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14990200 No.14990200 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you were multimillionaire(100+m)?

>> No.14990221
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buy a gf

>> No.14990233
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Buy property and live off the fat of the land...

>> No.14990246


Diversify it enough that even if shit hit the fan I would still be pulling in $1mil+ a year off interest. Then live like a NEET king

>> No.14990248

probably invest like 30% then mostly travel I guess, that amount of money literally set you free to really enjoy this world

>> No.14990251
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I would recreate the Mother Base of MGSV and recruit those with suicidal tendencies to become marytrs for the greater cause of fighting international Jewry. I'd also buy a cubic tonne of Blue Diamond brand dark chocolate almonds.

>> No.14990255

Did I earn it or win it?

>> No.14990260

that would cost billions, not millions.

>> No.14990266

probably donate it all and then kill myself because id have nothing to work towards and no purpose

>> No.14990267


>> No.14990271

> 10mil to my 401k
> 10mil to a roth IRA
> 30mil to a low cost index fund
> 5 mil to start a business
> The rest @ 2 chicks at the same time

>> No.14990289

For one I wouldn't browse 4chan anymore.

>> No.14990299
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Create a small sized game company (10-12 people) and hire truly talented people to work on projects they are excited about to save them from the misery of most desk jobs.

>> No.14990307

Belle delphines asshole. Hard. Then Danielle Bregoli once she's of age.

>> No.14990326


Get a family office to manage 70 million of it.

Personally manage 10 mil in an sp500 fund, 10 mil in a money market fund, and 5 mil in crypto/alternative investments.

Set 5 million in another money market fund for use on new homes for myself and immediate family, pay off debts, and constant travel.

>> No.14990374

Blow it on Coke and hookers


>> No.14990390


A cubic tonne of Blue Diamond brand dark chocolate almonds would only cost approximately 11,000 USD. If I leased suicidal death soldiers to the CIA, I could probably make decent enough returns to construct Mother Base. Man those almonds though. They form the most delicate, yet bowel exhausting loafs. They form-fill my large intenstine delivering an exact replica of the anal cavity. It makes me wonder if when one shits, does it come out like a chicken laying an egg or like squeezing a tube of toothpaste? I've wondered this since I was a child and I got my first popped vein in my eye from a large passing. Some things we may just take to the grave LIKE MY FUCKING LINKIES YOU JEW NIGGERS IM NEVER SELLING AND YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELVES THE GOD DAMN VALLEY IN PIPERS GAP PENNSYLVANIA WILL BE FINE THE LAND IS BEAUTIFUL AND I WILL DIE THERE AND MY LINKIES WILL BECOME MY CHILDRENS LINKIES AND THEY WILL STAY. STINKY. IN. COLD. STORAGE.

>> No.14990405

I would spend millions.
To make billions.

>> No.14990407
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Make anime

>> No.14990412
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>> No.14990432

take half for myself, buy few decent houses and one big secluded ranch, hire a few IG thots to keep me company when i want it
give the other half to charity

>> No.14990450

>Walk around looking like a total loser
>Someone takes pity on me and asks what I do for a living
>I say I do nothing because I'm a multimillionaire

>> No.14990451
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Be a NEET like I am right now, just without the parental harassment.

>> No.14990453

Bagholder cringe.

>> No.14990457

also this
>based togaburgerposter

every blonde IG thot i hire will be required to cosplay as toga

>> No.14990471
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Kill myself

>> No.14990478
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>> No.14990510

Two chicks at the same time.

>> No.14990555

Cool reaction image teenager. What Facebook group did you find this on the rename it with a 4chan looking filename?

>> No.14990560

>Buy citizenship into other countries likely a European country.
>Probably renounce US citizenship as they love taxing you even when you are living overseas and making money overseas
>"Land of the free" lol they sure indoctrinate children in public schools into believing the US is the best nation on the planet
>Split it evenly amongst my family. (if I renounce US citizenship they can't charge "gift tax")
>Buy a huge plot of land and have a simple home built maybe have a section to grow crop.
>Diversify the remaining money over several different currencies to avoid getting screwed over by a country collapsing.
>Put said money into savings account for each currency to the amount that it is protected.
>Majority of money gets put into safe investments wherein the interest/dividends give me more than enough money to live off.
>no wagecucking anymore so go out and about looking for good quality woman to ask out on a date without revealing my wealth (not difficult as I dress poor and even if I was rich my style would still be the same)
>donate money to Christian stuff and helping the poor

>> No.14990566

thats not how the activation of field spells work nerd!

>> No.14990593

>truly talented

Your heart is in the right place but you'll likely only save wagecucks who already have the potential to escape.

t. A guy who wants to make a game but is plagued by indecision and procrastination
t. A guy who has actually made a text based game
t. A guy whose not that good at making a 2D graphics included game but progress is there

Really hope I succeed at this, it's one idea of mine that shows promise to help me escape wagecuckery.

