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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14993558 No.14993558 [Reply] [Original]

What if at the end of this war, iExec and LINK partner up and both projects take over crypto and the computing world?
That would be a truly glorious timeline.

>> No.14993560

LINK marines don't even notice you turds. I didn't know french people can be this pathetic, but you're putting up new lows for your people AND for your shitcoin price.

>> No.14993571
File: 130 KB, 704x712, 10104040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINK marines don't even notice you turds
Yet you're in all of our threads.

>> No.14993582

Haha, is this how you say bend the knee in French?

>> No.14993612

See, every thread

>> No.14993624

This is a LINK board faggot
Come back with your white flag when you're ready

>> No.14993642

Chances are, if you post a thread on /biz/, at least one of the responding people will be a stinker. It just so happens that there's no iExec thread that doesn't mention LINK. Trying to ride the coattail doesn't work if it's this obvious.

>> No.14993655

i wish i had money to buy rlc
but i am in link and ren
sorry lads

>> No.14993716

> It just so happens that there's no iExec thread that doesn't mention LINK.
There have been plenty. It always starts with link pajeets spamming our threads and derailing them. Get fucked fag

>> No.14993724
File: 74 KB, 1199x780, D6odt6tUwAA4AYI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of franjeets

>> No.14993750

Never forget, the day rlc killed himself

>> No.14993770

Says a lot about you for caring about a chart. You got baited hard by the iExec team.

>> No.14993788

>pointing out obvious lies made up by pooexec team
>h-haha b-baited!

>> No.14993792

Sure fooled us
The French are known for being ingeniously cheeky pranksters

>> No.14993809

Retards like you would fall for such a bait. It's a bait to fud themselves so hard that retards like you don't buy any before it goes 1000x

>> No.14993836

the absolute state of rlc

>> No.14993847

It's known that Gilles would fud his own child to fund his tranny parties. Now be real with yourself. Would you buy Gilles' child if it made you a millionaire despite his tranny parties?
Tranny party == that fud chart

>> No.14994146

How is that a fud chart?
It clearly shows iExec RLC is superior.

>> No.14994173
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>Yet you're in all of our threads.
If you don't like it stop posting on our board, faggot.