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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14996573 No.14996573 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>get a new pc purchased
>supposedly better than my older one
>super slow start up
>indian tech support twice
>wants to send out tech support
>lol no get it returned
>have another pc puchased from another company
>works fine seems to make a single beep on startup but not sure as it sounds like electricity, kinda stops doing it
>remove bloatware
>later on learn it's download speed is slow
>poke around eventually get a driver update that fixes it
>update some other driver
>speed goes to garbage again
>system restore doesn't fix the speed
>factory reset
>only download 1 specific driver update
>problem fixed
>doing stuff on it
>random stuff on desktop stop responding to clicks
>ctrl alt delete
>transparent and less responsiveness
>ctrl alt delete again
>black screen (on)
>no response
>manually shut it off
>weeks later
>it's being used
>game is being played
>screen goes black at random
>refused to shut down manually several times until it finally did

Reeeeeee are they making prebuilt pc's worse? 30 day return period ran out and tech support will just waste my time in what will likely screw up the pc. No interest in returning it as they'll likely just replace the motherboard with a used one that may have its own issues or they'll update the drivers themselves only for me to notice the download speeds are garbage when they send it back. Those product warranties are utter garbage which is why I never buy any of them besides the manadatory "free" one that's really included in the price. Plus the problem isn't easily replicable as its only happened twice in the last 3 months.

Anons what's my best move on this to hopefully get a new one or actually fixed?

>> No.14996599

>Not building PC from scratch to personal specs
Never going to make it anon...

>> No.14996608

>Be frogposter that can't build his own PC.

>> No.14996623

What in the holy 80 year old boomer FUCK did I just read? What percentage of your brain still works OP?

>> No.14996640

>he doesn't build his own high spec pc with water-cooled GPU and then only use it to edit cartoon frogs in mspaint,

>> No.14996641

Jeez, being a Windows user sounds awful. It sounds like they purposely make a million bad devices that you have to avoid just to find the one device that actually works. With macs, they all just work without any effort on your end. You don't even have to build your own. Just works, and lasts like 10 years.

>> No.14996656

You either need a better graphics card or a better power supply

>> No.14996664

Make sure you always get one with a solid state drive. It's what matters most. I put together an AMD with a SSD in 2015 it's still extremely faat. It can run any game. 16 gb ram, can't recall the graphics card model. I also replaced the HDD of my old 2014 Toshiba laptop with a SSD and it's running incredibly smooth.

>> No.14996673

how long have you been posting here?
how do you not know about logicalincrements?

>> No.14996675

On the other hand, my pcs don't ever stop working.

>> No.14996676

I've built a pc before and it's cost was higher than a prebuilt with no graphics card. It works good for 3d games but I don't play those kinds of games much. Plus a prebuilt is cheaper at the moment due to higher ram prices.

>> No.14996686

>build custom PC 8 years ago
>PSU decides to die last month
>buy a new PSU instead of buying a whole new PC
>save hundreds of dollars since I didn't need a new computer
I feel bad for prebuilt fags.

>> No.14996694

>Even thinking about letting the Jews and chinks build a PC for you

>> No.14996713

Yeah sorry but you are doing something wrong

>> No.14996744

I built one before works good but has a really slow start up now even though its only 3 years old and ~25% of the hard drive is used.

Logical increments? Not sure what that is.

>> No.14996769

DIY is the only way. Just recently upgraded my PCs hardware. Still running an 8 year old case. Prebuilt PCs are junk shit from the inside out.

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.14996781

It was my first one to build, what do you expect? This new one was cheaper due to a sale btining the price down and obviously no graphics card. Which makes the price about the same.

>> No.14996783

Retarded. Can't believe I share a board with you. Go back

>> No.14996811

You need to buy an SSD to use as your boot drive dummy. Jesus anon

>> No.14996842

Microsoft has decided to fuck anyone with an HDD. It's a LONG LONG LONG known problem that windows 10 maxes out the hard drive read/write making your system run like ass. They have made absolutely no attempts to fix this and never will.
You can install GNU/Linux on your system just for fun and you'll see your system is extremely quick even with an HDD. SSDs have gotten so cheap now that you should have one, but it's still bullshit what Windows is doing.

>> No.14996881

Wouldn't surprise me eg what samsung and apple were doing to their older phones and purposefully making them slower.

>> No.14996920

My pc is old and works great!
Maybe you're just doing it wrong.

>> No.14997092
File: 6 KB, 248x203, unironic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck buys pre-built pcs? Just build it yourself. It's as easy and putting together lego blocks these days. You have to be a completely moran if you can't do it.

>> No.14997095

>Anons what's my best move on this to hopefully get a new one or actually fixed?
Unironically if you're buying a prebuilt just get a damn laptop, at least they have a year+ warranty. If you insist on having a tower, git gud and build it yourself.

>> No.14997139

Those warranties are useless though.
>replace a broken part with someone else's sent in broken part
(Read of a place doing that)
>sorry but you did this so warranty is void
>before you can use your warrantly please stay on the line with indian tech support that will have you do things you already did and might even brick your pc in the process

>> No.14997190

Then build your own PC
what the fuck else you do you want

>> No.14997200

Serious question, you did delete the folder system32 right?

>> No.14997234 [DELETED] 

the process of building a cheap pc
>get a cheap one on craigslist
>make sure the cpu is good one
>buy your own graphics card separately
pre-built pcs are a scam, why would anyone buy them