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14994636 No.14994636 [Reply] [Original]

How can the US accumulate so much debt and give 0 fucks? Any other entity would be fucked.

>> No.14994644

Because it literally doesn’t matter

>> No.14994648

because they'll kill you if you say anything about it

>> No.14994649

heh that why invest in brap

>> No.14994650

China will Trump them soon enough if they keep fucking up like that

>> No.14994700

Because we make Saudi Arabia and China buy all our debt. They aren't all-in because they want to be. They're all-in because it's really our oil, and it's really our manufacturing. They hold it in trust for us. Buying our debt is the price to keep us from invading and taking it.
If the debt ever actually becomes a problem, if China or Saudi Arabia try to collect, we will send over the military to cancel the debt.
Therefore, absolutely nothing to worry about (for Americans).

>> No.14994751

You think the US army is able to take China?

>> No.14994758

>Therefore, absolutely nothing to worry about (for Americans).
Unless someone creates a new world reserve currency. Then we're fucked.

>> No.14994825


>> No.14994839

Economic illiteracy, the US now pays higher interest than Greece, literally. Meanwhile, Germany has reduced their debt/GDO ratio to a sustainable level over the last years.

Republican presidents always increase debt via tax cuts for the rich, dems reduce it again.

>> No.14994841
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>the debt nominated in a coin of infinte supply under your total control

Hmm... why really the fed must give a single fuck?

>> No.14994850

britain japan and mongolia have all taken china. the US would obliterate them

>> No.14994863

This, China's infrastructure is horrendous and would collapse in a land invasion

>> No.14994882

China is in a way stronger position than when it got fucked the last time and has more men than the US has bullets but keep being delusional

>> No.14994892

Unironically this when it comes to warfare no one loses like the Chinese their dog eating prostitute women society is what makes them lose

>> No.14994903

You think all those beta men are combat ready to face American cock?

>> No.14994919

China has nukes and is not a carpet state like Iraq. The US doesn't even dare to attack their South China Sea forts, let alone mainland.

Historically, the US has most always attacked weaker states, eg. it has shied away from attacking the USSR. The USSR crumbled due to socialism, but that's not gonna happen with China, the ultra-capitalist country.

>> No.14994922
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take a look at this guy

>> No.14994926

The beta Vietnamese sure were

>> No.14994934

Do you really think the pussy prostitute Chinese are willing to use nukes? Who would actually use nukes anon? Who is the only country that ever used nukes anon?

>> No.14994946

North Korea as well during the Cold War. American had vs China before

>> No.14994954

The Vietnamese handed America their asses the Chinese on the other hand just got addicted to opium and prostitutes when Britain conquered them

>> No.14994992

>Do you really think the pussy prostitute Chinese are willing to use nukes?
If the US attacked? Absolutely, that's what tactical nukes are for. The US knows this perfectly well and are tucking tail.

Consider this: China is acting with impunity against Taiwan, Japan, S-Korea, Vietnam and other Asian countries. The US just cucks around but never does anything about their fortified islands. Why? Because they are afraid.

Not even the fat clown threatened China.

>> No.14994996

Kind of cheating, the British traded opium to them and with their weaken government and rebellion at home they stood no chance against the might of the British force and wasn’t Brit alone that attacked them. This time they very united.

>> No.14995004

when growth is higher than inflation debt isn't a problem

>> No.14995056

I didn't think the insectoids would be up. It's really weird you bug people *think* that. China is cucked every day, by Hong Kong, Taiwan, US FONOPS, Vietnam, etc. and all the Chinese can do is cry in the media about how the U.S. shouldn't make transits near their "islands"

>> No.14995063

The pussy prostitute Chinese know that they are geographically closer to these nation states if the US did anything they would need to have long supply and logistical chains from mainland America. Big American cocks know how to play warfare anon.

And the common Chinese person still fell in their own degenerate dog eating women prostitute opium addicted ways

>> No.14995070

>insectoid posting
The U.S. is still killing the Vietnamese to this day with UXO and cancers. Half the Vietnamese people are a mutation of agent orange rape babies

>> No.14995082

Who doesn’t get addicted to addictive stuff. US spent a lot of money combating cartel. Beside the substance was unknown to them and was deceived into thinking it gives them longevity

>> No.14995083

That's what the US will do to degenerate China if they don't stop fucking around anon.

