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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14994795 No.14994795 [Reply] [Original]

Post here if you're shorting this market.

>> No.14994799

opened up long at 9400
liquidation 8950

easiest money of my life

>> No.14994806

You’ve got to wait for the big one. LINK is headed for $1 but this isn’t the cliff yet. Be patient, it’s coming. No announcements can hold off the pain that is coming

>> No.14994807
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i have no idea whats going to happen
and neither does anyone else
i will await the crunch

>> No.14994810

Bet you wont be able to close that short. Exchanges go into maintenance once we go under $8500.

>> No.14994812

What have you done

>> No.14994814

The spiders escaped the banana crate

>> No.14994824

How soon do you think? Should i cash some out now and just forget about the price for a minute? I'd just be cashing out my initial.

>> No.14994829
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Reveal your secrets!

>> No.14994835

I just bought in, was looking for an entry point

>> No.14994853

You're suppose to dca.

>> No.14994888

>lose 50% in value
>cash out and have the tax man take 50% anyway

why bother

>> No.14994898

Because if the tether situation shits itself, we will lose another 90% from here...

>> No.14994900
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>Phoneutria is a genus of venomous spiders in the family Ctenidae of potential medical significance to humans
>These spiders acquired their other common name, "banana spider", because it is claimed that they are found in shipments of bananas

>> No.14994906

I sold everything, will buy back at $1, only memes and brainlets did otherwise

>> No.14994907

Thanks fren, is this my instincts telling me a flood is coming?

>> No.14994913

its so painfully obvious how new you are
you do realize this exact tether dynamic was happening word for word during 2017-2018, right?

and what happened? literally nothing.
prove to me right now that you have been in crypto for longer than 1 year. you cant, because youre new and just panicking over stupid shit that all of us already sat through and frankly its embarrassing for you

>> No.14994923
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>tfw /biz/tards bought into an obvious ponzy scheme and you didn't

>> No.14994932

I been in the market since 17, watch since like 2010 lmao, idk I'd normall agree but its looking bad for tether.. especially since munchin and trump have come out of the wood work about regulations.

>> No.14994944

Post portfolio then "Billy Bad-Ass"

>> No.14994957

Based false flagger

>> No.14994958

If tether goes down, we all go down, for how long? Who knows. I already quit my job I'm not going back just yet dammit!

>> No.14994966

#1 the United States is not the world
i say that as a US citizen, drop the ego for 5 seconds.

#2 did you actually listen to any of the recent hearings on crypto?
the U.S. government is fully on board with crypto, they just want their fair share of the money. not once was crypto condemned by anyone of importance.
recently it has consistently been said that as long as exchanges follow regulations, U.S. has no issues with it

on top of this, in every single U.S. hearing everyone of power is talking about how the U.S. can facilitate crypto innovation to happen -here- and not -elsewhere- because we want the money and companies on our own soil.

>> No.14994971

Hope it wasn’t too much money

>> No.14994974

Yes i agree, but they have to deal with usdt first. These niggers printed 5 billion tokens the other week, with no oversight, this is not sustainable. And the u.s. does pretty much have jurisdiction over these things, you have no clue.

>> No.14995011

>And the u.s. does pretty much have jurisdiction over these things, you have no clue.
refer to point #1
it makes me sick how so many americans think theyre so fucking important

the united states could outright ban all of crypto and it would continue to exist. why? because china and india are outpacing us really fucking fast.
if you think the U.S. cracking down on tether is going to "crash the market 90%" you are absolutely delusional.

the chinks dont give a flying fuck about U.S. regulations, and they wont let bitcoin go to $1000.

>> No.14995050

Just like bitconnect was safe from u.s. jurisdiction.. There's no way bitfinex will be allowed to keep operating.. binance is also pushing it as it is which is why they are also banning u.s. customers, they have already extended their life as much as they could. I think its over for them soon.

