off of the imminent growth of the prostitution industry.

>> No.15010166

good thing i'm sitting on 101k (my lucky number 101)

>> No.15010180

it's something cucks pay to jamal so he can sit on benefits, get high and fuck cryptocrackers wives

>> No.15010186

lel, I got my 13k stack literally unemployed with no income. Of course it was only lie 1 ETH in presale (great returns no?) but still got it.

>> No.15010193
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Chainlink is a Jewish project you pleb
>who is ari

>> No.15010199

it's a joke that is to trick newfags into buy all of my old unwanted chainlink at high average prices some people really are that stupid

>> No.15010222

You think I like paying taxes? I can't stand giving my tax money to single moms and niggers but I don't plan to make it and then lose it all because I was an immature child who thought I'd never get caught.

>> No.15010223

hookers are already very very wealthy. The independent ones on backpage, anyway. Even in the fucking Dominican Republic the whores were driving Benzes, Maseratis, nice ass cars in this absolute shithole of an island. Should tell you how well whores are doing globally.

>> No.15010224

imagine thinking this nerd will be the future of finance. /biz/tards actually think people like the eth nerds will be the future of currency, it boggles the mind

>> No.15010258

Staking for what? Nobody is even running nodes for any real uses and none of the biz adopters have even setup a node

>> No.15010530



INTELLIGENCE - Link marines who make it will be more likely to stay wealthy than lottery winners because people who play lottery are fucking stupid, and people who research an obscure network protocol are smarter than average

CONSCIENTIOUSNESS/IMPULSE CONTROL: Young link marines will be less likely to make it than older, less impulsive marines. Young men might see "holy shit I have $40,000 I am going to sell it all now and buy a BMW" simply because they have less impulse control. But something tells me higher testosterone (high impulsivity) will not be a large problem with the autist neets here

>> No.15010565

cause our ducks are in a row

are yours?

>> No.15010604
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>> No.15010679
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nice digits fren

>> No.15010685

>holy shit I have $40,000 I am going to sell it all now and buy a BMW
I'm absolutely going to fucking do this, but only once my stack is worth at least 3MM.

>> No.15010717

I want to have the 4% return meme? How?

>> No.15010751

most western folk in their 20s don't have 40k fiat in investments

>> No.15010755

I just started holding and got my 10K stack so my patience will last for years. The people who are fucked are oldfags that have been holding for 2 years and have been bored out of their mind with parents nagging them every week to go get a job. Those are the people who will sell off small amounts at a time

Not that it matters because people with vision have over 30K

>> No.15010797
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im high T af but my personality is just one of immense inertia anyway, im holding to the moon or to zero

>> No.15011101


>> No.15011105


>> No.15011142

Anyway, what I predict will happen to some people here is what happens to lottery winners. They die. Look it up

>> No.15011155

People that do not appreciate $1M never will make it.

>> No.15011167

>t. oldfag 30k holder

>> No.15011178

Link will be lucky to reach $10-$15 in 3-4 years. And that’s considering smart contracts get adopted.

>> No.15011219

thats just ridiculous if the next two months provide nothing then MAYBE but I highly fucking doubt it.

>> No.15011269
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This. Whoever this mouth-breather is, he shouldn’t be sneering at 1M. That is an incredibly large sum of money. If used properly, 1 Million dollars can easily get a man and his family through and entire lifetime.

Considering that I fought like hell to even get a 1k link stack at an average of $2.75. I’m pretty offended. If you have a million dollars and can’t make magic happen, you will never make it.

>> No.15011280

i never understand the lottery winners going broke, if i won 100 million i would just
live off the interest. Whats the monthly interest of a million?

>> No.15011344
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All lottery winners are poor people who never had any skills at spending wisely. It’s pretty easy to spend 50 Million dollars.

>Buy a 20M mansion in California
>Buy a few cars and trucks for 1M-8M
>Buy a yacht or a private jet
>Maintenance, storage and tax for all this shit costs probably 1M-2M a year.
>Get addicted to drugs
>Buy garbage like this watch

You’ll be broke in like 2 years max

>> No.15011380

why not just buy a couple hondas and a 700k house?

>> No.15011535

Checked. However you're wrong. I workd hardly change my lifestyle. I would use my new wealth as a means to distance myself from fuckers who have bothered me for a long time

>> No.15011587
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>Win 50M lump sum after taxes

I would buy a new car and a new pick up. I wouldn’t spend more than 2M MAX for a house. I’m not tying to paint a target on my back. I would invest the rest spread out in different shit.

Under no circumstance would I buy a Rolex or a Lamborghini etc.

>> No.15011625

Also, I would completely get out of ANY risky or volatile investments (like crypto or certain stocks). You already won. No need to gamble anymore

>> No.15011721

Keeping all your money in USD is the most risky and volatile investment of all time.

>> No.15011775

This is a cute and funny idea and everything because "omg the usd is going to collapse at any moment" but the reality is the USD is backed by the power of the almighty ZOG and Israel, nothing bad will ever happen to it

>> No.15011813

Mostly referring to inflation eating away at your gains but you're not wrong.