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14980678 No.14980678 [Reply] [Original]

I've worked out why most normies are so poor.

I have been living with one for a while and they do this thing where they meet with other normies and just sit there together doing basically nothing.

They do this for probably 40 - 95% of their waking lives, instead of working on projects, looking at charts, trading, research etc.

NEVER feel sorry for them, they've brought it on themselves.

>> No.14980923

You forgot that they do this usually at a bar where the drinks cost x5 what they would from a store. Socializing isn’t necessarily a bad thing and a lot of NEETs take anti social behavior to an extreme and pretend it’s something to be proud of as a cope. Like everything find a balance between the two. Being a broke wage cuck that parties too much is a waste but so is being a shut in unless you are genuinely working on something that will impact multiple peoples lives in a positive matter.