>> No.14995101

It's because of how degenerate the Chinese were it was like the fall of rome. They cared about nothing but pleasure so of course it is still their fault

>> No.14995115

Tax cuts don’t increase debt you nigger, it’s paying for endless gibs for niggers like you.

>> No.14995133

>we will send over the military to cancel the debt.


>> No.14995145

Indeed the fault lies on them. Which is why China should be a threat now as they very awoke of how vulnerable they are to outside power. They won’t be pulling the same mistake as shown in history when they scotch earth the mongol to the ground. People should fear them.

>> No.14995154

How so? What are the chinks gonna do?

>> No.14995164

>china: "her america, we wan you pay debt!"
>america: *deletes china*

>> No.14995169

They don't learn anon. Do you remember the Chinese book burnings? Do you remember the degenerate communist regime? Have you seen the Chinese social media? Do you know how many Chinese prostitutes there are? Do you know how cucked the Chinese economy is on American business?

>> No.14995186

t. Chink

>> No.14995192

reservecurrency of the world

>> No.14995261

My company outsources some of our manufacturing to China and I can’t fucking stand them. I’ll send them a jpeg mockup in big bold letters “make this in RED” and half the time it comes back yellow or purple. There is no doubt they are cooking the books on their economic activity because 95% of the population is retarded, the rest are Asian Jews.

>> No.14995335

Checked and fpbp. The money isn't real so neither is any debt tied to it.

>> No.14995364

That's a lot of hungry mouths to feed.

>> No.14995386

I would not be surprised if 25% of Chinese remmitances come from Americans who fill Chinese human toilets with their semen. Chinese prostitutes are the Chinese take out of whores. So much for the global "rising star" of the world.

>> No.14995818

They have to sill pay interest on it every year. All that money goes to the desert tribe.

>> No.14996510

Because debt only matters when someone can forcibly collect it

US can have assloads of debt, because no other entity can "force" the US to pay back it's debt ( because nukes and B-52's and 5.56mm, ectera)

>> No.14996609

the exact same reason the US plays world police and has military bases in most of the world; global military hegemony.

>> No.14996742

Except large chunks of debt are owned by financiers who have lobbyists, the Social Security Administration that owns old people, and pension programs in states with viable secession plans.

>> No.14996787

and has more men than the US has bullets
Almost definitely false.

>> No.14996826

The debt isn’t too bad relative to the gdp. >>14994700
They buy your debt because the USA has a solid history of paying back debts and a sizeable economy with the means to maintain that debt. You aren’t invading Singapore or China or any other major holders of treasury bonds because that would disrupt the global trust in the USA and make your bonds worthless. China and other countries keep treasury bonds to maintain their Forex reserves.

>> No.14996845
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Why do Eurocucks (britbongs excluded) have so much more national debt?

>> No.14996859

Debts are collected on a daily basis anon. Bonds mature constantly and are redeemed and issued in staggered format. You can’t collect a bond before it’s maturation date.

>> No.14996922

USA is fucked. most people just don't realise. They are so far in debt they won't be able to pay the interest back soon. I'm not sure why people on this thread think there will be a war. Who are they going to fight? The US govt owes money they can't pay back, they just going to have to default and not pay govt workers, workers will need to find new jobs to survive. Am I missing why some war is going to start? The only reason I can think would be that it's a smokescreen.

>> No.14996942
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Pizzafag here

We aren't repaying the (((national debt)))

>> No.14996947

>USA stops buying Chinese shit and tells its allies to stop buying Chinese shit.
>orders military to to build factories
>drafts men and women into military to work in these factories for $10 in Libra per day
>military rebuilds American manufacturing might.
>China collpases after 20 years i
>500 million body count.

>> No.14996949

When has China ever successfully defended themselves?

>> No.14996966

You know who has more men than the US has bullets? India, sir. Pls investing on best army of world sir, military superpower 2020. American man cannot beat glorious indian man.

>> No.14996981

>national debt converted to USD

>> No.14996988

>the military manufactures shit
/biz/ is for high IQ only

>> No.14996990

WW2 could be considered a successful defense since the Japanese were unsuccessful at claiming clay. After that there weren’t any major invasions of mainland China. The closest example of what a limited war with China would look like is the Korean War which they successfully pushed out the USA from North Korea.