>> No.14990603
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Buy as many dogecoin as I could and cash out in 1-5 years after with enough money to buy Amazon and turn it into a gay dating site

>> No.14991555

Mega chad answer

>> No.14991581

Spend my days reading and writing books. Run some experiments to test hypotheses. Collect data. Go out on dates with interesting women.

>> No.14991600

holy shit 401k? thats probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard.

>> No.14991605

Need $100 billion min if you want to start effecting change.

>> No.14991610

She's gonna be pretty busted by then man, sorry to let you down

>> No.14991613
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is this the most brainlet post today? (including link threads?)

>> No.14991622

Buy a boat that can handle the weight of 100m in gold and myself, remove any sort of tracking, go out into the middle of the ocean and drown myself while sinking the ship.

>> No.14991626

based schizo

>> No.14991637

>What would you do if you were multimillionaire(100+m)?
my life wouldn't change at all, but i would no longer have any financial worries.

>> No.14991724

donate it to africans

>> No.14991790

1. Buy all my dreams cars. AMG mercedes coupe, Mustang GT500 and a Mclaren. It wouldn't even break 1 million.
2. Buy a house for around 500K which is a mansion where I live(Texas). Furnish it with a home gym, theater and gaming room.
3. Find the best looking prostitutes and arrange an orgy once a year at my house.

>> No.14992117

Checked and keked. Absolutely based and Titanic pilled

>> No.14992361

>casually mixes measurements of volume and weight
NOT gonna make it.

>> No.14993525

I'd spend it all trying to get Holocaust Denial on the curriculum of as many high-schools as possible

>> No.14993547

Buy land, bild a comfortable house for a 5 head family and make somekind of racetracks on my land. Like for karts or offroad.

>> No.14993557

How do you buy the boat if you still have 100m in gold?

>> No.14993569

Neet & incel recovery resort in SEA, all free with the condition guests attend the daily activities.

>> No.14993581

I'd fund the white nationalist movements, make a big broadcasting network.

>> No.14993599

Buy an island, build basic infrastructure, bring people, declare independence, make my own laws, ban Age of Consent laws in perpetuity.

>> No.14993600

/pol/ would inevitably call your network a controlled op CIA shill

>> No.14993722

Probably, kek.

>> No.14993731

Hey Jeffrey! How goes?

>> No.14993735
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real estate
>appartment in NYC or London
>Chateau in Europe (I love france but I hate the french, probably somewhere else)
>Vacation house in Thailand or a SEA country where I have easy access to drugs and nice beaches to flex these guns. Alternative is in Coastal Italy, Firenze is cool, but Napoli is nicer
Ideally, I would generate income from each property

No point in detailing a dream but I'd go for the safest /biz/ has recommended and a 30-40% on crypto.

I would persuade "vanity" projects, like opening a /fit/-tier gym, or gyms, despite having a homegym just bc I want ppl to make it. Proven /fit/izens get free membership 4life.
It will never happen but I thought I should share it with you lads

>> No.14993771
File: 226 KB, 800x631, Kill Self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would create the world's most expensive and elaborate suicide method. I'm thinking something along the lines of a large Rube Goldberg machine out in a public place, like Central Park, that ends with a gun blowing my brains out.

>> No.14993772

>t. A guy who wants to make a game but is plagued by indecision and procrastination
>Really hope I succeed at this, it's one idea of mine that shows promise to help me escape wagecuckery.
Get off your ass and finish that project.

t. someone who's mobile game went viral, and I now earn $5k monthly from it passively (after 3 years from release... In the first year there were months that went as high as $25-30k per month)

It took me like over 25 mobile apps released over almost a decade before one got traction. Before that it was like $100 income on a good month.

Every business attempt (e.g. app released) is like a lottery ticket. Can't win if you don't play, and you get higher chances of winning the more you have.

Success is a numbers game, so you NEED to start cranking those numbers, and not procrastinating over the FIRST COUNT.

>> No.14993778

that's a great thing honestly i would do the same
also the fake Anna Frank dieries i would expose that shit 1st

>> No.14993835

Start a recording or a movie production studio, Tons of young beautiful girls that try to make it, will beg for my dick.

>> No.14993881


>> No.14993902

Buy out Trust Verse and take it private.

>> No.14993981

Manipulate some crypto markets to make it to a billion.

>> No.14994000


>> No.14994302

Kidnapped in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.14994403

>once she's of age.
Never gonna make it

>> No.14994431


Sounds like an affirmative action lawsuit in the making

>> No.14994438

Probably start streaming on twitch

>> No.14994442

Clueless NEET answer

>> No.14994444

Invest half, stop working, live confortably

>> No.14994449

I’d get a car a house a wife and pump some beautiful white babies onto this earth
Also, i’d make me a beautiful music recording/producing studio

>> No.14994450

I want an island to exile on like the Roman emperors. I'd have the most quality drinks and the prettiest girls. Shit, I do sound like Epstein, dont I?

>> No.14994487

Id buy apartment. Go on asshole mode at work. Do my pilots license.
Buy airplane and shuttle Sergey through the Bahamas.