>> No.14995059

None of those people are from the executive branch, which is going to unilaterally regulate the fuck out of crypto. Just like Obama sent the IRS after libertarians trump is sending them after biztards

>> No.14995061

Wrong, as much as it disgusts me the United States IS the world. It has no jurisdiction and wherever you are it WILL prosecute you

>> No.14995071
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opened up a short at 10150

>> No.14995075

Just ask yourselves how there could ever be a respected market place with clowns like bitfinex printing tokens whenever they feel like it, what people with actual large amounts of money to lose would ever consider getting into these markets if they see some thing like we saw with the 5 billion usdt minted on accident? Anyone who wants to be in crypto is already in.

>> No.14995080

This. We will send whoever is fucking closest, the u.s. and its Jewish friends have long ass arms.

>> No.14995091
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.14995097

gee if only binance was opening a U.S licensed and regulated exchange. guess its really over for them, because they arent doing exactly this.

>checks and balances

they will prosecute U.S. citizens. but the U.S. government isnt going to prosecute Xi Chang for buying Bitcoin, or for refusing to sell his Bitcoin for $1000

>> No.14995112

>Anyone who wants to be in crypto is already in.
oh youre just trolling. i feel ridiculous for having wasted my time talking to you.

>> No.14995127

I believe the USA cracking down on tether will crash the market 90%

>> No.14995155

Yep. so do i, even if just for an hour.

>> No.14995252

Anyone else? I want to hear more rebuttals.

>> No.14995310

Chainlink will be at less than 1$ in the next week or so.

>> No.14995321
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Eh, no get. Hmmm. I'd like to be wrong here folks, help me avoid a disaster anons. Im scared.

>> No.14995540

Cmon you chicken fuckers!

>> No.14995553

LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.14995594

Muh trufflecon

>> No.14995638

Retard OP works for employer trying to drum up short interest for the weekly short/long squeeze cycle. How much margin does your boss want us using to guarantee our liquidation?

We are fucked though. The capital raise is primarily from capital trapped in the market and we will be Barting until new, dumb money enters.

>> No.14996719

Not being paid shit just don't want to lose everything.

>> No.14997228


>> No.14997348

Never says the word chink ever again unless you want to get bitch slapped

>> No.14997360 [DELETED] 

Chink gook yellow nigger ching chong ping pong suck my dick dong

>> No.14997384
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I feel like it's coming. I work for lowes and we got rid of our seasonal workers in early July when we normally phase them out in September and our lumber/decking orders are going down. You look at the rest of the economy. Too much debt, tax revenue going down, retail sales declining, manufacturing and home builders index declining, truck, freighter and rail shipments declining and we are headed tword's a market slowdown.

>> No.14997410

hahahahah shut the fuck up you squinty eyed yellow belly. People are rascist on this site get used to it. Its only a bit of fun anyway, my people get called names also, and I dont give a shit. Go and fry up a dog for your dinner like a good china-man.

>> No.14997418

3x short on link. no larp

>> No.14997490

Thats your position? Or that's what you reccomend?

>> No.14997499

It already crashed

>> No.14997504
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fucking kek

>> No.14997569

>20 posts by this ID
here's another (You)

>> No.14997627

Just shorted with 100k 100x

>> No.14997637

You went 10x at wrong time. Godspeed

>> No.14997819

What people don't realise is that Bitcoin was created after the economic recession in 2008 and Bitcoin has never experienced a recession before.
We are long overdue one in 2020 or 2021, with Brexit, the trade war between China and US, and big companies like Deutsche Bank cutting jobs.

>> No.14998234 [DELETED] 

Imagine basing your whole argument on "if it happened once the same thing will happen" and imagine engaging in an argument with someone of such low iq lol

Hey mate reddit is over there and also you forgot to mention the halving argument meme

>> No.14998324


>> No.14999260

No one knows as this will be the first recession for Bitcoin, so it could follow the stock market and crash or increase in value like gold.

>> No.14999279
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>> No.14999302

God I hope so.

>> No.14999313

Itll be fine it wont dip below $2 before trufflecon
the amount of mental illnessis off the fucking charts!