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14985443 No.14985443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would LSD give me secrets insights in earning money?

Would 200ug of 1p-LSD be good start?

>> No.14985464

>taking chemicals to force your brain to malfunction

>> No.14985465

you need at least double that

>> No.14985509

yes but not short term results

also you have to do it right

>> No.14985544
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>Brainlet thinking that our bodies and brain are not just bunch of chemicals and that we can improve performance by selectively stimulating specific parts with certain chemicals using modern technology.

Sorry you are never going to make it.
I know you only take supplements that is approved by (((government))) goy, don't ever try something that will make you red pilled

>> No.14985562

if you're prone to mental illness / psychosis don't do it

>> No.14985584

you will have visions of a fat russian if you take lsd

>> No.14985591
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>Would LSD give me secrets insights in earning money?
yes. More than you would think. Earning will be important.

It has been different than anything I have known before. Also, LSD can not harm you physically, which is important. Definitely stay away from uppers like Speed and Amphetamine and stick with safe psychedelics.

>Would 200ug of 1p-LSD be good start?
Should be the upper boundary. Better start with 140-170ug. Basically more than 100, less than 200.

>> No.14985596

Mental illness and psychosis is a scam. It's just there to label people who see the truth

>> No.14985610
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I tried it once don't know what was the dose but took 1 and half tab....

Was fun trip,... now I know dosage I would take it...
Can anyone suggest me settings to take it, things to do for optimal experience?

Whats with these LINK retards, haven't seen so much spam about trump as this retard Fat Ni*ger Slav with his bullshit meme

>> No.14985629

if you would wish the hard-won insight that all materialism is pointless, and the pursuit of fiat gain the most pointless pastime of all - then, sure. But I've just gave you that anyway, for free

>> No.14985631

>LINK retards
Spotted the idiot, delete thread

>> No.14985701

Unironically yes

>> No.14985714

Lsd is not this limitless pill that people pray but yes it makes you smarter, great for trading and such but in small quantities

>> No.14985740

Three possible things:
1. Take it alone and watch movies.
It's very simple and extremely rewarding when you watch a good complex movie or something mildly psychedelic. Something like dead poets society for the serious and LoTR animated for the psychedelic movie.
2. Go explore outside but only if you can be in a forest/large park with few people.
3. Do it with friends who will want to do the same thing as you. I did LSD with my friends and they wanted to go to McDs and I got a bad trip feeling similar to the actual bad trip I had. Mcdonalds has awful vibrations in it and the people are quite annoying.

>> No.14985827

You'll find that money should be your last concern. Everyone is just running around putting prices on things. So hopefully you'll find some things you are good at. I love writing jokes on acid.
Try new music genres/artists
>If you're going to kill yourself, be happy about it
Welcome to the jungle

>> No.14985835

heard of moon3d? 10x or 100x your crypto. ez money

>> No.14985844

why the thot anon? i was going to explain to you how to gain insight, but i'm hard now and gotta fap, so you're on your own

>> No.14985861

also how many linkies for a thot like pic?
ps: do 1200mg of dxm and you'll see why decentralized oracles are the future and how memetics are the higher form of intelligence

>> No.14985863

>sweet Vishnu
Sorry sirs, I'm just here to sniff

>> No.14985917
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Likely he won't know before.

If you use LSD often then be aware of the nihilism cliff and stop exploring psychedelics when you reach it. Also, there are the issues that the Ego (the real thinking you you) within your brain becomes self-aware of the limiting physical hardware of our bodies and the cruel instinctive rails that influence and shade our thinking and behavior. For a brief moment in time, you will be able to actually think freely and it can be very depressive to go back down (and even drive people mad).

Think of it like everything you have ever known came form a heavily censored North Korean internet terminal with hardware from 2001 but suddenly for 10 hours they let you access the real internet with a multiscreen setup and newest hardware known to man.

>> No.14985939

That looks like a deployed location

>> No.14985940



>> No.14985966

fucking brutal

microdosing might offer some advantages if you're plainly obsessed with making more money

>> No.14985983


>> No.14986021

And you're naked

>> No.14986037

This, it'll work but only in the long term

>> No.14986043

Yes but only if you snort it

>> No.14986141
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Nobody is going to play your blatantly rigged pajeet clone. Btfo

>> No.14986197

You still get to that point microdosing. All those fags who write 'side-effect free' reviews of their microdose experiments either lie about the extent of their trial, are in denial/lack self awareness, or are 105ers who have hard upper limits on their consciousness.
I hit the nihilism cliff in less than two months on a 3 day schedule, taking mostly sub-acute doses (~12.5 mics).
Few people talk about how it leads to lasting changes in sensitization and interpretation of certain stimuli and signs. It can be positive, but a lot of people only cope themselves into saying it is.

>> No.14986200

I bought my first DUSK after discussing the project with Emanuele high as balls on a 150mg dose of LSD.