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14995443 No.14995443 [Reply] [Original]

You know the LINK team is selling through Binance OTC right? They aren't dumping it on the open market lol..

>> No.14995454

And the problem with that is..?

>> No.14995461

Sure, That's why you LINK discord trannies are spamming all over the board saying that.

>> No.14995462
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>selling millions a day on Binance

>> No.14995481

you have to sell OTC with that much, the amount of money you'll lose through slippage + crushing the price of your token wouldn't be worth it. Binance offers OTC trades for LINK

>> No.14995503
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>> No.14995916

OTC trades aren't why it's tanking. Also, binance is by definition not otc

>> No.14995950


>> No.14995956

i said OTC is why it's NOT tanking. and binance DOES offer OTC you retard

>> No.14995966
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>> No.14995999
File: 13 KB, 184x184, faggyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO i can't take it with you retards anymore. the absolute state of linktards. the absolute state of altcoins.
>my tokens gonna be the only one that doesn't end up being an exit scam despite doing the same slow dump all shit tokens did

>> No.14996013

OP is a tranny and faggot. I sold my linkles at 3.8 and swung a few times. I’m not touching link with the current shitshow going on.

>> No.14996021


Lmao, not one single institutinal player deals with the Chinks and their OTC bullshit.

All the OTC crypto deals go through BitFinex or Coinbase Custody.

The devs are just fucking dumping on the retail bagholders. Typical in crypto actually.

>> No.14996032

never change discord trannies, like (you)

>> No.14996043

>binance doesn’t trade OTC
Anon, do a bit of fact-checking first next time.

>> No.14996061

binance DOES offer otc you retards
price would've tanked even harder if they were dumping on the open market

>> No.14996174


I have a little expierence with this due to overlapping professional circles. IF the Link team is selling OTC, they are selling to professional firms which would buy the link for ~18-28%(professional guess) under spot (~$1.90) in bulk and then dump on the open market to retail investors in order to recoup investment and make profit. They have top notch trading algorithms that are able to support price while offloading and i’m sure they engage in some astroturfing considering it is crypto. This is a well known practice on Wall St. large investors (10%+ owners) don’t just dump their shit themselves, they sell the stake to quant funds and specialized funds under spot and they take the risk. The percentages are much tighter in traditonal equities since liquidity is so much greater. Now i’m not familiar with the case of Chainlink, but if they were to do it, this is how it is done.

>> No.14996201

I actually believe this guy, unlike all you larpers

>> No.14996289

If anyone else is interested and has any non-personal questions, i’ll answer to the best of my ability.

>> No.14996308
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>> No.14996322

fuck off larper

>> No.14996348

Someone ask this guy some questions, I'm too stupid to think of any good enough ones

>> No.14996370

how many shills can a shill cvck shill if a shill cvck could cvck shills?

>> No.14997460


Binance has a dark pool (OTC) retard

>> No.14997552


>> No.14997558

the worst case scenario for link is exit scam what is the best case one?