>> No.14997003

>implying the US isn't more dependent on free market capital than China
China could roll back to a command economy and really get the war machine turning, they are communist after all.
The US would be too choked up on weak ass notions of private property and democratic representation to ever get into gear.

>> No.14997151

LOL WW2 an example of a successful Chinese defense? Meanwhile.. the Japs were testing on the Chinese with biological weapons like they were some kind of cockroach. What is UNIT 731? Can you really call it a success when your very own people are being tested on?

>> No.14997161

See this where I don’t agree, American are crazg

>> No.14997186

Ok here's the blackpill. None of these countries are going to repay their national debt. They're going to print more and more money to inflate away the debt or at least make it a manageable amount. This equates to a yearly tax on every person who holds that country's currency. They've been doing this for years and they're not going to stop.
Buy gold, buy BTC, buy tangible goods.

>> No.14997216

there will be a smokescreen anon, but you are correct.

>> No.14997406

War is messy anon. The Japanese managed to occupy the coastal areas of the mainland but ultimately could not hold the interior not wipe out KMT and PRC resistance. Ultimately the war of attrition tilted in China’s favour as the Japanese has stretched themselves too thin and had made enemies of too many people. In the end japan held none of the mainlands clay and were in turn occupied by the Americans. So yeah I’d say it’s a successful defense when you kick out the invaders.

>> No.14997467

The US defeated the japs not the Chinese. In fact the Chinese killed millions of their own flooding the yellow river in an unsuccessful attempt at stopping them.

>> No.14997486

good you will be the fuze that sets off hyperbitcoinization.

>> No.14997503

t. Chang

>> No.14997505


Why would it matter who defeated the Japanese? The issue is, did China successfully defend their territory from Japan? Historically we can see that japan holds none of China’s clay. Was the land defended? yes? Did China play a role in that defense? Yes. I mean we don’t have a time machine to go back and see what would happen if the USA did not involve themselves but that’s impossible. I don’t like to delve in hypothetical what if scenarios when it comes to history.

>> No.14997509

Keep telling yourselves this, kek.

>> No.14997682

This better be ironic.

>> No.14997770

Holy fuck, dude. You moved the goalpost to a different planet.

>> No.14997867

>China ever successfully defended themselves?

Read the thread chain retard.

>> No.14998563
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>> No.14998725
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cope harder

>> No.14998776
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based pizzaiolo
as a french citizen I assume we won't be able to pay that debt too, not because we don't want but because our african engineers are not paying any tax so we are soon going banqueroute

>> No.14998784

actually this is why China doesn't want peace between North Korea and America
And it's also the reason why it plays cosy with Russia.
Honestly I think America has too many foes to start a war like that, good thing is they won't start a war

>> No.14998804

FPBP and checked
Also the first poster is literally correct

>> No.14998901

The world is Americas bitch.
If you arent American youre literally an inferior species

>> No.14998909

chinese air force is pathetic. the us navy has a better air force than the them. air superiority wins wars

>> No.14998945

i keked

>> No.14999337

China is doing the same thing. They're dept has absolutely skyrocketed.

>> No.14999348

Germany has the absolute worst population pyramid out there. They're going to be ground into the dirt as boomer retire

>> No.14999396
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It's a little like asking why the strongest guy in the gym goes around lifting more than the rest.

That said Trump is a moron, and his reckless deregulation will probably lead to some new crisis before 2025

>> No.15000186

Why does everyone always act like its bad people around the world scramble to buy t-bills to stabilize their shitty currencies.
it's bad when that stops. When they stop buying is the problem. And we owe half of it all to our self anyways.

>> No.15000212

I don't think you comprehend how advanced the US military is compared to the rest of the entire world combined. Not to mention how highly trained our forces are.

>> No.15000638

>i don't think you comprehend how advanced the US military is compared to the rest of the entire world combined. Not to mention how highly trained our forces are.

>keeps fighting towel heads for the past 30 years

>> No.15000653

us army is a joke
except some special forces units it's total garbage
only low iq join armed forces nowadays
wake up

>> No.15000686

and you think China doesn't have special forces?
China is just a few steps down than the US military