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14991100 No.14991100 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14991104

I did and I bought a nice 50k stack of RLC to hedge oracles

>> No.14991138
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>> No.14991167

I wanna kill myself.


>> No.14991198

The amount of FUD getting posted is insane. Is this what ETH holders had to deal with?

>> No.14991270
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>Not dumping when linker in chief dumps
that's a yikes from me

>> No.14991281

Up 25x from ICO, complaining about free money. Nigga I had 150k at my ATH when link was $4 I now have 95k I'm not complaining I started this game with $1000. I either get to $1,000,000 with link (its only gotta get to $20) or I go to 0.

>> No.14991288

>you can literally make this for every single coin

>> No.14991294

You still have time to sell before this pulls a REQ and heads back down below 10 cents.

Link is the Request Network style cuckening of 2020.

Buy PNK.

>> No.14991305

I wouldn't quite say I am depressed, but this shit has for sure numbed myself and my emotions to anything. All i do throughout every day is pull up binance to check links price and charts, then i switch to this hell hole in search of some kind of good news or a small glimmer of hope that i can escape this shit cycle and life I put myself in. I'm a true believer, have all my link on a ledger and am holding to 0 or 1k+. (.40 average buy in) What's fucking worse is the only people I can talk to about it is you autistic fucks since I haven't told a soul about any of this. This is maybe my 3rd post since 0 fucking 9, so all I REALLY do is read..... read every single cancerous link thread and post since it was pretty much first mentioned here, day in and day out. Im surprised i havent worn a hole through my phone where the refresh button is from how many times I hit the fucker. This has become my life and I can't talk to anybody about it because you people are the only ones who know, and you all are just boxes of text, sometimes with funny pictures and hot thots. What may be the best/worst decision I have ever made and may ever make in my entire life came from a bunch of autistic fucks on a Taiwanese booger eating anonymous forum that I've been visiting since 2009. You all talked to each other in depth while I sat in the corner and just listened like an autistic weirdo. FUD will never work, I'm immune.

Am I the only one?

>> No.14991327
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>> No.14991353
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I know that feel bro. Sub 100 posts in a decade of lurking hours on end.

>> No.14991363

is this what happens when newfags get bullied too hard for "Reddit spacing"?

It's ok to use paragraphs just don't put every sentence in a new line

>> No.14991364

Damn you are a soldier anon. I used to be like you 10 years ago. Now I probably post at least 100 times a day across different boards, every single day. I bet there are days I've made close to 1000 posts. If 4chan had a post counter I would be over 100k easily. Anybody who has been here for more than a few years has probably had a dozen conversations with me. But I respect you anon. You are a lurk marine.

>> No.14991389

but anon
i didn't

but i did go into REN

>> No.14991396
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I'm glad you're here. I feel special that I got to read one of your rare posts. I might screenshot it, and put it in my frens folder with other posts that I like.

>> No.14991407

Two years of waiting

Two fucking years

Why didnt I pull the trigger at $4

>> No.14991456

rarer than the lottery

>> No.14991473

wait 2 more years and be sure to sell it at $3

>> No.14991523

I remember the fud when the hack happened which caused the fork

>> No.14991547

Its good to know im not the only one. Today will be the most posts i probably ever make.

No, i was literally sitting in the car typing that out on my phones memo pad. Im actually a phenomenal writer, just wasnt too concerned with that particular post.

Hopefully ill get this way someday. Today might be the first baby step.

Thanks. Lol i posted that long stupid shit in another thread because i desperately needed to talk to anybody about this, even though my 7/10 gf is literally sitting 2 feet away from me. Like i said, not a soul knows about this

>> No.14992385

Well, didn’t sell because it will go higher. This is obviously just the start. I didn’t hold for two years to sell at the first leg up.

Have some patience, hold and relax. Be happy that you are holding one of the few projects which is not a scam.

>> No.14992791

I did faggot. You were blabbering something about me getting a rope or sth.

>> No.14993877
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Stop whining and hold, this thread is pathetic,
this post >>14991138 is pathetic, good luck trying to TA link, it doesn't work, link doesn't behave like a regular alt price movement wise, in fact TA wise it should have dumped more by now but it hasnt, its holding, and if its holding steady why cant you?

>> No.14993886

That was scary though. LINK didn't have to deal with something like that yet. Scariest thing has been the selloffs probably.