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File: 355 KB, 652x554, Screen Shot 2019-07-28 at 6.33.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15001471 No.15001471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do you hate blacks anon?

>> No.15001505

Why is the sky blue?

>> No.15001531

back to /pol/ incels

>> No.15001538

experience and pattern recognition

>> No.15001599

Nothing ever works right when niggers get involved.

>> No.15001634

cope harder nigger

>> No.15001636
File: 945 KB, 3000x3000, DD41A368-6C6D-495A-8E81-B017DA4E7B72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15001649

The violence
The stupidity
The lack of empathy

>> No.15001680

have sex

>> No.15001690


Virgin detected

>> No.15001698

they look like poo that talks

>> No.15001697

t.seething incel

>> No.15001701


They give all the reasons to themselves, nothing out of prejudice

>> No.15001714


Stop projecting virgin, you're pathetic

>> No.15001727

you seem upset. try having sex

>> No.15001764
File: 231 KB, 1210x1000, 1562133209578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been bullied by blacks since I was a kid, my mom was mugged by a black, and my dad has been threatened by a car full of blacks at a red light. I was super anti racist as a kid but growing up it just kept getting harder to hold onto those beliefs.

>> No.15002000

I bet Big Herc posts here, he invests in crypto.

>> No.15002111

What do you think he holds?

>> No.15002132

I unironically love black cocks.

>> No.15002162

Big Herc had a lot of sex in prison. That fat nigger traded rimjobs daily. He's such a faggot

>> No.15002174

Back to plebbit , nigger dick worshipping Onions faggot.

>> No.15002196
File: 50 KB, 526x532, 1555296538701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am black. I don't hate blacks but I detest seething incels and racists

>> No.15002201
File: 2.74 MB, 360x640, carnival humping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subhuman trash

>> No.15002202

get laid

>> No.15002253

Well, essentially it boils down to my own experience being rooted in temporal causality. When I do something I am immediately considering what the implications of this action will be, when I cinder taking action I am weighing causal probabilities.

The negro does not have this rational capacity, you see the negros exists entirely in the moment, acting entirely on impulse. The African American community has been trying to explain this to us for ever when they explain that "he dindu nuthin"; you see, when a nigger commits a crime it is actually an entirely different nigger than the one who is there after the crime - the nigger who committed the crime was not thinking about the future and has since dissappeared - and the nigger being caught has no recollection of ever being the nigger who committed the crime. In this way many different niggers live and die in the same body every day. Theyve been tying to make us understand for years now but whites just can't comprehend existing only on 10 second intervals.

>> No.15002270

I like to hope he's a LINK whale

>> No.15002284

What's happening here? All I see is some floating shoes and clothes

>> No.15002286

What section of Toronto is this?

>> No.15002287


>> No.15002293

I don't hate niggers, I just avoid them

>> No.15002309

The dissaproving white couple in the window is unironically the best part of this gif.

>> No.15002360

I bet you don't have a foreskin

>> No.15002370
File: 2.77 MB, 480x882, 1561663419061.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here anon. This should be more simpler then explaining.