>> No.14994505

Buy the supply of BRAP, hire competent devs, and turn it into the next BTC to make myself lodsamone

>> No.14994543


I’ll do this

>> No.14994570

- buy 4Chan.org
- redirect to https://reddit.com/r/feminism

Just because I can

>> No.14994593

I would use all I have to buy into AnkerPay and wait for the African content to explode like china did.

>> No.14994729

spread my white seed all over the globe

>> No.14994794
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>giving kids genes to suffer from sunburn
ur anti eugenic kys. and yes black caucasoids exist. find one

>> No.14994887

Buy a 20 acre farm on an island that has about 100 people, then try and be self-sustainable as possible; solar farm, greenhouse, swimming pool, fruit orchard, fishing boat, the works. That all will cost about 10 million plus another 20 million for emergencies, family, etc, so the rest I will blow partying/travelling/doing stupid shit while safe in the knowledge that I have a backup plan.

>> No.14994897

i would likely kill myself

>> No.14994911


>> No.14995114

Spend a meagre portion of it on that Indimm app on XRP, or whatever equivalent exploit would be around, to cripple Ripple. 100k$ can do it right now using Indimm but people are stingy/unaware.
I'll buy a shitton of XRP OTC or through the dev release or whatever and then spend it on such an app, possibly for uploading unsavoury content on the network to get it the unwarranted media attention it deserves. Once the network is destroyed, I'd invite the riptards over to my private island for consolation, during which I'd woo Mommy Tiff and get her drunk until she gives in and allows me to plow her in front of all her riptards fanbase. I'd insist that they let go of their inhibitions and give into their true nature, that of being cuckolds. Once the party is over, I'd send them all back (not sure about Mommy) in a plane whose whereabouts after that point will become a mystery to the general public.

I'll spend the rest on putting hits out on faggot Tik Tok/IG influencers.

>> No.14995149

I only need a few Ms

>> No.14995152
File: 75 KB, 800x600, home1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy this

>> No.14995156

You'd still come back. Once you're here, you're here for life.

>> No.14995168

Buy a House, use the rest to make films and video games.

>> No.14995514

Gain influence to create deals for Ninty and force gameplay changes for Fire Emblem Heroes. Open a game studio to remake DKC2 and maybe other games I'm passionate about. Create cheap doujin erogames. Help out my hometown by being an open investment and regularly run townhall meetings as to where to throw money at. Travel the world. Climb mountains. NEET it up.

>> No.14995688

You can't put millions in those accounts. They have yearly limits. Like a 401k is 20k a year.

>> No.14995790

lose it all on bad investments in just a few years and then kill myself

>> No.14996336

based and redpilled

>> No.14996360

close to my strat
ill set up my family, then go live a hermit's life
if that does not give me some peace, i will end it

>> No.14996484

Travel around the world and become an international gentleman thief. I want to be Lupin. With that money I could plan heists and find a Jigen and Goemon to join me too.

>> No.14996680

Fvck yellow bitches

>> No.14996704 [DELETED] 
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I'd smash every escort under the sun.

>> No.14996756
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I have a list of books I want to start reading so I can be like that silver anon who broke the news to us about why banks are stocking up on silver. I also want to read up on Tesla's works to really understand physics since I have the degree but I don't at all have the mastery of it.

>> No.14997519

Airbnb the most expensive house/apartment in a new location every 2 months. Alternate between cities and relatively rural locations. In the cities I party like a billionaire rapper coke fiend. In the rural areas I decompress and do all the outdoor nature things I want (rock climbing, riding dirtbikes, hunting, hiking, fishing). Travel the entire world in this way. Europe and Northern US in the summers, South Asia, Africa, South America in the wintets

>> No.14997604

Probably binge on high class whores and indulge in expensive food and booze.

Then once it got boring id start working on my underground bunker thats over my mansion.

Then once thats done id be back to shitposting and prob banging whores again.

>> No.14997623

checked. I'd trade shitcoins and get to 300m then cash out 100m and travel the world buying land and trading the other 200m in shitcoins

>> No.14997650

Based, but you will probably die in 1-2years due to multiple risks

>> No.14997683

>granted 100m
>gave it to the juice anyway
dont reproduce

>> No.14997712

By risks do you mean like too much coke, or getting kidnapped and murdered in a 3rd world shithole? There's ways to mitigate both.

In reality I'd probably spend most time in the US and Europe as even now that's what I'm most familiar with.

>> No.14997821

Dude, you've got 100m
You need to kill yourself in such a way that you go down in history as the most epic suicide ever.

>> No.14997958

I'd travel the world, consider getting out of America, and find something I'd truly love to do with my life.

>> No.14997983

Re-distribute the wealth to competent and strong-willed innovators and fresh minds with intent to produce results that enhance every aspect of existence.

>> No.14998017

also dox and troll-trace everyone on the internet and reveal their histories and chat logs ( would involve partnering with facebook and google who have those already and made multiple backups including some stored on the moon and on satellites ((yes i know))