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File: 442 KB, 1600x913, 6B3DB926-997C-4AFD-9047-EE0C1FDCE21A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14992082 No.14992082 [Reply] [Original]

>2020 Corvette
>0-60 in under 3 seconds
>mid engine bringing it to super car playing field
>established brand for over half a decade
>priced at about 60k for base model
Yup Trump truly made America great again. GM and Chevy is back baby!!!!

>> No.14992087

Ehh I rather get a Jeep and mod it out

>> No.14992089
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 097DA2EE-0060-471A-97A7-0B7DC03F6497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at dis thing, I’m actually gonna cash out 1/4 of my link stack to buy one when link goes to $4.5 again

>> No.14992095

Jeeps are patrician tier too ngl, the resale value on them is hard to beat, one of the few cars I’d buy brand new

>> No.14992307
File: 113 KB, 1252x1252, 1osws4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I’m actually gonna cash out 1/4 of my link stack to buy one
>when link goes to $4.5 again

>> No.14992317

Jeeps are one of the worst cars on the road wtf are you thinking?

>> No.14992326

>0-60 in under 3 seconds
only with z51 package which costs more

>priced at about 60k for base model
+minimum of $5,000 markup

I'm still buying one. Getting the z51 package of course.

>> No.14992337

They have horrible reliability and are the worst performer in crash tests in the US but Americans love them and are happy with them

>> No.14992340
File: 23 KB, 473x266, 66B43FAC-D698-46E2-ADBB-92DFC40453FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jeeps are one of the worst cars on the road


>> No.14992357

Ewwww wrangler or gtfo

>> No.14992387

nobody wants cars filled with pajeet-programmed chinese-built electronics that will malfunction and brick your car. some dingus bumps into your car in a parking lot and it's electronics are fucked and won't allow the car to start.

what people really want is a $10k 4-door reliable bare-bones shitbox that will get them around with decent gas mileage. the first car company that realizes this will rule the world

>> No.14992407
File: 38 KB, 800x450, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because smart cars are so popular in the united states
because small cars have such large profit margins

you know why they shifted all the production of sub compacts out of the united states? because they have no margins

mid size cars avg a profit of 2k per car. trucks are around 10k

sub compacts are probably 1k

yea lets get into an industry that requires a minimum of a billion dollars of capital to make cars with razor thin margins in an extremely regulated industry. incredible how stupid people like you even manage to use a pc to access this board

>> No.14992417

compacts are probably 1k
sub compacts are probably like 500

>> No.14992803

>buying a devaluating liability with a deflationary token...

Sorry anon.. you won't ever make it thinking like this.. get a loan on it and build credit.

>> No.14992839
File: 122 KB, 1040x585, amgmercer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get an AMG mercedes, The AMG CHAD V8 RWD GERMAN MUSCLE beats american virgin muscle any day.

>> No.14993045

>mid engine bringing it to super car playing field
A can't turn automotive maker will suddenly have success with a more unstable setup when done crudely and cheaply. Never mind not even being able to cool a front engined car, no hope of getting it right with a mid engined car.

They are out of their depth and the company will never recover.

P.s. 7:08

>> No.14993094

Imagine touching stocks when ETHplode exists.

>> No.14993124

You forgot chink tier build quality & reliability

>> No.14993164

they are made in Hungary btw Mercedes outsorced most of the production.

T. Hungarian

>> No.14993206

stop saying chink for fucks sake.

>> No.14993372

It seems like a great car, but they're just pushing the envelope of what a middle class sports car is. You'll be seeing thousands of these on the road, and your mid-engine supercar will be dime-a-dozen. Calling it now, 0-60 performance will experience a drastic inflation in the coming years, and materials, electronics, comfort and luxury will be the focal points. Not sure how this thing measures up on those vectors.

>> No.14993422

Redpill me on why I should buy this instead of this or an r35

>> No.14993432
File: 51 KB, 739x415, D6DC0219-DD77-4733-BBB7-BDDFF983B5E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on why I should buy a vette instead of this or an r35